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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. A screenshot is not acceptable because it creates a JPG image of only the part of the document, in your case the flight ticket, that is displayed on the screen when the shot is taken. To "print to PDF", you press CTRL+P on the keyboard, in the field for "Destination" select "Save as PDF", click on "Save", select the folder where you want to save it, click on "Save" In most cases, though, the airlines send me the booking confirmation or the e-ticket as a PDF document attached to an email and I can save it to my computer from there. P.S. Make sure you have the Adobe Acrobat Reader (free version) installed on your computer.
  2. There is also this information on the immigration website: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.immigration.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/6.FOR-PROVIDING-SUPPORT-TO-OR-BEING-A-DEPENDANT-OF-A-THAI-CITIZEN-SPOUSE-VISA-NON-O.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwje1MP7zcOAAxVmgP0HHYEZAc84ChAWegQIChAB&usg=AOvVaw1SliQJXLhvW3DFX_cpR7dd
  3. This here topic is exactly what you need.
  4. What operating system (OS) does your computer have, Microsoft Windows or Apple OS? I know that on Windows I can "print to PDF" and this saves the information on the screen as a PDF file. My wife's Apple computer offers the same function, from what I have seen. This PDF file can then be uploaded into the eVisa application.
  5. From what you say, both in her Australian passport and in her Thai passport her middle name was written as Madison when the passports were issued. Now, when she applied for her Thai ID card, the card was issued with her middle name written as Medison. I recommend that she go to the district office that issued the ID card, show them the Thai passport and ask them to issue a new ID card with the middle name in English written exactly the same was as it is in the passport, ie as Madison.
  6. Removed an off-topic post.
  7. Let's look at these things one at a time. Question 1 (Q1): By comparison with what do you consider your daughter's middle name on her ID card to be misspelled?
  8. She will not be charged overstay upon departure from Thailand with her Thai passport.
  9. Done and dusted. Now closed.
  10. Tod Daniels is an esteemed member of this forum and if you wish to attract his attention to a particular topic you can include @Tod Daniels in your post and he will get a notification alerting him to it. It's a nifty little trick I discovered not long ago. Works with any member name but should of course be used judiciously, ie definitely not for flaming, stalking or other nefarious motives.
  11. Do I understand correctly that 1. You mailed your UK passport which was expiring soon to Mythaivsa; 2. Mythaivisa obtained a new passport for you, presumably with documents you also sent them, but at no point during the process did you have to be personally present, neither at the office of Mythaivisa nor at the UK embassy nor at the office of an agency acting on behalf of the UK passport office?
  12. Removed some off-topic post and replies to them.
  13. The appeal would have to be filed right then and there at the point of entry with the form TM.11, having made sure not to have signed any other form or document beforehand and not signing anything afterwards. The immigration officials will try to trick the traveller into signing a form with which he acknowledges the reason for the denial. TM.11 is number 8 on this list on the website of the Immigration Bureau: https://www.immigration.go.th/en?page_id=3202
  14. The complication is that there are no immigration lawyers in Phuket or elsewhere in Thailand. There may be some lawyers or law firms who claim to be and perhaps really are experiened in dealing with matters related to immigration laws and regulations.
  15. I understand your situation better now. You arrived in Thailand visa-exempt (without a visa) and are now at the point where you apply at your immigration office with the form TM.87 for a non-O visa (non-immigrant visa category O) I don't know who created the list you posted at or for the Nonthaburi immigration office, but it is wrong in many ways. Here is the list of instructions for the application with TM.87 published on the website of the Immigration Bureau: https://www.immigration.go.th/en?page_id=2537 Number 8 in the list applies to you. A request of an immigration office for an English translation of the KR.22 or any other Thai document makes no sense at all. The second paragraph of item 6.2 (in Nonthaburi's list item 6.3) is badly written. What they really want to say is that if a document under 6.1 or 6.2 is neither in Thai nor in English, it must be translated into English etc.
  16. Are you talking about a one-year application for extension of stay with the form TM.7 as per this handbook published on the website of the Bureau of Immigration? https://www.immigration.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/19-Public-Handbook-2.18-family-member-of-a-Thai-national.pdf
  17. Can you post a copy of the list of required documents you are referring to? The item 6.2 you mentioned is unheard of for your type of application.
  18. Removed some off-topic posts and the replies to them.
  19. I am happy for you that all will be solved now. Enjoy your sojourn and studying the Thai language in Chiang Mai.
  20. The English translation of Clause 2.18 can be confusing and, in fact, had me confused until it was pointed out to me that in the police orders about extensions of stay, 1. "In the case of children" means that if the applicant for the extension is a child, Clause 2.18(4) 2. "In the case of parents" means that if the applicant for the extension is a parent, Clause 2.18(5) The OP qualifies for application under the first paragraph of Clause 2.18(5) which, simplified, reads as follows: "If the applicant is a parent, that parent must maintain an average annual income of no less than 40,000 Baht per month throughout the year or must have deposited funds of no less than 400,000 Baht to cover expenses for one year" Police Order 327_2557 (2014) - extension criteria & conditions en - Siam Translation.pdf No age limit, neither for the child of Thai nationality of whom the applicant is a parent nor for the applicant. Seeing that the OP has been on marriage extensions for years, he already has 400k in the bank and thus easily meets this requirement.
  21. @Vatman How much money is left in your joint account? If you have not already done so, 1. change the PIN code of your ATM card for your joint account immediately; 2. have your wife change the PIN code of her ATM card for your joint account immediately, then destroy her card by cutting it into many small pieces; 3. immediately open a new bank account in your name only and transfer all but 100 Baht from your joint account to your new account. Once you have done all that, come back here to confirm it and you will probable get more specific and practical advice about possibilities to continue getting one-year extensions of stay, for example based on marriage.
  22. I support this suggestion. The pen pushers at the consular section of the US embassy in Bangkok may refuse to talk to you on the phone but they can't hang up on the honorary consul in Chiang Mai.
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