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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 5 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    True.  If Chinese owned, the guy with the flag would guide them in to spend money there.  For Thai-owned small businesses, the tour-groups just walk by and gawk - packing the sidewalks, and driving away their customers.  Well, the ones immigration has not already forced to move to Vietnam by denying-entry to Thailand on false-grounds.  

    They're doing what they did in HK after the handover, Lan Kwai Fong used to be packed out with western bars and westerners, then soon as the handover was over the Chinese bought the lot and turned it into the street of misery, exactly what this lot are doing to Thailand right now....... I knew it was all over when little signs appeared on the doors...... "Chinese only"   Same in Thaniya plaza...... "Japanese only"...... next it'll be "No Farangs" on the doors here.......  Personally i can't wait to watch this lot disappear under the waves....... waves of Chinese that is....... 

    • Like 1
  2. Told you boys, we're not wanted......  You've got to laugh though at the latest coming out of Anutins Ministry of Stupidity and downright craziness........"The sector needs help from the government."  Personally i'd say it's the last thing Thailand needs is help from its government, what it really needs is the government taking out into the Gulf of Thailand and set free to play with the fishes....... I've got an idea, let's have connect four world championships and bingo on an evening......... That should pull em in from all over the world........  ( I'm joking by the way )........  La la Land where insanity is government policy.......  

  3. 2 hours ago, giddyup said:

    Living here full time for 11 years here is a "Johnny come lately"?  That's a bit like the "I used to live in shoebox in the middle of the road" skit.

    Int middle o road lad..... And yeah you were late..... 1990-2000...... the best..... after 2010 it was over..... You've got a year or two to pick a life boat.......  maybe.... 

  4. 51 minutes ago, pineapple01 said:

    Very few spend time in Bars, just a hardcore crowd who hurt no one anyway.

    Dead right, i packed in going to "Bars" years ago, i only go out now to meet old friends and that'll be in certain places that i'll feel ok in........ As for Pattaya i've been once in all the time i've lived in Thailand..... never liked it never will, too many "Giddyup" characters for me....... Johnny come latelys, missed it all..... 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Who has been here the longest means squat if you spend all your time in bars, some people learn nothing no matter how long they spend in a place.

    Yeah ok, just keep telling your self fairy stories........ Been there, bought the T shirt, eaten it, drank it, F&^%$ it, speak the lingo, stopped counting brasses after a grand, survived thirty years of de-bauchery and an extensive education in SE Asia......... and you ?   I think even you'd learn something after all that....... Jog on.... 

    • Haha 2
  6. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    Fair enough. It was learning about the justice system and general corruption of lawyers that opened my eyes. A judge told me in private, in person when I caught up with him in a shopping mall (he was a decent fellow and had visited my country and had relatives there, so he was kind of on my side), not long after he had presided over a mediation session at the provincial courthouse - "don't trust lawyers". If judge tells you that, you know we're in trouble.


    You might go your whole life without any problems, but it's nice to know someone has your back if the <deleted> hits the fan, and here, no one has your back unless you have a good Thai family that can support you.


    Don't get me wrong, this intense dislike of foreigners (xenophobia) is not unique to Thailand. It happens all over the world, but Thai people can be very nasty. They are aggressive. People need to know this. If you are quiet, and keep to yourself, you might be ok, but then again you might not. Surely most expats have spotted this in Immigration offices all over the country. This behaviour does not stop at Immigration offices.

    Here's a little gem for you. This is a Thai lawyer, not only a lawyer but one who represents quite a few foreign Embassys in Thailand, including the British Embassy....... My friend had a problem with immigration a while back and gave the immigration officers their pedigree which they well deserved. He thought he was blacklisted (BS) so he asked me to find a lawyer to assist his entry into the country. (Attached answer)  After careful thought we just thought F&^% it we'll chance the border with zilch, luckily we found a decent immigration officer and Robert was indeed our fathers brother !    Barstuard wanted 900 quid just to enter the country for thirty days with his mate in immigration taking his cut as well........ Lawyers ?????   I'd rather trust a Bar Brass with me ATM card and number........ 


    • Like 1
  7. The land of fake smiles and evil little barstuards...... I've seen this little chestnut done a few times.....   Nearly as good as the loving wife slowly poisoning the husband and then taking control of the finances........ Another little gem in the land of the devious.... Oooh yes, let's retire in Thailand..... Really ? About as safe as playing Russian roulette with an automatic.....

