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Everything posted by johng

  1. There are old riders and bold riders but no old bold riders.
  2. A lot of the time the traffic is not going much faster than that due to the horrible congestion...I do agree that some cyclist seem to think that they have a right to take up as much road space as they can and this could aggravate some drivers. (slow vehicles should stick to the left hand side of the road) however this doesn't excuse the actions of the bus driver in this incident.
  3. Well it could also be said when will Thais learn....how to drive "properly" but that might be construed as a bit racist ?
  4. Maybe Watch "The Naked Gun" instead.
  5. I guess the photos of the thousands of shot, burned and blown to pieces by 2000 lbs bombs is not enough for some either. Joe Biden said he saw photos of the decapitated babies but his press handlers had to quickly roll back that claim.
  6. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_of_Russia The Russian Federation, commonly known as Russia, is the most extensive country in the world, covering 17,075,400 square kilometres (6,592,800 sq mi), more than an eighth of the Earth's land area.[1] Russia is a transcontinental country extending across the whole of northern Asia and 40% of Europe; it spans 11 time zones and incorporates a great range of environments and landforms. With 143 million people, Russia is the ninth most populated country. Russia has the world's largest mineral and energy resources, has the world's largest forest reserves, and its lakes contain approximately one-quarter of the Earth's fresh liquid water.
  7. No sleazy of you not to admit your "mistake"
  8. Yes please do look at the map https://geology.com/world/europe-satellite-image.shtml The Largest Country: Russia Russia is the largest and most populous country in the continent, covering 39% of the land area in the Europe continent. Russia is also the largest country in the world. Next .....
  9. Nor the photos of the decapitated babies.
  10. Google is no ones friend, well unless you happen to be a 3 letter agency !
  11. The police certainly brought guns...did they ever find out who brought the pipe bombs ???
  12. No not really as witnessed by the yearly burning of half the countrside and resultant "deadly" PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter smog. It in no way helps that the government or local authorities don't organise regular rubbish collection in many areas of the country...there seems to be no "official" places that citizens can go and dump their building rubble,left over oil, old batteries,fluorescent tubes, e-waste,furniture,fridges etc etc...just leave it by the side of the road and whatever has some value will be scavenged by the silent army of rubbish pickers...the rest goes up in smoke to add to the smog.
  13. If Ukraine is Europe then Shirley Russia is too ? and both soon will be welcomed with open arms into the European Union and NATO 😋
  14. I had mine done a few months back what they did was fully dissemble the aircon taking the whole compressor unit on the outside and the evaporator unit on the inside down from the wall and jet washing all the accumulated gunk that can't be got to whilst stuck on the wall and there was a surprising amount of gunk.. Also to my surprise the aircon technician managed to do this total disassembly/reassemble without loosing any refrigerant somehow managing to trap it all in the compressor unit...they remade the copper flange connectors bolted it all up opened the valves and it all worked. I don't know how or if they pulled a vacuum in the system as I was distracted by my lovely cold beer ! P.S yes it worth doing and not really expensive if they do as I describe above.
  15. As far as I understand things tunnelvision and tunnelcrack are very similar except for the option 121 bit in tunnelvision ? they achieve the same goal by abusing the routing table and tricking the VPN client into sending information outside of the VPN tunnel. https://www.tunnelvisionbug.com/ "Recently, a technique known as TunnelCrack allowed attackers to leak data from a VPN. Simultaneously, we have been working on a more general technique we call “TunnelVision.” TunnelVision leaks VPN traffic more simply and powerfully. We have demonstrated an attacker can leak all traffic just by being on the same local network as a VPN user. From the user’s perspective, they appear as if they are connected to the VPN." The main difference seems to be. "However, neither technique described in TunnelCrack leveraged DHCP option 121 to push routes. Pushing routes through DHCP has a significantly higher impact from the same attacker vantage point (the ability to hand out IP leases for a non-RFC1918 range or spoofing DNS replies)." I put "backdoor" in quotes, as you correctly point out it's not a backdoor as such just has the same very bad results.
  16. Remember this guy on CNN ? https://www.yahoo.com/news/chris-cuomo-makes-ivermectin-face-210453781.html Chris Cuomo’s stance on Ivermectin as a theraputic drug for COVID-19 has done a complete 180, as the news anchor who once said on CNN that anyone promoting it should be “shamed” now says he’s “taking a regular dose” to deal with his own struggles with long-term effects of an infection. “Everyone’s going to say ‘Joe Rogan was right,'” Cuomo continued. “No, Joe Rogan was saying – yeah, he was right – that’s not what matters. What matters is, the entire medical community knew that Ivermectin couldn’t hurt you. They knew it … I know they knew it. How do I know? Because now I’m doing nothing but talking to these clinicians, who at the time were overwhelmed by COVID, and they weren’t saying anything!” When Cuomo was still a CNN anchor, he and colleague Don Lemon ridiculed its use after Rogan’s disclosure:
  17. The best explanation I've read so far. https://tunnelcrack.mathyvanhoef.com/details.html very interesting that this "backdoor" has been around since the very beginning of VPN's in 1996 and "The attacks can also be carried out by a malicious ISP or compromised core Internet router." How very useful for all those 3 letter agencies !!!
  18. Remember this !! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11687675/Army-spied-lockdown-critics-Sceptics-including-Peter-Hitchens-suspected-watched.html Military operatives in the UK's 'information warfare' brigade were part of a sinister operation that targeted politicians and high-profile journalists who raised doubts about the official pandemic response.
  19. Here is what the US really thinks about the ICC (more blatant hypocrisy) https://www.yahoo.com/news/republican-senators-threaten-icc-israel-203616551.html In a letter to ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan on April 24, 12 Republican senators, including Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, and Tim Scott, warned that if an arrest warrant was issued for any Israeli leaders, “We will interpret this not only as a threat to Israel’s sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States,” according to a report from Zeteo. “Target Israel and we will target you,” the letter from April 24 added, noting that the senators would sanction the court’s employees and associates, “and bar you and your families from the United States.” “You have been warned,” the letter concluded.
  20. please explain what was silly about my comment ? your comments are not subtle they are AES 256 bit encrypted What door did I open why did you walk in where does a sense of humour come into it ?
  21. Ivermectin anyone ?? oh wait yo'all not a horse !!!
  22. I can and do deny that the total overreaction and totalitarian measures imposed saved life in reality they most likely cost more life...they certainly caused untold economic misery, disrupted worldwide trade, caused huge inflation,cost kids years of schooling lead to a huge increase in mental and physical diseases...ruined the (last remaining) trust a large portion of people had in so called "trusted" institutions and ushered in even more censorship and surveillance.
  23. They shut the beaches and arrested people here in Thailand too.
  24. Why do Jews need theire own state ? no other religion require their own state and if the Jews "need" their own state they should not be stealing it from someone else.
  25. I think there should be a yearly Covid rememberance week...lest we forget all the atrocities commited and ongoing from the disaster.
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