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Everything posted by sipi

  1. Nup. She speaks perfect English.
  2. My misses is very objective compared to Westerners. If there's something she wants to tell me, she tells me. A Westerner will rattle on for hours.
  3. I once told a girlfriend "when I get home from work I expect you to have my meal ready, my clothes laid out and the bath full of hot soapy water. And do you know who will comb my hair and trim my nails?" She replied "The undertaker ".
  4. Kenny Everett would be rolling in his grave. I hope that comment didn't offend anyone. If it did, I'm sorry.
  5. Stop forcing me to drink.. been hitting the pubs a lot recently and i gotz thinking about something interesting. everyhwere i go the waiter or waitrss wants me to buy beer.. but not asking in like a casual sense, like a forceful gesture and when you say no they turn their noses up at you and walk away. i will however sit there and eat no issue. whats the deal? why am i being shamed into buying beer when im not eben thirsty? all i wanna do is eat, not have a dang booze up. leave me alone and let me eat quietly. sheesh
  6. Try marrying a farang. Gratitude doesn't even exist.
  7. I live in Australia 9 months of the year and Thailand 3. Best of both worlds.
  8. Filipino take the greed of money to a whole new level. A Thai will take you to the shopping mall so you can buy her gold. A Filipino will take you to the shopping mall so you can buy her a shopping mall.
  9. "I'll get another half a turn" CRACK. Out with the grinder and hammer and chisel to repair cracked fittings. Yeah been there, done that.
  10. The opposite to a snowbird. I come to Australia during the summer to escape the heat.
  11. Hum noi or small balls is a common nickname for little boys.
  12. In the real world my name is Phillip, which Thai's manage to butcher to "Piwlip". Even Phil comes out as Piw. So "falang" is actually as close as they can get. Occasionally I still get called Piw.
  13. We have a goldfish called "Owen", which is the English equivalent.
  14. The nearest island to me is about a thousand ks away, but it's quite remote which I really like. To answer your question, they don't care about a farang mooching around. They welcome me with open arms, and look at me funny.
  15. I did notice your sudden improvement in spelling a few posts back. Hey, why don't you ask the misses?
  16. I thought the Chinese started WW3 yesterday with Pelosi in Taiwan and all that. As long as they leave Wangchompu and Dululu alone, up to them.
  17. Just remember my post about sticking your finger up her nose in the heat of passion. She will melt.
  18. The plot deserves a remarkable but believable twist.
  19. No. Just a general post. I found this today on YouTube and I'm still crying laughing.
  20. The plot is a bit thin, but at least we can follow it. Bob leaves his misses to sort his visa dramas out while he finds some lovely 23 year old in a bar with an American who has dosed off. She takes him by the hand and they escape to a romantic island. She offers to bash him up so he buys her a pink G-string, and all is forgiven. He then sips champagne and eggs with her at 8am. So... Bob then... A.. Falls in love and lives happily ever after. B. The misses catches up with him and he falls from a balcony. C. The American suddenly appears and the plot thickens. D. Bob buys a chicken farm and retires.
  21. Yeah he's obviously having a bit of fun, god love him. Almost 3000 views and no-one has lost an eye. So what happened next Bob?
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