  8. Ha ha,,,,,,,, a blind man on a galloping horse can see what these lot are up to.... They've always wanted to close the bars and get rid of those "Dirty Farangs", and if Anutins outbursts are not enough to convince you that we're on the chopping block then you're severely deluded or smoking krak !  Isn't it strange how they decimated all the good bars and discos in Sukhumvit and the only ones that have remained are all the ones with too much Police connection to shut down due to the fact that they're still armed....   It's over boys, she's going down......... Abandon ship !   

    • Thanks 2
  9. 7 hours ago, fruitman said:

    Exactly, and guess what? That transformer is around the corner of our house in a hi-so mubahn where many Thai have a car that costs more than 100.000 usd...


    And this transformer is less than 3 years old because the previous one exploded totally with a big bang 3 years ago.

    Guess what, "Made in China"........  They're like fire crackers where i live, just wait till it starts raining...... it's like something out of Boris Karlof film....... Bzzzzzbbzzzzzzz BOOM !  

    • Haha 1
  10. Went in the 7/11 this morning, the kid virtually stuck the gun to my temple like he was gonna off me then came out with the unbelievable result of 37.5 !  No no sunshine, stand back and try again, 35.5...... Jesus i thought i was going to get a million press ups then marched off to the gulag....... What do you expect, you only need a degree to work in the 7, for actual intelligence you need a masters......or something approaching the Thai version of Tesla........   Sorry for the lady, that hurts.......  

  11. 8 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

    Personally i think it's about time that someone whispered in the ear hole of the perpetual tourist that the lads from the North are driving his car, using his petrol, and are about to flog it.......  It's the only way to stop the little yellow devils from the take over that's on the books.......  Just read CP's words....... "White out, Yellow in" ........ Sorry lads, all those hoops you've jumped through and all that cash you've put into Thai banks means squat !   Look at them , Little Tuu, Anutin, CP......... It's like a Chinese family get together..... and they've all forgotten why their daddys legged it from China......    

    I've got to share this..........  Very important.......  https://newleftreview.org/issues/II97/articles/benedict-anderson-riddles-of-yellow-and-red

  12. Personally i think it's about time that someone whispered in the ear hole of the perpetual tourist that the lads from the North are driving his car, using his petrol, and are about to flog it.......  It's the only way to stop the little yellow devils from the take over that's on the books.......  Just read CP's words....... "White out, Yellow in" ........ Sorry lads, all those hoops you've jumped through and all that cash you've put into Thai banks means squat !   Look at them , Little Tuu, Anutin, CP......... It's like a Chinese family get together..... and they've all forgotten why their daddys legged it from China......    

    • Sad 1
  13. Here we go again, they've just destroyed one of the best money spinners in the world and now we're back to extorting money again...... They'll be lucky to find a tourist here shortly........ What a bunch of F%^$% idiots.....   " One night in Bkk makes a hard man humble "........ My Ar#$ !  One night in Bkk makes you wonder what the F%^$#s happened here ??....... Boring, expensive and now fraught with government hurdles and land mines......  It ran for years doing a roaring trade until this load of plastic action men turned up....... Fact !   Put the bar girls in charge and it'll work....... Generals and Army, P*&% off and go play soldiers somewhere else...... 

    • Thanks 1
  14. The sad fact is you can go round and round in circles praying for a miracle fix to the created tourist nightmare that Thailand is now enjoying, but in the end you'll have to come up with the fact that tourism was built on westerners and it ran just fine until the latest bunch of chancers took over...... Racism and xenophobia are not qualities that nurture tourism, but as we all know, certain " People"  would rather watch the place burn down than admit they were wrong,,,,,,,  and especially the likes of the Health minister and his cronies...... "I'll never apologize to a farang"......   Says it all....... 

    • Like 1
  15. 17 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    i have traveled 36,000 kilometers on my motorcycle all over Thailand.


    for the first few days I had to keep checking my GPS because I though I was riding in circles because everywhere I went looked exactly the same. 


    I've always said it was the same bloke with a concrete mixer that started at the North and ended in Songkhla when he ran out of gear..... 

  16. 12 hours ago, tomauasia said:

    China destroyed Thailand tourism and the country as a whole. I'm married to a Thai national who unfortunately works with the current government group of destroyers. China checkmate there weapon worked a treat. I'm sick of story telling. ARMY have no finance knowledge and will let China back in there desperate. Reserve bank empty. CHINA now own the Thai army pants and all. Borders will open and quickly..Farangs will find something else to yap on about. 

    Farangs will just leave, simple as that....... there's a lot more countries in the world than just Thailand....... It used to be good, now it's over...... 

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