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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 1 hour ago, alant said:

    I hope you are wrong, if there is never a vaccine Thailand is closed. Not just the end of tourism but the end of Thailand in the world community.

    You may be right though the government may decide that even when covid is over they prefer to keep Thailand insulated from the influence of outsiders.

    That's been their plan over the last few years, get rid of those pesky westerners then we can beat the B-Jesus out of the locals without too many witnesses...... Also bring in our Chinese/Asian brothers because we're all the same, not like those "Dirty" foreigners. It's exactly the same policy as the WW2 dictator Phibun who kissed the backside of the Japanese and then jailed all the westerners in the country..... And like Phibun this bunch of loons are backing the wrong horse, they'll do the same as Phibun did when it all turns to sticky stuff and do a runner leaving the country in the hands of China.......   

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, tomauasia said:

    Who gives a toss. The gates must reopen and life must go on. It's only dumb and dirty people that will contract this virus. Block dumb China and start letting people in that have been coming for years with good records. These forums to much talk about what is. Fact is Thais are opening end of month. So will all need another topic to moan about 



    Another topic to moan about ?  Wasn't the closure of the world big enough for you ?   You're brand new straight out of the box.... I've been living here for thirty years, not a stain on my character, worked on the biggest projects in the country, speak Thai, and it's touch and go now whether i get into the country..... If you can't see what's coming for westerners in this country then you've been locked up too long ....... I take it by your "Dumb and Dirty" comment that you're a supporter of that imbecile Anutin.... The government is already on it's knees getting ready to give that Chinese Ar$E a good kissing in the hope that they'll save their miserable backsides now that they've destroyed the tourism industry, yes all those dumb and dirty people that turned Thailand into a tourist destination, it certainly wasn't the Chinese..........   Brand new......  

  3. Extortion ?  Stand back !  A few years ago i got a call from an X of mine who i hadn't seen for a while. She informed me that she was in the court holding cells at Ratchada and that she'd been there a week and could i come down and spring her ? Yeah ok, what have you done ?  Drugs was the answer, Oooh, how much was my question and which nick had pulled you ?  She then informed me that it wasn't her fault it was the coppers who had turned up at the house she was renting a room off whom they suspected of having some naughty substances for sale......  The coppers entered my friends room and as she told me, "One just dropped a pill on the floor in front of me and asked what it was ?"  She replied nothing to do with her and she'd just watched him drop it..... Oh contrare.... He then stated that it was hers and it was going to be twenty thousand baht or it was "Choky" time ........ Knowing my X full well she'd be all on scraping up twenty baht hence her current forced imprisonment...  Had a chat with the "right" individual who informed me that it would of been better if i hadn't come as the price goes up "When they see a farang", then i had to part with the required amount to spring her right away....... Big smiles and Wais all round.......   Extortion......  Lower than a snakes rectum !  

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Malaria has killed millions of people across the world, far more than COVID-19 ever will. There is only one recently approved vaccine, with limited efficacy. On the other hand, Jesuit's bark, otherwise known as quinine, has been treating malaria patients since the 1600's.

    There is no HIV vaccine. However, antiretroviral drugs have succeeded in giving many HIV patients normal life spans.

    IMO, a preferred option for COVID-19 would be the development of treatment drugs and prophylactics.

    A vaccine takes a long time to develop and test for effectiveness. A drug treatment has a much shorter path from testing to approval.

    The other positive would be depriving the anti-vaxxers of another drum to beat.

    The drug you spoke about is being used all over the place right now with great success, it's just being hampered by a little fellow and his mate trying to flog their own.......  

    • Like 1
  5. Told you before, you'd be surprised what comes off these pages and ends up on the right desk...... I'm happy for the old boy, Jesus knows he doesn't need that kind of agro at his time of life.........  Had a very similar situation last year with a friend of mine concerning immigration, couldn't get near them conventionally....... Post on here and whammo !     Sorry there's all been a big misunderstanding, big smiles all round, mate's back in the country with a free "get out of jail card".........  Slimy little toe rags taking a liberty for a bit of graft, not so clever when you haul em up....... 

