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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. I've just had the same experience this morning. Funds into my Krungsri account in seconds. @proton reference your comment above. If you look back up to the post by @Ting Tawng you will see that he was the one who reported that his payment is delayed and he clearly says GBP (UK Bank). So I disagree with your comment about 'countries other than UK'. I agree with @PPGuy that the reason for transfer than one chooses does influence the speed. It seems that those who choose 'funds for long term stay' in order to ensure a TFF code on their account, must wait until normal banking hours. And as we know it's holiday time here.
  2. Could you please tell me what reason you gave for the transfer? There has been a lot of talk on the forum about this. Many say that if you choose 'funds for long term stay' it will slow down the transfer because it has to be 'hand managed'. I never use this option and all my transfers have been instant, even during a local holiday.
  3. Simple question guys. Does anyone know the definitive answer this. A single guy with no contact with anyone in the UK, dies in Thailand. Who, if anyone lets his (former) pension providers know that he has done so?
  4. The Rooster is NOT American, he's as English as a Cumberland sausage. And please explain how a healthy individual going around mask free is putting 'others at risk'. I'm up right there with you Rooster, get rid of those damn masks NOW!
  5. This is nonsense. I've banked with Nationwide for 30 years plus. For the last 16 of those I have lived abroad, firstly in Egypt and for the last 9 years here in Thailand. I do not have an address in UK and have always used my overseas address without any issues. They have always been very cooperative and I have received all my cards, debit and credit to my local address, plus replacement card readers. A UK phone number for OTPs is not necessary if you have the mobile app as 2 step authentication is possible via the app. I've never bothered with one. Yes you can update your address via the website @torrow but a word of caution. Doing it that way does not change the address for a credit card if you have one. You must send a secure message to the credit card portal to do that. I discovered that when my replacement card ended up in the wrong country! The problem was quickly and efficiently resolved.
  6. I am no stranger to the problem that @Leveraged faces. I am very long sighted, in the +7.5 range, astigmatic and I also require multi focal as I hate switching glasses. It's been a challenge for most opticians. KT Optic in Robinsons, Sakon Nakhon Took up the challenge and produced the best set of peepers I've ever had in my life and they're still good after 3 years constant wearing. KT Optic have branches nationwide.
  7. I used my yellow house book. No problem with that.
  8. If it's not in gear you could turn it by hand. When it is in gear you would not be able to do that. But this guy isn't doing it by hand, he's using the rope to gain leverage so that he can turn the engine over.
  9. Front wheel drive cars have a differential, it's called the transaxle. If one wheel is lifted off the ground the it will spin freely
  10. Thank you. I was confused because I have never sent a payment to a private individual. No, of course I wouldn't expect to to reveal their name.
  11. Not exactly sympathetic are you. Not everyone has internet at home and many don't even have a computer. In fact my own wife only uses mobile apps for her bank accounts. She's never had or used a computer. So for many, it certainly would be a problem.
  12. The first reporting of this incident was immediately closed for comment by the admin staff, decision I agreed with knowing the history of some of our less savory members. The trash that has been posted here shows clearly that they originally made a good editorial decision, one that should have been repeated here. Many of the posts here are utterly disgraceful!
  13. I removed it from my phone many months ago when I noticed that virtually no one was bothering with signing in. The only place I've been asked to do so was Krungsri Bank and so I just pointed my phone at the QR.
  14. What a confusing post (and it isn't just me) I've never heard of Wise taking anything like 12 days to complete a transfer to Thailand and where, what or whom is 'GW'?
  15. There are a number of reasons why Wise transfers are not always 'instant', even though they do strive to meet that goal. Have a read of their Q1 blog below. Another reason than can slow transfers if you use the 'funds for long term living' option. You're sailing very much against the wind in saying that Wise deliver a 'lousy service' when it's clear that there are many thousands of satisfied clients out there, myself included. https://wise.com/gb/blog/mission-update-q1-2022-speed
  16. Right now I see 9 like and 6 thank you emojis. I don't think I've misjudged anything.
  17. Very strange how you and airlines seem to be on a different page. Oh and it seems IATA as well. There's some homework right here on IATA's website
  18. The shopkeeper probably doesn't give two hoots whether you visit his shop or not. What he wants to do is to ensure that he can receive deliveries.
  19. There are a few of ways of testing honey for purity at home. This website describes a number of them. I've done the 'water drop' test on a number of Thai produced honeys and they have all passed and I consider the quality here to be very good.
  20. Consider this. An airline operator only has a finite number of cabin crew. If just one passenger, who decides not to wear a mask is Covid +ve, there's a chance that the cabin crew could contract the virus and, at the very least have to go into isolation for a week. So how long do you suppose it would be before all the cabin crew was infected and the airline grinds to a halt if no passengers wore masks? I know, it's a worse case scenario, but could happen. The airline have a duty of care to protect their staff, their passengers and their business, so they have every right to insist on mask wearing on their flights.
  21. So many do it without realizing how dangerous it can be. I've been riding here for 7 years and I have never ridden in the narrow nearside lane, which I call and I'm glad to see that the author does also, the hard shoulder. It can also be dubbed the 'suicide lane'. I ride in the middle of the nearside lane and will only relinquish that position briefly to allow a faster vehicle to pass. It is much safer. If you cannot ride fast enough to keep up with the average speed of the traffic around you, then you shouldn't be on that road.
  22. ''TPN (Thai Pattaya News) media notes that private businesses and events have the ability and right to make mask wearing at their establishments and venues required, however''. An airline is a private business and their aircraft are their establishments. If they wish to impose a 'masks on' policy, they have the right to do so. https://thepattayanews.com/2022/06/24/thailand-officially-drops-mask-mandate-in-late-night-royal-gazette-order/
  23. Did I? I have no recollection of making a single comment on: Feel free to quote me.
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