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Everything posted by sipi

  1. If you met an American girl who got her clothes off in 5 minutes, asked for money, needed to rush home to "water the plants", and whatever else this one does, would you marry her? I'm thinking you probably would.
  2. You're an American. Run Forest Run. As your compatriot Phil Donahue once said "What she did to others she'll do to you". Or maybe it should be the other way around. Edit. I'll even quote another one " you gotta know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away and know when to run"
  3. Go for it. I don't see any red flags. What's the worst (and best) that can happen. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The only part that annoyed me was the bit about you not bothering to respond to comments. Why should we bother responding?
  4. I've seen quite a few of those parachute training towers even in the remote areas where they jump off and slide down a rope. Not exactly the real thing, but I suspect it goes towards their wings.
  5. You don't need a parachute to go skydiving. You need a parachute to go skydiving twice.
  6. I wish they had wind tunnels around when I was learning to skydive. Opening a 24' paracomander and doing the parachute landing roll without breaking a bone was a good day. These days my 11 year old is a better skydiver than I ever was.
  7. Thanks. Yeah that one comes up on the official International Bodyflight Association members page. I've just never met anyone who actually flew there. I might track it down and post a video.
  8. I know a chap that took a container of Thai arts and crafts back to Australia. Cost him about $30000. He was apparently going to make a fortune. Ultimately, he couldn't give the stuff away.
  9. Yeah the information available online seems a bit ambiguous. There are some military tunnels around, but I'm not sure about public ones.
  10. Are there any indoor skydivers here? My son is signed off with the International Bodyflight Association to hit any tunnel worldwide with 4 others, but we haven't been to any tunnels in Thailand yet. There is a Skyventure in Bangkok apparently, bit we've never been there.
  11. Wang Chumphu and Dululu. Combined population of 38 when I'm not at work.
  12. Almost retired. I can't believe I've lasted this long. Touch wood.
  13. I don't mind. If I'm looking for a good airfare and an ad pops up with a good airfare, job done.
  14. Whenever we drive anywhere, the kid normally sits on the front because he gets car sick in the back, and the wife sits in the back seat. I had a work colleague ask me "why does your wife sit in the back seat" I told him "because the boot is full". You should have seen the look on his face.
  15. My wife likes to play a game "if you can catch me, you can have me". It's been a while.
  16. Air Asia used to allow you to buy 3 seats on their long haul flights for a reduced fare if the plane wasn't full so you could lie down. I've done that, and some fat sod will plonk next to you. The hostess has to explain that they have to move, and get met with a torrid of abuse.
  17. We had a chap in front of us that farted non stop all the way from Auckland to Sydney. I'm sure the chemtrails is still there.
  18. If my life depended on it, but, yeah. I'd rather not.
  19. I have heard. Only if you can, and if your life depends on it. If you're being attacked and you're unarmed, throw the dog on its back and push it's front legs outwards to the ground. Apparently their legs aren't designed for that the the ribcage will split, killing the dog.
  20. If I was chomping on a steak and someone shoved their thumb up my bum, I'd let go too.
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