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Everything posted by sipi

  1. I'll take that as a "no". I would have taken at least a punt, 39 baht? This reminds me of going to the pub full of hard miners at the end of a shift and being annoyed by someone from the city wearing a pink shirt. Nothing wrong with that, of course. Bye.
  2. Australia is ideal for single men. Hunting, fishing, drinking... As long as you're not into sex and women.. They're nasty.
  3. Hello Annie. I'm Sipi and I'm an alcoholic.
  4. Do you have any information from 1971 of substance or interest other than a pile of waffle. What was the train fare from Bangkok to Surat Thani? I could find some stuff from 1985 on file but I can't be bothered about now.
  5. 1985 was a great year to be in Thailand, better than early seventies. I didn't want to be around for the popular uprising.
  6. Yeah. It's a long way of saying "I've been in Thailand longer than you". I didn't go to Thailand for the first time since 1985, so he beats me.
  7. I'd be puffed by the time I blew that up.
  8. When a man marries a woman he hopes she will never change, and she hopes he will change. Of course over time, she changes and he doesn't.
  9. I'd give him 34 cents change and tell him he gave me a 3 dollar bill.
  10. The whole thing was just cringeworthy from start to finish.
  11. English comedy is much better. https://youtu.be/T8XeDvKqI4E
  12. I don't mind father time sneaking up on me. It sure beats him hitting me with a scythe. I'm at the point where I don't even bother listening to 80's music any more. I even got bored with that. My kid is into that indoor skydiving. I get exhausted just watching him.
  13. With chilli and sugar? My kid is addicted.
  14. My misses makes another sweet occasionally where she hollows out a small pumpkin and fills the middle with a sweet egg custard and steams it. Takes a bit of getting used to, but quite nice.
  15. Aha. Thanks. I knew I'd forgotten something.
  16. I was being a bit tongue in cheek. The sticky rice with mango is probably my favourite sweet just as it is. I think my misses adds a sprinkle of sugar.
  17. Have you tried adding pineapple?
  18. To be fair on the kid, did he know he was cheating when you berated him? Does he know the rules of basketball? Maybe he just didn't understand.
  19. The kid's health and attitude isn't your problem. He's the one looking at a heart attack. Move on.
  20. I tried to sneak that comment in whilst you weren't looking Bert.
  21. All relationships are transactional. Your wife, your boss, your employees, your Avon lady.... That's life.
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