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Everything posted by sipi

  1. Western women don't want regular money? Not the ones I've met. The first thing they look at is your shoes then your car. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  2. How do Thai women compare to Western women as a wife? They don't....
  3. Conversation between Sipi and Egyptian carpet salesman mid eighties... Sipi "fazuka bazooka bazaar" Carpet salesman "blue or green" Sipi "blue" Carpet salesman, produces large handgun and "how much?" Sipi "450" Carpet salesman produces large roll of banknotes and exchanges for small roll of English pounds. "Fazuka bazooka bazaar"
  4. Our situation is the complete opposite. We haven't returned to our home in Thailand since the beginning of the pandemic. Hopefully soon it will be, "hello from her and hello from me" Edit. I love Greece. I lived there for a while. Addictive. You mightn't want to go back to Thailand.
  5. I'd like to comment but you'll probably just criticize me.
  6. What happened? I only made it to the third line before vomiting into my own mouth.
  7. I hope you weren't offended by my reply. Unfortunately I write faster than I think or speak. Hey that reminds me, did you hear about the pregnant nun that drove across the Sahara and.... Oh, never mind.
  8. Yeah I forgot the hyphens. Sorry. No offence intended.
  9. Actually here's a true story. My son gets car sick so we often drive with him in the front and my wife in the back. A friend saw us driving and asked me "why was your wife in the back?" I told him "because the trunk was full". Should have seen the look on his face.
  10. I encourage my wife to wear a mask 24 hours a day, except when eating. Ahhh, the silence...
  11. My monitors usually look like this. I best not complain. I run it in auto so I can watch YouTube on the other monitor. If an alarm guess off I think about actually doing my job.
  12. 3 power station operators here. Who would have thought.
  13. As we speak. Not a modern power station anymore, but a steam boiler and plant.
  14. My mother in law is a sweetheart. My wife's mother in law is a complete cow.
  15. I have an ex-neighbour from 40 years ago who looks me up every 10 years after his latest marriage has broken down, for a roof over his head. The first time I said "yes", the second time "I'll think about it", the last 2 times " get lost". Some people are slow learners.
  16. Maybe they're referring to two women living alone together in a garden.
  17. Alright I've just clocked on again after a month or two. Only 2 notifications, well that's a relief. Thanks Rumak. You are welcome anytime.
  18. You're a better man than me. I just log out for a month.
  19. I don't log on often, but when I do the green notification alert is the first thing I notice, not by choice. So how do you react to your notifications? Do you think "Who have I entertained this time?" Or, "oh sheesh, who have I offended this time?"
  20. We live in a world where a lot of "influencers" are looking for a free feed. If reviews are backed by photographic evidence I think about it.
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