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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 26 minutes ago, Jonathan Swift said:

    There are a lot of professional critics trolling comments all the time here, how about stepping up like these folks did instead? Do what you can, people, and never mind what the government is or isn't doing. Comments about the government serve no useful purpose, they don't read them do they? I'm stuck here an extra month, normally I go back to the US just for summer, and I've decided I want to help out as well. I don't have visa problems or income problems, I haven't figured out the details yet, but the money I'm not spending in bars and on trips would be well spent on the needy Thai people, whose country is now my home. 

    You would be surprised what comes from these pages and ends up on the governments/immigration dept desks.......... I know that to be 100% true, and if certain scathing comments reach the gov then maybe they might even listen.....  and change might come around and Mr Health minister and his mates might be told to wind it in..... 

  2. First rule in Thailand....... Do not point out that anything is wrong here......  or else you'll be taking a holiday..... one you don't want......... Simple as that......  Second rule, foreigners are always wrong and Thais are always right...... Getting the picture ?   Getting all too predictable now, all we need is Anutin to be made PM then it's game over........... FULL STOP ...........  

    • Thanks 2
  3. Getting crazier this place........ It's as daft as the situation with a young lady friend of mine who's father is a copper at Lumphini cop shop. I asked her if her dad knew what she was doing in Dollhouse and more importantly of an evening ?  She replied no but my mother does and she's constantly borrowing money off me knowing that i can't refuse her or she'll grass me up to me dad......   Don't you just love the place..........

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, 727Sky said:

    China will probably make the first vaccine. It will be made in the same factory that made the baby formula that killed hundreds of babies or the factory that made the dog food that killed the dogs or the factory that made.....well, hopefully you get the picture.

    Don't forget the plastic eggs and rice......... Class.......  

  5. 14 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

    you have only yourself to blame then.  you're the buyer, you make the decision to purchase, you make the decision to accept the shipment.  why haven't you found other suppliers?  surely you can source the same components from japan or south korea, but you'll have to pay more.


    the chinese are making cheap **** because the world demands cheap ****.


    much of the **** they make comes from factories purpose-built, designed and managed by western multinationals.  we (our corporate overlords) decided long ago to move production to lower-cost locations - lower wages, no pensions, no unions, no health and safety standards, no unemployment compensation, no environmental regulations.


    sure, we can use the virus to fight the commies and move production out of china, but i don't expect much to go back to the us or europe.  factories will move to free and democratic vietnam or myanmar, and once their wages begin rising, we'll simply move to the 'stans or into afrika.

    free and democratic vietnam or myanmar, and once their wages begin rising, we'll simply move to the 'stans or into afrika.           Yaa baa ?   

  6. 3 hours ago, mickymouse1 said:

    Strangely enough ,many American ex Iraqi army guys (illegally migrated)* to Thailand thinking they can do what they like as all suffer from the same symptoms. 


    * border/Visa run every 90 days...555

    And why not ? thousands of people lived on back to back visas for years before the present bunch grabbed power....... It worked, and it made money....... Good luck to the bloke, probably deserves a break.... 

  7. 32 minutes ago, Jonathan Swift said:

    Don't let the door hit you on the way out. I don't think Thailand or anyone else, me included, are going to miss whiners and complainers like yourself. I live here in Bankok and have traveled all over the area including Cambod and Laos, and the Thai people have treated me just fine. The only real a$$ho/es I've ever come across in 7 years have been farang, mostly bad behaving brits. A very  few other nationalities. And the only people who seem to badmouth Thailand on a regular basis have been brits who have gotten into trouble of their own making and want to blame Thailand. So goodbye to you, good riddance. The baht exchange is improving and life is good as far as I'm concerned. It will only get better in Thailand, everything changes and the pendulum swings both ways over time. Thailand has been here a lot longer that you and your forebears, and it will be here long afterward. I'm sure there are plenty of people like me who are happy to come here and maybe stay. So Get over yourself. BTW, I don't followup on topics nor do I read responses to posts, haven't got the time or inclination. I read one news story once, 5 minutes is all you get of my time.

    The words "Pompous pratt" comes to mind...... Brits...... If it wasn't for the Brits mate Thailand would of been French..... And it's Bangkok not Bankok, at least know where you're living.......  Seven years !  

    • Haha 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, brain150 said:

    According to the man in charge, Bill Gates, there will be no travel until there is a vaccine !!!


    COVID - Certification Of Vaccination ID


    He is running through all news stations world wide getting more screen time than anybody else !!!

    It is also the plan of the World Economic Forum or the WHO or the UN !!!


    It is all over the news or Social Media.

    You could also read Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development

    from the Rockefeller Foundation from back in 2010 or the Project ID2020.


    Or you might want to read this:



    There is no secret on what is about to come when these organizations have their way !!!

    If the cattle want to remain cattle then this is what will happen !

    If the cattle remembers that they are in fact human beings than there might be a chance to avoid this nightmare .... even so it's hard

    to believe when everybody is running around with a stupid mask thinking that social distancing should be the "new normal".





    Yeah a very dangerous man........  along with Fauci  ( Dr Mengele ) 

    • Like 1
  9. This obsession with the Chinese reminds me of when i was in Hong Kong back in 1996 and the locals were getting very rude concerning Gweilos (farangs) because they could see the handover coming up. Anyway one day i finally got one to crack and spit his guts out. What he told me was that us Gweilos could go home now because his Chinese brothers from the North are coming down and they're all going to be one happy Chinese family ..... Ha ha, i nearly wet myself when i heard this, but when i explained to him that the Northerners hated the Cantonese Chinese because you've all had it too easy under the British and when they come down you're going to wish for us Gweilos to come back he broke out in howls of laughter........ Not laughing now though...... 

    Thailand swallowed the same pill back in the forties when the Japanese marched in and announced that they were all Asian brothers and that they had to get rid of the evil colonial "Farang" oppressor, then promptly set out to murder thousands of Asians.......  

    This current love affair with the Chinese that the powers to be are having ( Not the people i might add ) will result in the same outcome, but they'll leg it of course as soon as the sticky stuff hits the fan and wish the people good luck from afar........    Sit back and watch.......  Cambodia's a good example at the moment......  

    • Like 2
  10. Thailand's done anyway, too expensive, boring, all the characters gone, most of the decent places done to death, plus a bunch of numties in charge that couldn't run a bath......    Nah, i had the best times and they're gone, thanks it was great....... the Chinese can have it......... and sadly they will........ Thais will be eating Glap when the Chinese get their hands on the food......  Sit back and watch the show and listen to the howls when they start crying to the West for help when the Chinese are raping the country........  

    • Like 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, moe666 said:

    The tourism ministers job is to get tourist back to Thailand, China just happens to be the worlds biggest supplier of tourist, you go where the money is. The ministers job is not to keep a bunch of Thai bashing posters happy. 

    No, but he should consider the fact that it wasn't the Chinese that flocked here for years and built the place up for tourism......  It was back packers, not a China man in sight when i first came here, well not one on holiday.......

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