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Posts posted by johng

  1. Try these.

    *** สำหรับผู้ใช้บริการในเขตนครหลวงที่ทุกๆความเร็ว

    Primary DNS คือ

    Secondary DNS คือ

    SMTP คือ smtp.pacific.net.th

    *** สำหรับผู้ใช้บริการในเขตภูมิภาคที่ความเร็ว Speed 256/128 กับ 512/256 kbps

    Primary DNS คือ

    Secondary DNS คือ

    SMTP คือ totadsl.th.com

    *** สำหรับผู้ใช้บริการในเขตภูมิภาคที่ความเร็ว Speed 1024/256 kbps

    Primary DNS คือ

    Secondary DNS คือ

    SMTP คือ

    Also you can try changing the SMTPPort fron the standard port 25 to port 587 I had trouble a couple of weeks ago my ISP just suddenly started blocking port 25.

    You can test conectivity by opening an MS-Dos promt

    and for example issuing this command

    telnet totadsl.th.com 25 (enter)

    if succesful you will see an anwer something like this

    220 mailtest.ksc.co.th ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.1/8.13.1; Mon, 28 Mar 2005 17:53:51 +


    if not try another port

    telnet totadsl.th.com 587 (enter) or try another server untill you get a welcome message.

    Then all you have to do is set up your email client. :o

  2. konangrit:

    That bit of rain we had today knocked the power out for a couple of seconds, shortly after that the internet went down too ! it allways does when it rains here in Pattaya :o

    Have you tried Ji-Net yet ? they where quite reliable for me when I had dialup.

  3. 1222 is permanently engaged

    Would that be the free internet number by any chance ?

    The most likely reason it's allways engaged is because they don't have enough modems to cope with the amount of customers.

  4. Big Spuds : Yes it's possible to use a $ky reciever to view the Thai TV Global Network (one channel mostly output from channel 5. I did't try the Dhammas channel because it's not very intresting to me.)

    However, it's not very convenient to use a $ky box because the Thai channels are on a different satellite. So you could get another dish and use a switch to switch between the two or buy another LNB to attach to your existing dish and some sort of switch to switch between the LNB's. what you choose depends on the size of your existing dish.

    The $ky reciever's are intentionly cripled in an attempt to stop anyone viewing channels that are not $ky's. And if you're switched to another satellite for a while you might miss an update for your $ky smartcard.

    It just so happens that Thai TV Global Network broadcast with parameters that are compatible with the cripled $ky box.

    If if you invest in LNB etc and they change anything in the future you might not be able watch anymore.

    So the best solution is...(in my dreams) throw out the $ky box and it's expensive subscription and buy a DM7000 info here. Dreambox

    Connect the "Dreambox" up to a 1.5 meter motorised dish and to the internet via it's ethernet socket then you will be able to view a very large number of channels for free.

  5. I hope it's ok to post this here.

    Couldn't see any mention of it in the news clipping section.

    BANGKOK : At least 14 people including 10 security forces were wounded in two near simultaneous bomb blasts in southern Thailand, rocked by an Islamic separatist insurgency.

    The first bomb was detonated at 9:23 am Sunday (0223 GMT) at a park pavilion in the capital of Yala province shortly after policemen searched a group of four young men. The explosion injured seven policemen and the four men, police said.

    Seven minutes later in neighbouring Narathiwat province, a bomb exploded outside an army checkpoint in Cho-ai Rong district, wounding three soldiers, including one seriously.

    "The bomb was an attack on officials as the area is one where the military gather for work," a police officer told AFP.

    At least 630 people have been killed in the predominantly Buddhist kingdom's Muslim-majority south since January 2004 in what authorities have described as a separatist insurgency.

    - AFP

  6. Yes the car is a very crappy Ford laser ! a rather apt name as it likes going in a straight line but not around corners :o

    My girlfriend made a sticker for the back window, it said in Thai.

    "if you are thinking about stealing this car you better have enough money to fix it first ! "

    So if the parking fee at the airport is 250 baht per day 60x250=15,000 baht for two months that's more than the car's worth (well almost)

  7. Undercover work as a TPV?

    No absolutely not :o

    I was on the way to BaliHai pier to listen to/watch some music.

