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Everything posted by sipi

  1. All my friends are dead. I dunno what happens. When I meet them they're perfectly vertical. Next thing, kaboom, cold as ice. So, who wants to meet up for a beer?
  2. At work. "Flush twice, it's a long way to the canteen"
  3. My misses asked me for 3000 baht for a baby buffalo, so I gave her 3000 baht. Blow me over, she turned up an hour later with a baby buffalo.
  4. 2 different threads. This one is about "is music dead" The other one is about jamming with a 10 year old. I thought that would have been obvious.
  5. I start another thread asking if anyone wants to join a jam session with a 10 year old, and no-one is interested. I start a thread commenting on music and the experts come from everywhere. I might shut this one down, please Charlie. It's going nowhere.
  6. No, my kid is a certified bass guitarist from the Australian Music Examination Board, otherwise known as Rockschool. He is proficient in written music. But he cut his teeth on eighties and nineties Rock and jazz, because there isn't much to learn after that I'm guessing. Edit, u could also try reading my previous posts, I'm actually agreeing with you.
  7. This is my kids music room. Count the instruments. This thread is a bit more than a tired cliche.
  8. I'm thinking Coachella might be the closest thing to supergroups live these days. Sounds more like a Hillsong gospel crusade to me and my kids don't live it. That's the music of tomorrow.
  9. On the bright side, I should grab some of these as investments before they're all dead. Won't have long to wait. https://taylormadememorabilia.com.au/?s=Music+&post_type=product
  10. Jesus get a load of this lot. I rest my case.. https://www.ranker.com/list/best-rock-bands-2022/jared-baly
  11. So how many of these can you recognise? I'll give you a clue, they've all been around for decades.
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/B3JFwgyF8YE/?igshid=18efxluxrc3xk Hey don't get me some wrong, nothing wrong with meeting singers who have been around for 40 years, but I'd hardly call that modern music.
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2021/mar/18/why-bands-are-disappearing-young-people-arent-excited-by-them Hmmmm, seems I'm not alone.
  14. I'm hearing you. My kids and I love music, will what's left of it. Can you do me a favour and personally recommend 5 bands no older than 5 years I can take my kids to and they'll enjoy please? Thanks in advance.
  15. I've taken my kids to see Australians finest rock bands for the last 2 years. They were bored to death, other kids were bored to death. We walked out of most of them. Bored, just plain bored. I'll edit this to say that the front 2 rows were having a ball. But they were 65 year old fat, drunk, tattoo'd women with really bad body odor, who could barely stand.
  16. And let's hear it for the Australian MTV awards winners. The Wiggles doing a kids remake of some other irrelevant song...???????? https://youtu.be/a13WnqsRc5g
  17. Yeah I'm set in my tastes. As are my kids and grandkids.. It must be us. Anyone for The Wiggles"?
  18. Thanks Charlie. Yeah again, that was basically what I was trying to say.
  19. Thanks PG. You obviously articulate much better than me. You are saying what I'm thinking.
  20. Sons of musicians remind me of sons of funeral directors. They are only interested in themselves.
  21. I can't edit. You get the idea.
  22. https://youtu.be/ab9176Srb5Y
  23. Not Thai related, but that doesn't seem to matter lately. My son did some music lessons with a famous pop group from the seventies who think that their smoke doesn't stink. You've probably never heard of them so I won't even embarrass myself by trying to remember their name. Is music dead? The latest song I remember trying to like was this one, just to please my younger friends..
  24. I only discovered it yesterday. I start the first 2 lines with ARISE and POUND. That wipes out all the vowels and some of the most common consonants. I've hit the jackpot in 3 a couple of times.
  25. Since 2020 I'm fatter, deafer, blinder, slower, crankier and obviously older. Any more questions?
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