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Everything posted by NE1

  1. Wish I had seen all this before , I have been struggling to get a connection to a UK website for a few days now . They have been trying to fix the problem with advice via emails. So it looks like it is not their problem after all.
  2. Odds on it had something to do with the female in the photo .
  3. I don't know who is behind this foundation , but they appear to be the go to people instead of banging your head against the wall with the Police.
  4. Ventusky used to be real good for forecasting downpours where we live . In the last 3 or 4 days it has had us in the middle of heavy rain and thunderstorms for at least 2 to 3 hours a day. Reality , rainfall zero. Although it is cooler than previous weeks , we are still waiting on the rains.
  5. VAR is not the problem , the problem is down to the humans looking at the screens. If the rules were followed to the letter then I think 99% of the errors would be eradicated. The problem appears to be , the main man in the VAR hot seat is a referee , and all referees have a different tolerance/leniency level and Interpret the rules differently. What is hand ball and a penalty in one game is not given in another . There is no consistency. That is the problem. What I think is ruining our game :- Week in week out we see wrestling matches in the penalty box at corners and free kicks and no penalties given , players not even looking at the ball , just trying to block the run of the attacker. Shirts pulled , bear hugs etc. and outside the box , fouls are given for minimal contact.
  6. I thought that was reserved for the Police ?
  7. First Thunderstorm of the year , shower of rain for 1 hour . Left a few puddles. Electric out for nearly 2 hours , that is our 5th power cut this year .
  8. a solution was not asked for , a snidey comment was not required , and trying to belittle a female is nasty , yet you managed all Three. Are you afraid of a Woman replying to you or are you one of those macho men who think they are superior to Women ?
  9. Why , because I told you a story of what happened and you don't believe it ? You are nearly as strange as the story.
  10. I wasn't asking you to explain what happened , I was just telling a story of a strange happening.
  11. Just heard a pick up apply the brakes and skid to a halt 20 metres from our house , an oldish 2 door pick up had cut across the path of another pick up making them stop. The driver of the old pick up gets out with a gun in his hand and walks across to the other pick up. A Thai lady gets out of the passenger side and walks to meet the gun carrying man. He returns to his pick up and gets Two plastic containers , what appear to be full of odds and sods , gives them to the lady , who accepts them and she gets back in her pick up. The gun toter returns to his pick up and drives away as does the other pick up. Still can't work out what the hell just happened.
  12. No wind or rain and last night 21:30hrs the power goes off. 45 minutes to find and fix , which in itself isn't bad....but 16:15hrs today , no wind and no rain , the power goes off . This time an hour and 15 minutes to locate and fix. Temperature in the house up to 34°c .
  13. I have had visits to the office where I filled in my TM7 on my Mac , but the while I was waiting to be dealt with at the office it was handwritten by an IO and handed back to me to sign . Very strange.
  14. I use this one.......https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/downloads_en/
  15. Wouldn't have thought you would be kicked out of Thailand for drinking and driving .
  16. I thought about doing that with the post box outside my house. In all the years I have been living hear , I have never seen a postie open it once.
  17. We need a couple of months worth of that. Our river has dried up.
  18. I don't think he actually decides what he wants to do , I think it is all down to her .
  19. They wouldn't do as their friend was winning , if she had managed to turn the tables and started beating him , then they would have joined in , just not on her side.
  20. Wouldn't the Land and Transport mob have charge of this , why the Education minister?
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