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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. Well there is Winter in the UK, Winter in Belgium and Winter in Thailand. Which one would most poster prefer? That is the question, I think. IMO
  2. Oh and today there was yet another mass shooting in California. I guess the USA is trying for a record year of mass shootings, after all it is only January 24th today. I am not from the USA, and I do not want to go there, it is getting very dangerous. Wrong place at the wrong time could kill me.
  3. I am glad to see that some of these looters were found guilty and charged for their crimes. Too bad about the orange teflon guy. He deserves jail time too.
  4. Oh, what time of day in Phuket, do you do your news program. by the way. Harvey M
  5. Enjoying your Live News, and the sound was great yesterday as well as today. If people cannot hear you, it is their speakers, that have the problem. Thanks for this newest style of news. Harvey M, Calgary Alberta Canada
  6. Way to go Estonia. Do not believe anything that Putin has to say.
  7. I was lucky to have an older brother and sister, who did not like to fight, but when they did they did not lose. My father taught them how to defend themselves, as he was a Military MP and knew defensive techniques. When I was in my teens he also taught me some moves, and I used them to save getting beat up. I learned that some bullies are not great fighters. RIP to this poor girl, and I hope that the bullies face some bad karma in the future.
  8. On the bad days, I have always worn a mask, a KN95 or N95 type, to keep my lungs and throat from being itchy. I had tourists ask me why, but never had any Thais ask. Hmmm, wonder why? COVID is not the only reason to wear a mask, I found that I never had a cold or flu as well, because I wore a mask when I was in large crowds. However there are those people who just need their bare faced freedom. who will claim that masks make them sick. Well you have to change and clean your mask if you do not want to get the germs working against you. Just saying.
  9. I just hope that Canadians can get a 90 day visa for a longer visit, without having to get a 60 day visa then pay more fore an extension. Thailand has a lot to do to move into the 21 century. IMO
  10. I agree, and at least you do not need to carry a million dollars of local currency like in Vietnam. I also enjoy the Thailand banks, better than the banks in Mexico etc. IMO
  11. All countries should modernize this method. Quick, likely quite painless, and the body parts can be used to benefit society, as in eye transplants, etc. The convict could even volunteer a blood donation just before the blade. Win, Win. Bring back the death penelty.
  12. Unfortunately Russia has a lot of cannon fodder, and is employing mercenaries, as well, Putin will kill off all his criminals and poor people to keep fighting this illegal invasion of Ukraine. I call this Putin's war, and not as a compliment. As another poster said, this war will likely continue until Putin is gone in some manner. IMO
  13. Americans and their guns are like Thais and their amulets. Some even try to come into Canada with their USA permit, packing pistols. They get a big surprise at the border.
  14. I just wish that my home country still had the death penalty for some murderers. Sadly no more hangings. Personally I favor the guillotine, all the body parts could be used for medical benefits.
  15. I carry a photo copy of my Passport, My international drivers license and some other things in my wallet. I have heard of a few married tourists who do not want their wives knowing where they went, leave their passports and the foolish leave all their ID back at the place they are staying. Not sure what Asian tourists do.
  16. Do not forget that in China they have TV just like Russia has TV. Unless they are rich, they watch the local Chinese TV station, hint hint. In My Opinion... anyway
  17. Well now that she has time, maybe she will got to WEF and see if there is a position available. I just hope that NZ gets a good leader after the next election. They can be thankful that the Canada PM is not available.
  18. Teen Greta. That is what she is, for another year or two. Will she get so much publicity after she is twenty? In My Opinion she is just another rich family teen. Some posters seem to think she is something special. Well good for you, I think she is good at speaking in public, and is taking advantage of it.
  19. I guess the Chinese tourists are happy to see their CM properties after the nearly 3 years they have been away. I hope next Winter will be a nice hot dry one, when I plan to go to Thailand for 2 or 3 months. Good luck all you CM posters.
  20. If this is a yearly gathering, and the country citizens are paying for this 5 day holiday then the WEF should be paid by someone else and not the tax payers of a bunch of countries. The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister from Canada are attending this holiday affair. I think it is disgusting actually. Canada tax payers are paying enough taxes including a forced Carbon Tax, that the PM increased on New Years Day.
  21. Finally. Hope he rots in prison.
  22. According to some posters, just because some Ukrainians speak Russian, the country deserved to be invaded? In Thailand there are people who speak English, British, French, and many other Languages. So what does another language have for an excuse for for some one to invade another country. IMO some less than intelligent posters on this forum. I am just disappointed that the Rich Russians and and educated Russian believe an ex KGB man, who is presently their leader in government.
  23. All these young adults would be in their low to mid teens. How did they get into Thailand and get to stay for so long. The agency should either answer these questions, or be immediately shut down for good. Someone is responsible for this sitation.
  24. I prefer Jomtien beach in south Pattaya way more than Any beach in the Miami area. Just my personal choice of course.
  25. No sympathy for this rich guy who was to cheap to have a full time driver.
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