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Everything posted by sipi

  1. One of our regular contributors will be along on a minute with a long scientific explanation.
  2. All my friends are dead. That's their problem.
  3. I'm a slow learner, but after a few decades I've finally worked it out. Forget the berocca, coffee, Panadol, bacon and eggs, hair of the dog.. Water. The answer is water. Just a glass or two, before, during and after.
  4. I was walking downtown when I saw a familiar face, except old and wrinkly. I said to her "Hi. I think I used to date your daughter" She replied "That was me".
  5. Sinead O'Connor really did it for me 30 years ago. These days, umm, I'd rather kiss a bucket of horse poo.
  6. I rarely have vivid dreams. But some while back I was half asleep and kept thinking over and over again...6, 12, 21, 32... Plus some other numbers. Anyway, I made the effort to wake up and get a pen and paper while the numbers were still fresh in my head. So I wrote them down. 6, 12, 21, 32.... Then I farted and totally lost my train of thought. Anyway, I put those numbers down on a lotto entry and just made up the others to complete the form. We'll, the only numbers I got right were 6, 12, 21 and 32. That was the most expensive fart I've ever done.
  7. I gave up after day 2, but here we are. Put everyone on ignore, change your password to something random, then log out. It's actually more entertaining reading as a guest.
  8. From my experience farang that complain about being victimised by a Thai pale in comparison to farang that complain about being victimised by a farang, and never stepped foot out of their country.
  9. Do you mean a soap opera like "the bold and the beautiful"?
  10. I was on a flat earth Facebook page having a good tongue-in-cheek discussion about the moon landing hoax when someone decided to get on there and give us all a good biblical ear bashing about God's creation. We could put up with the comment, but the nastiness was over the top. "If you read the Bible you would....bla bla bla. I won't bother explaining it to you because you're obviously too stupid to understand" Jesus...???? Anyway, apparently it was correct.
  11. I'll give it a quick go, without too much thought. Blue cheese with peanut butter. Some old PC's. Hippo. Apples. Yes, heaps. Go to heaven, sort of. The great escape with Steve McQueen. Window, but so does the kid and he always wins, so aisle. The airport smell. Coffee and avgas. Bo. Yes. Flat. Email. Jump by Van Halen. 53. Retirement then death, hopefully in that order.
  12. We try to do Winter in Thailand and Winter in Australia. Edit. Where are you in Oz if you don't mind me asking? Bogan city could be anywhere.
  13. The misses told me the moon emits it's own light because the sun is a couple of hundred miles away and it's too far to reflect.
  14. Ok, so here's the challenge. Ask your local Mama and Papa store where the moonlight comes from. Or the family. Apparently it comes from the moon. Bless them.
  15. Actually ask an elderly Thai. You might be surprised. The moon definitely sheds it own light.
  16. Oh you of little faith. It's in Genesis chapter one, apparently...
  17. Some idiot on Facebook wants to get into an argument about the moon being it's own light because it's in the bible. Well I lost that argument lol...
  18. And if I need mouth to mouth, just let me go.
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