I haven't flown there in 40 years, sorry. But I do recall the Bangkok to Kathmandu flight as one of my favourites over the decades.
Pokhara and the Annapurna region is one place I'd love to revisit.
Our house in Isaan is on a few rai, with vege garden and a chicken coop.
Our house in Australia is on a few rai, with a vege garden and a chicken coop.
I see a pattern forming here.
And there's the famous "confused" emoji.
Ok, I'll explain it slowly.
W e n e e d a s e p a ra t e "l o c k e d t h r e a d s" s e c t I o n. T h e y m a k e t h e j u i c i e s t r e a d i n g.
My son gets car sick so the wife sits in the back of the car and him in the front.
Our neighbour asked me "why does your wife sit in the back?".
I told him, it's because the boot is full.