  6. "Amazing Thailand" !   Just when you think you've seen every form of insanity possible by the cerebrally challenged, up they come with the goods, more gems............ Personally i'm looking forward to the marching bands and Chinese style military parades with Little Tu and A Nut in.....standing to attention alongside their Chinese masters looking like Blackadder and Boldrick........  Bound to be good for tourism..... I mean just ask the TAT ....... Producing more numbers than the lottery......  It's like watching an orphanage burn down witnessing this lot destroy this once great country.......  UnF%^$#@ believable..... 

    • Like 1
  7. Typical..... Took over the best knocking shop in the world and in just a few years destroyed it to a point where they're now selling the wreckage to the Chinese.....  Is there any wonder this lot have never fought a war and their biggest military achievements have been against their own people......  You just watch when they finally flog it to the Chinese, little TU and Anutin and his cronies will be legging it to a nice little civilized farang paradise to catch up with their ill gotten gains....... Mind you Tu's gonna need some English lessons first......  

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  8. 19 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

    I think it's fairly logical to let Thailand to create it's own vaccine. Who cares about what the west does or says. They have failed society on so many levels. The West is no longer the reputable and great place it used to be. I say good on Thailand for taking the lead! 

    It's mainly the typical Thai bashers that have a problem with this.... 

    Ha ha.... you wish..... 

  9. 4 minutes ago, jojothai said:

    Why would they need it outside. Others are ahead of Thailand.

    They will still hit the jackpot though and make billions out of it here.

    Just imagine, all visitors and visas require you to have the vaccine.

    No overcharging, price it cheap at 5000 baht. let me guess 30 to 40 million x 5000 baht. WOWOEOW

    Spot on !........ Couldn't run a bath but very good at extortion...... You can see what's on the greedy little minds.... Ooooh, money for nothing and the chicks you wouldn't have for free !  

    • Like 2
  10. 1 minute ago, ubon farang said:

    Really i dont belive to much into this but if it is true and i really hope it is for Thailands sake they would of hit the jackpot The country will make bIllions out out it. America would be there biggest customer followed by China Fingers crossed this is not a rubbish story.

    Just think Mr Pm of Thailand how many tanks and military equipment you could buy from the profits that drug makes  wowowowow?????????‍♀️

    Complete and utter tripe........  Coming from a country that tells more lies than a cheap Chinese watch...... 

    • Like 2
  11. 8 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    That woman and clip is the very definition of conspiracy theory. She has been a anti vaccine nutter since the discovery of aids/hiv.

    Everything she has ever said has been discredited, proven false. The clip has since been removed from youtube because its false fake rubbish.

    One smart lady.......... 

    • Haha 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, apetryxx said:

    None of this nonsense would have taken place if the alcohol ban hadn’t been instituted in the first place. Nobody in government has yet to come up with any reasonable explanation as to what any of these moronic rules, and there are many, have anything to do with the Wuhan Virus. My take is, as is the case with most dictatorships, control, in what ever form is the cudgel used to keep the populace in line. In our particular case here in Thailand, a very very small percentage of the population who were infected were used as an excuse to impose what amounts to martial law. Think about what has been done to every day life, the economy, entertainment, transportation or just the plain happiness of those around you. All of this misery and inconvenience based on the whims of one man.

    You've missed the real point, it was nothing to do with the virus or well being of the people or the country......... It was to stave off riots well over due....... Every swinging D*&^ knows it....... Dodged a bullet for the time being..... Still on the menu though...... 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Pedrogaz said:

    Despite all the negative comments on here I think the government have done a great job. Look at the UK: with a similar population and whose government had such a laissez faire attitude and who were slow interrupting any economic activity; Result: 26000 dead.

    Thailand 54 dead, and remember Thailand had hundreds of thousands of Chinese from Wuhan here in November, December and January (5 flights a day) and consequently was at very, very high risk of a major disaster.

    The booze ban, the curfew, the lockdown, the ban on gouging for masks, the closure of airports and businesses all played a role in the great result.

    Stop your whining and thank god you don't live in the UK, France, Italy, Spain or the US.

    Brand new !   Thailand's famous for what again...?    Lies and prostitution, if those figures are real i'm a Dutchman ....... As for the British they've had more dead in a bar fight...... 

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