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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. I think I have finally found the link: https://www.doe.go.th/prd/assets/upload/files/alien_en/2bf65c018f67113a959f9e83dd9f697e.pdf I got to that PDF file by clicking on the line WP. 25... on the web page https://www.doe.go.th/prd/alien/downloads/param/site/152/cat/14/sub/0/pull/category/view/list-label
  2. I found it again, the Department of Employment's list of requirements for the work permit application. I downloaded it many years ago and saved it in the cloud. WP.1 Work permit application - requirements.pdf I still would like to get the current link to this list on their website but can't find it. Their website is different from the way I remember it. Help!!!
  3. As I just mentioned in another post, I am desperately looking for this list of requirements on the website of the Ministry of Labour, respectively the Ministry's Department of Employment, but cannot find. I would greatly appreciate it if you asked your admin if she can give you the link to the apposite web page.
  4. Thank you for posting this additional information. No need for posting scans or photos of the stamps because the founder of this forum, formerly knows as ThaiVisa forum, surely knows what he has been shown by this Brit. Another member already quoted some text, source not given, indicating that the requirements listed by the Department of Employment includes a non-O, without limitation of the reason for which the non-O visa or the one-year extension of stay was issued. I clearly remember having seen this list and with that requirement some years ago but try as I might, I cannot find it now on their website. My conclusion is that whereas it may be true that some or all branches of the Department of Labour have in some or all cases refused to to issue a work permit to the holder of an applicant with a permission to stay for the reason of retirement, if such application has ever been made in such circumstance, there is no legal obstacle for the Department of Labour to do so.
  5. There must have been some misunderstanding on your part. One of the requirements for getting a work permit is an employment contract. Another requirement is that the work specified in the contract is a type of work for which the law allows the department of employment to issue a work permit to you. You did not meet these criteria and would also not have met them if your extension of stay had been for the reason of living with your Thai wife.
  6. @AndrewMciver 1. What is your child's planned arrival date in Thailand? 2. What will be the starting date in school? 3. How old is your child? As BritTim said, the school will assist with the annual applications of permission to stay for the reason of studying but at some point during the initial 30 days of permission to stay your child and you must probably be available to go to the immigration office for the application of the first one-year extension of stay.
  7. My guess is that the reference to "a Thaivisa member" is a reference to a person who is a member of this here forum which is currently known as "ASEANnow forum" and was formerly known as "ThaiVisa forum" Old habits die hard.
  8. Removed some off-topic posts.
  9. Removed an off-topic post.
  10. Removed some off-topic posts that were not about the application for non-O visa application at the Thai consulate in Savannakhet (which the OP belatedly and obliquely mentioned was the case)
  11. This topic is now closed
  12. Removed some off-topic posts. Members interested in a detailed discussion of the differences between visa, permission to stay and extension of stay are kindly invited to start a separate topic about it. Suggested topic title: Terminology: visa vs permission to stay vs extension of stay
  13. This topic is another good example demonstrating the importance of indicating the name of the immigration office being dealt with. Now the OP, @Wongkitlo, will have to plow through replies about the procedure used at up to 74 different immigration offices, like some self-inflicted torture.
  14. Removed mote off-topic post. As the OP, @ENacs, has not provided supplementary information regarding his children's intended use of the house registration book, this topic is now closed.
  15. Removed an off-topic post and the replies to it.
  16. @ENacs If the university where your children are applying to study is asking for a copy of the house registration book in which they are registered, there is no problem in giving this copy. It is common that many students come from outside the town or province where the university is located.
  17. Removed an off-topic post, (about travel to the USA)
  18. Omta, who started this topic, seems to be satisfied with the information he received regarding his situation and therefore this topic can now be closed.
  19. Thank you for adding this clarification. I had forgotten about it.
  20. Removed an off-topic post about the return procedure for holders of PR (permanent residency) and the replies to it, and another off-topic post about getting a re-entry permit in Phuket (the OP specifically asked abot Pattaya) and the replies to it.
  21. Yes, your visa exempt entry (VEE) in January of this year shows up in the database and counts as part of the maximum of two VEEs you are allowed for the current calendar year.
  22. Removed two troll posts (off topic)
  23. Yes, your wife also counted as a witness.
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