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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. I've found the answer. There have been several amendments to the constitution of 2017, I think at least six, but I found only the first one and this did not affect the selection and appointment of the Prime Minister. Therefore, it must be one of the subsequent amendments that brought the Senate into play. Puzzle solved.
  2. Thank you, KhunBENQ.
  3. Report the old passport lost at your loal police station. where did you lose it? Somewhere in the building where the embassy is. Go to your immigration office and whatever copies you have of your passport and get your extension of stay, etc transferred to your new passport.
  4. For easy reference, the following is an English translation of the text of Section 49 of the Constitution: Source: www.krisdika.go.th/documents/67673/181643/837163_0001.pdf/3d0aab10-e61f-03a4-136a-75003ce4c625
  5. I am sure that the Senate has a role in the appointment of the Prime Minister because I have seen many news articles saying so, but try as I might I can find nothing about it in the constitution. I should be very grateful if somebody could point me in the right direction. All I have found are the sections 158 and 159, which do not mention the Senate.
  6. Removed some off-topic and troll posts and the replies to them.
  7. Removed an off-topic post (RN) and the replies to them.
  8. These two dowloads don't work on my Android phone using the Chrome browser, wheras the download of the TM.7 works.
  9. How does this online check for the status of a pending application for an extension of stay work? Do you go to a website or do you use an app?
  10. For an understanding of your friend's situation, it would be helpful to see a copy of the "three month visa" your friend was given by immigration and to know the expiration date of his passport.
  11. It would be helpful if you posted a copy of this "one month stamp". This would make it easier to understand your situation and give you an answer to your question.
  12. That's not quite the same as a district office saying that you must be married to get the yellow house registration book. From the way you wrote it, you are already married and the district office was aware of it. In such case it is useful for the district office to have a copy of your marriage certificate to verify the Thai spelling of your name and make sure to use the same spelling in your house registration book. I'm not sure, but perhaps the Thai spelling of some other names that also go into the house regiration book (fist name of father and mother?) are also in the marriage certificate.
  13. Unsure myself from what date the 7-day period starts, I consulted my album of immigration stamps and found these two stamps: From the dates shown on the stamps I see that the "must leave not later than" date ist more than seven dates after the issue date of the stamp, which would indicate that the seven days were indeed added to the end of the current permission to stay. However, the stamps are many years old and I do not know if the practice has changed in the meantime. Therefore. I would be grateful if someone who has a recent stamp of this type would kindly post it here so that I may add it to my album.
  14. It is not quite clear to me what people mean when they say "legalize" and "legalization" with regard to marijuana in Thailand. My understanding is that marijuana was previous classified as a "narcotic" and now is classified as a "specially controlled drug" As KannikP mentioned, the new classification as specially controlled drug applies only to marijuana with a specific minimum content of THC (tetrahydrocannabiol). I do not know what classification, if any, under the Drugs Act, also know as the Medicines Act, applies to marijuana with a lower than the specified minimum content of THC.
  15. 1. Section 4 of the Immigration Act defines the householder (เจ้าบ้าน), in some documents published on the website of the Immigration Bureau also translated as house master, house-master, head of household, owner) as follows: 2. Section 38 of the Immigration Act defines the person obliged to make the notification of the arrival of a foreigner (TM.30) as follows: Immigration offices generally allow in addition also the manager of the Condominium Juristic Person or a rental agent, to whom the owner of the condominium unit has given an apposite Power of Attorney, to make this notification.
  16. That's correct, and this type of extension is generally referred to as retirement extension, which is shorthand for the "extension of temporary stay in the Kingdom for the reason of retirement" for which which an application was submitted with the form TM.7 Confusion and ambiguity has arisen because many people and even the website of the Immigration Bureau erroneously use visa to mean "permission to stay", eg visa extension, and this has resulted in the use of the erroneous derivative "retirement visa" to mean retirement extension. As a result, it is often necessary to ask a poster to ask what he really means. The only true and correct use of "retirement visa" I would consider to be any non-immigrant visa received from a Thai embassy or consulate for the purpose of visiting Thailand for the reason of retirement and the non-immigrant visa issued by an immigration office with TM.86 or TM.87 for the reason of retirement in Thailand
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