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Everything posted by johng

  1. Or me of yours yee haa đŸ¤ 
  2. A lot of shops selling inflatable toys where also open on Pattaya and Jomtien beach roads even when the beaches where "closed"
  3. Ha ha ha that is very non politicly correct !!!
  4. @Bkk Brian Who's casualty figures do you believe to be the most accurate Hamas Palestinian Health authourity UN IDF Some one else ????
  5. Well then why not just tell me which figures you believe ? like pulling teeth but as you just said you do not believe Hamas figures, Palestinian health authority figures ? UN figures ? IDF figures ?????? and again I am not trolling just asking you a simple question who's figures do you think are the most believable/accurate ? I ask you on the other thread too reply to either here or there.
  6. Are you scared to tell me who's figures you believe ?...I am not trolling here just asking a simple question.
  7. So you believe the UN ? https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/13/middleeast/death-toll-gaza-fatalities-un-intl-latam/index.html UN says total number of deaths in Gaza remains unchanged after controversy over revised data The United Nations on Monday clarified that the overall number of fatalities in Gaza tallied by the Ministry of Health in Gaza remains unchanged, at more than 35,000, since the war broke out between Israel and Hamas on October 7.
  8. If I was you I would already know who's figures you believe are the most accurate but for some reason you won't tell me who's figures you believe ??
  9. If you want to be really really sure just take the hard drive out and use it for something else or (not very environmentally friendly) smash it with a hammer
  10. I refer back to my previous post about this former CNN anchor https://www.yahoo.com/news/chris-cuomo-makes-ivermectin-face-210453781.html Chris Cuomo Makes Ivermectin About-Face After Denouncing Its Use for COVID: ‘I Am Now Taking a Regular Dose’
  11. The fact you do not realise/acknowledge what actually happened over the last 4 years says it all.
  12. Didn't I post this before ??? He was a poster boy for pushing vaccines and shaming popple who didn't want them or wanted to use alternatives..but has now very much changed his tune.
  13. I should correct myself and say that the Palestinian authority ( not Hamas) casualty figures have been mostly accurate in the past if anything they have underestimated the figures as many of the dead are buried under rubble or unmarked graves.
  14. You could give it to me and I'll recycle it as a Linuxserver or Home assistant dashboard or maybe just a huge digital clock with weather and breaking news scrolling along the bottom. It won't go in the trash until its well and truly trashed đŸ˜‹
  15. I was accused of stalking...emoji stalking !! ??
  16. I have suggested that in the past guess what ....
  17. The rules are open to interpretion (at the whim of a mod) A private message would do, no need to clutter the ongoing thread with individual notices of removal. Just a courtesy to the poeple that provide content to the forum and keep it going.
  18. Yes agree 100% happened to me many times...it should be common courtesy to inform the poster directly that thier post has been deleted or modified...after all the poeple posting here are the content makers...without posters there is no content and eventually no forum.
  19. Why the heck would someone want to submit to precog scanning of their "pre crime"
  20. The Hamas numbers for casulties have proven to be quite acurate in the past. Do you think the number of Palestinian deaths is less than or more than Israeli deaths ? I rounded both numbers DOWN for simplicity.
  21. notice the word "if" Forced displacement of millions...to leave their own land is called what ? Egypt probably wants the Palestinians to stay on their land and have no part in the Israeli "forced displacment"
  22. It's more than 30,000 too I used rounded down figures for simplicity.
  23. The moderator hides the post they can also edit the post or totaly delete the post. The person doing the posting can also ask a moderator to edit,delete or hide a post.
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