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Posts posted by johng

  1. I used to be a regular SCT poster at the time LG was a posting

    I was an avid reader and lurker ( not poster )

    at that time too, fun wasn't it ??

    Last time I looked at SCT ( long time ago now ) it seemed to have

    degenerated into one large flame war :o

  2. The road builders are in cahoots with the shock absorber industry !!!

    Hence everyone has to change their shocks every 2 months.

    Special care is required when aproaching bridges !!!!

    Why can't they make a smooth transition from road to bridge and vice versa ?????

    :o Amazing Thailand indeed.

  3. there is no longer the option to send an html email

    Well then send it as an attachment, it works !!!!!! I tried it myself just now from Gmail to Yahoo and Yahoo to Yahoo.

    Do you have a yahoo.com email address or one of the regionalised Yahoo.co.???

    address's ? maybe it's something to do with that... no one else here seems to be having your trouble. :o


  4. They could make great fuel savings just by educating drivers that it's not necassary to rush and fill any available gap !!!! also it's not necassary to go full throttle at a red light thinking it will change to green by the tme you reach it.... only to find it doesn't change to green in time and hence having to slam on the brakes !!!!

  5. Yes !! put it all in her name :D

    You would be in big trouble if you where caught working (without work permit)

    at the very least it would be a big contribution to the police charity :D

    At worst locked up for a while then deported and declared person non grata never to return to Thailand again :D:o

    Think about it are you willing to take that risk ? if you are be very very carefull and watch your back at all times.

    Maybe it's just best to let her do all the work an for you to :D:D

  6. nope, sends as plain text. i have tried with yahoo, gmail, and outlook now, and done some research, and it seems none of them allow the sending of rich text/HTML emails any longer....

    How strange... I got one today in my Yahoo inbox

    The HTML graphics in this message have been blocked. [show HTML Graphics - Edit Preferences]

    If they are blocking the sending of HTML in preference of plain text...then I think it's a good idea.

    Just to cut down on all the rubish that gets sent , it would all be faster in plain old TXT

    However I'm quite sure that they are not blocking HTML,if they did then no one would be able to read their email via webmail...maybe I'm misunderstanding something ????

    Can you point me to the reserch you did, that leads you to believe thay have blocked HTML ?

  7. I switched to using the alum crystal soon after moving to Thailand.

    It works much better than roll on or spray deodorant it's a heck of a lot cheaper too,but you can't use it to mask smell like some poeple try with roll on or sprays.

    as it has no inherent smell.

    Where did you read about it being dangerous ???

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