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  1. A Trumpist getting facts straight is an oxymoron.
  2. You mean you are keeping the same AIS SIM card in the phone (not changing it as @couchpotato said) and simply turning on internet access through AIS rather than home wifi. So all your phone numbers stay the same and everyone can call you on your existing number when making phone calls.
  3. Complete nonsense from you as per. Citizenship and residence are not the same thing.
  4. I have opened several, and in each case an existing account with your address in Thailand on the statement is enough.
  5. Don't know "Trump Charity", but it sounds like an oxymoron.
  6. Don't hold back, tell the whole story? Trump Vodka: A vodka brand that lasted only five years. Trump Mortgage: A mortgage company that shut down after just one and a half years. Trump: The Game: A board game that was discontinued after just one year. Trump Magazine: A magazine that folded after two years. Trump Airlines: A failed airline venture that operated from 1988 to 1992. Trump University: A for-profit education company that was shut down amid lawsuits and controversy. The list goes on.
  7. Just about everyone, been this way for many years. Anti-money laundering. Look it up.
  8. We, as in the collective group of don't know what they are talking about? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-terrain_vehicle
  9. It would help explain why the o/p news article doesn't even mention it.
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