    A group of motorcycle taxi's on the corner saw I had a camera and sugested I take a snap... for when she (I'm told she's a she) awakened from her beauty sleep.

  8. In some area's in Pattaya you can get the Hinet service from TT&T. 2mbps top speed, but high contention ratio so will slow down a lot during peak times... Think it is 999 Baht/month

    I'm using the Hi-net service and it's settled down now to be quite reliable.. speed is ok too. There are problems with file sharing and some voice over IP applications

    (Skype works fine) but for email and surfing the web it's fine.

    Last time I asked in Carefour they said they don't offer the Hi-net service anymore !!

    However if you have a look here http://www.tttbroadband.com/eform1.php

    There it is first offering CAT ชุด Hi-Net ราคา 999 บาท (+ VAT) :o

  9. For Linux you can use almost any "standalone" external 56k modem ...that is one that is in it's own box, with it's own power supply and connects to your computer via the serial cable. You can find them very very cheaply now that everyone is changing to ADSL.

  10. He can also goto the TT&T office in Carefour (second floor) the girls there are quite helpfull if you go at a time they aren't rushed of thier feet ! (sometimes not very knowledgeable) but they will tell him all the options for internet via a TT&T line. Really he should have applied for the ADSL at the same time as the phone line.

    Don't think there is a cable modem option in Pattaya at all judging by the amateurish Sophon cable TV.

    ADSL modems are available in Tukcom for about 1600baht

    Before he connects to the internet he should install (or turn on Win XP) a firewall

  11. A couple of days ago I ruined my Epson 830 :o by messing around with the print head.

    So today I went Tukcom in Pattaya to look for a new printer...they don't seem to have a very good selection but in the end I bought a Canon IP4000 as it's had good reviews.. 7000 baht OK it's not the cheapest , but cheap isn't always cheap in the end.

  12. Sorry, I don't know how much they charge to park your car at Bangkok airport.

    Recently left mine in a petrol station near the airport for 2 months !!

    On my return the owner of the petrol station had towed the car away.He thought it might be a bomb as one would ha ha it's a wreck of a car.

    Cost me 2,000 baht to get it back ... he said if I had parked it on the other side of the forecourt that would have been no problem :-)

    Next time I'll be getting a Taxi ... driving in Bangkok is a nightmare.

  13. useless for small network as it had been asked

    Francois was the above a typo ? I hope it was or poeple here might get the idea that IPCop is useless.

    I have been using IPCop since it branched from Smoothwall, and although my Linux skills are useless, Ipcop has certainly been very usefull for me.

    The best things about it are that it takes an old pentium low spec computer and turns it into a firewall/router internet gateway,DNS server,Web proxy/cache, NTP time server etc very easyly. (use new hispec hardware if you want)

    If you run into problems there are many support groups that offer quick and free support. If you don't like something about the way IPCop works you can change it. There are many addons that enhance it's features. http://firewalladdons.sourceforge.net/index.html (hope the mod is ok with that :o )

  14. Maybe you could try changing the encoding in your browser setup from Thai to Western European, it should autoselect but seems to get confused sometimes.

    For internet Explorer its View -->Encoding --->Thai or Western European.

  15. Can't see anything about money at all !

    It says you can put the sender name in English only upto 9 characters

    the message can be 135 characters (English) one Thai character = three English.

    You can send to AIS and DTAC contract numbers with about 70 percent success Dprompt and One2call 5 percent success

    Orange 0 percent

    Then it says we won't keep your details.

    Ah ha now it says บริการฟรี! ทั้งผู้รับและผู้ส่ง free service for sender and receiver..

    That's enough isn't it ??? :o

  16. I used Skype today to call England and Sweden PC to PC and used the Skype out PC to landline with no problems I'm using TT&T / Hi-Net.

    Also a friend called England today using Skype PC -PC

    TT&T/Ji-Net 256k and it was fine.

    We are both in Pattaya.

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