Forums are old school.
It's like walking into a Yorkshire pub quarter full of lads sitting around tables in small groups chatting amongst themselves.
I find it more entertaining to sit at the bar and listen in on their conversations.
Whenever I think of trains, I think of this.
But my video won't embed as usual, I'm sick of asking how...
When we were building our house I did all the electrical wiring, being my trade.
When it came time to paint the wife asked me to help. My reply "Sorry Darling, can't do. No visa".
I hate painting, laws are to be taken advantage of.
Another thing to be careful of, other than the use by date.
If beer is chilled, then allowed to get hot again (power failure, taken out of the fridge), then re-chilled, it'll ruin the taste.
I tried to message Bob, but he's blocked everyone.
Take care mate.
Edit. He never did me any harm. I don't agree with his lifestyle, but that isn't my problem.
Sure was entertaining enough.