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Everything posted by NE1

  1. But they do say that there is a 3 to 4 month wait from the day you start your claim. So my initial wait was due to that fact.
  2. Mine was due in March , I got in touch with the DWP Jan 5th , and by early May I had heard nothing. Telephoned them again , " sorry , the person who did your claim never signed off on it and it was not forwarded to the relevant dept. ". We need to go through the procedure again , we will expedite this so you will only have to wait another 2 to 3 weeks. I'm still waiting .
  3. The problem with that one was that it was on every channel. Just broadcast on one channel and leave the rest for movies or soaps etc. Then you will see just how popular or interesting you really are.
  4. Bless'em , it's probably the only time they get out of the office .
  5. Bit like immigration , different offices , different requirements.
  6. Did colour bubbles, traffic light colours , brake test ( with no brake failure excuse ) 😀 The depth perception test . Peripheral vision , eyes into like a binocular set up and a chin stirrup , just signal when a light came on , left or right. and an hour watching a video while the license was made.
  7. When I did my Pink ID card , I was told I had to come back the following morning. I arrived early to beat the rush , didn't matter , Thais were given preference all through the day , and I didn't get mine done until 4:30 that afternoon. Needless to say , I looked knackered , red eyes , droopy bags etc. Must be the worst photo I have had taken ever.
  8. People go to these concerts to listen to the artist sing their songs , not listen to their politics and opinions on worldly matters. I remember Springsteen getting a load of abuse when he spouted off about something political a few years ago at one of his concerts.
  9. I have facial recognition to sign into my HSBC account on my mobile , have used it for a while , after reading this post I thought I would check on my balance. On opening the app it tells me I need to set up facial recognition or log in via my ID number . Did you experience anything like this before hand ?
  10. Can't see the Environmental concerns getting in the way making money.
  11. Do you know why they stopped it ?
  12. Scenario :- Living in Thailand with a Thai wife. Does this alter the amount of pension received by a British citizen compared to a British citizen who is single and living in Thailand ? If you are married and you die , does your Thai wife receive any benefit ?
  13. I wonder how many more taxis around the country are fitted with the same device ?
  14. Shouldn't it undergo testing before it is sold , and if it does not meet the approval of the Medical Sciences Department and the Office of the Consumer Protection Board, then it can only be sold for export only. I am like a few others on here , Slippery Somchai buys it , re-bags with a different name on it and sells it cheap.
  15. My username , password and captcha are all loading as normal. Chrome is up to date Version 125.0.6422.142 (Official Build) (x86_64)
  16. They will have that sorted , as it is financially beneficial to Thailand. Where as the 90 day report does not reward them in any way , so they really couldn't care if it works or not
  17. Is this supposed the actual moment the thief struck , if so why isn't he smashing him in the face with his right hand ?
  18. If the rumours turn out to be true , I wonder if the Monthly income will also double ? That would be a killer for some.
  19. I think that could apply to anybody's house , it would ours.......😂
  20. Is HD Prime having problems again ? This morning , " Connect failed: Connection refused "
  21. Isn't that the whole point of TikTok , to gain attention ?
  22. If this is AI generated , then somebody needs to proof read it before it is released .
  23. Section 2: Notification of the home owner Owner or possessor of dwelling or the manager of a hotel that accepts foreigners who are permitted to stay temporarily in the Kingdom to stay Do the following: Section 2.1: Notify the official at the Immigration office which has responsibility for the area where the home, residence, or hotel is located within twenty-four hours from the date the foreigner enters the residence. Section 2.2 When the home owner, owner or possessor of the dwelling or hotel manager The notification according to 2.1 has been processed. Later, the foreigner travels to stay at another place from time to time and returns to stay at the same place under the time frame of accepting residence that has not yet ended. The host, owner or person Possession of residence or the hotel manager does not have to notify again Aliens according to paragraph one It shall include aliens who have been issued multiple-use visas who travel out of the Kingdom and return for the duration of their visas. and aliens who have been allowed to return to stay in the Kingdom according to their original rights (Re-entry permit)
  24. Don't hold your breath on that one.
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