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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. Suit yourself, but I can still bring it up whenever I want to. And I've even tested it to see if it works. It does!
  2. @rough diamond That menu bar appears if you use the 'magnifier' function on Win 11. Press Ctrl+ until it appears. Press Ctrl- until it disappears again. I've never actually used it.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 223 seconds  
  4. There, fixed it for you. All you have to do toggle over to English in the top righthand corner. (I can't do that for you) http://air4thai.pcd.go.th/webV3/#/StationDetail
  5. Try getting a bit adventurous with your mouse!
  6. Simply look at that the situation map on Air4Thai. http://air4thai.pcd.go.th/webV3/#/Home
  7. It's probably down to the availability of a forensic pathologist to carry out the autopsy. It's a legal requirement in most countries when a 'suspicious death' occurs, why not Thailand?
  8. A villager pinned a swastika flag on the front of his house sometime back. It didn't bother me as others have said, he wouldn't be aware of its significance. In fact an AI overview says: 'The swastika originates from ancient India, where the term "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit language and means "well-being" or "good fortune"; it has been used for millennia by Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains as a sacred symbol'. However, we do occasionally get a visitor from Germany who is married into a family here, so I had my wife explain to our Phu Ya Ban (her nephew) that it might be offensive to him. Sure enough it was moved to a less obvious position.
  9. nd 'The One That Got Away' is on iPlayer. I've just watched the 2nd episode this evening. 'Virdee' also on iPlayer is a good series as well. I've just finished watching that one. There's a good, if rather long winded review here. https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a63583773/virdee-bbc-review/
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 174 seconds  
  11. Otherwise known as a false declaration!
  12. I think you must have miss heard that Simon. I cannot believe there could be a 4 month delay! Unless, of course they have some reason to question your entitlement. If you're like most folks and get paid 4 weekly, your first payment will be 4 weeks from your inception date (usually your birthday) plus the number of days up your normal payment day. You can work that out from your NI number. (See the website below) For all the moaning one reads about the DWP and the IPC, overall they are very efficient. https://www.gov.uk/state-pension/when-youre-paid
  13. You can only get a Wise debit card if you have a UK address. The poster above, just like the O/P applied from Thailand. That would indicate that they are, like me already living abroad and do not have a UK address. So your suggestion @jori123 is a moot one.
  14. Bamboo has quite a short life. There are many prefabricated timber frame small dwellings available throughout Thailand that would suit your purpose and would last a lot longer.
  15. I think you've said it for all of us @motdaeng. Well done @Furioso wishing you a safe journey back to the Land of Smiles. P.S. It was great to switch on my computer this morning and read some good news for a change!
  16. It's a Swedish Air Force Gripen, so I thinks reasonable to assume it's operating off a Swedish highway.
  17. I would have thought it unlikely that the roof would be ripped off in an accident that resulted in the vehicle landing on its side. More likely the roof was cut off by the rescuers to gain access. It's a common practice.
  18. Quite obviously this is NOT an exhaust emissions issue. That's the result of a coolant problem.
  19. Unfortunately it is rarely that simple. The real offenders are old clapped oil burners that have never seen the inside of a workshop since the day they took to the roads. Yes, there are annual inspections, but as we saw with the burnt out bus incident, the 'inspection consists of an exchange of the readies.
  20. This is second rear end shunt in about a week (the other being the burnt out Mercedes) where the result was devastating due to the fact the truck has an extended rear load bed with no "rear impact guard." They are a serious hazard on Thailand's roads, yet nothing is done about it.
  21. The bus stopped on the right just after the junction. A close study reveals that the door was not closed properly. A gap can be seen at the bottom and I'm pretty sure that there is no door handle on the inside.
  22. Good luck with that mission of yours. I hope all goes well for you and your charge. Take care.
  23. Just google 'limestone cave at Khao Sam Roi Yot'. There are plenty of images that confirm that it is indeed the same site.
  24. I didn't vote because the author of this poll missed the most obvious answer of all. 'I will not be paying income tax in Thailand because my assessable income is below my TEDA therefor no tax is due". And that is probably this answer that applies to the majority of us here.
  25. In a book I had on Traditional Chinese Medicine the following is recommended. 'Chop a clove of garlic and leave it to 'breath' for around 10 minutes, then chew and swallow'. This is necessary because there are 2 elements within the clove that need to be exposed to oxygen so that they can combine and release their healing powers. Swallowing a whole clove will not provide the same benefit. Interesting article on the benefits of garlic here. https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/6-mind-blowing-benefits-of-chewing-raw-garlic-on-an-empty-stomach-101718002056827.html
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