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Everything posted by timendres

  1. I use wire transfers, from Capital One and from my little credit union in Ann Arbor MI. Both can be done online easily, fees are reasonable, and the spreads are acceptable. I gave up on IACH after several banks indicated they will not support it until forced by regulation.
  2. Bought my gf a karaoke microphone with built-in speaker. Loves it. Uses it almost every day.
  3. What if I have $1M in my US bank account, and ATM access to that money, and CC's with limits totaling over $100K USD? Do I still need that much money in a Thai bank account?
  4. It is not just "Farang" that get taken advantage of by Thai women here. Although, I believe we do tend to be more gullible.
  5. I watch YT on my LG TV. The ads are only a little bit annoying. I accept them. Happy content creators get paid for their good work.
  6. I have used Dr, Chartchai at Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit 49 Bangkok. He is very good and I have been happy with every surgery. Not plastic surgery, actually, but reconstruction after cancer surgery. He is so well regarded that he has patients flying in from Australia for his work.
  7. They should try just one day in NYC. Bangkok is dead silent compared to NYC.
  8. I have been ordering my espresso beans from Simple Coffee for three years. So far, the best I have found here in Thailand.
  9. In my experience, empathy is something Thais have in abundance.
  10. Spoiled is the word I would use to describe Gen Z.
  11. This is a very good suggestion. Just flew to Phnom Phen for a quick border run. The flights to Cambodia/Vietnam/Malaysia/Singapore are cheap and easy. I just booked a trip (one way) to Singapore - 1,505THB. Unbelievable. The trips will provide a nice changeup during your stay.
  12. I still have, and still use, my 2014 Intel MBP. almost 10 years on, three replaced keyboards (I am really tough on keyboards), and some delamination of the screen (unnoticeable when lit), and it is still a workhorse.
  13. I have the M1 MacBook Pro. Best computer I have ever owned. The screen is fantastic, and the keyboard is finally "back" to awesome. I have been waiting for the M3 (if 3nm) to upgrade. The only improvement I would like to see is a slightly smaller trackpad.
  14. No need to record serial numbers. They will get a receipt for the payment,
  15. And there is the Thai government openly admitting that 80% of the population here is "needy"...
  16. Looks like lucky turtle is enjoying his new spacious habitat...
  17. Agreed. Simplicity is best. Just say "Singapore too boring, need fun and relax."
  18. I have sent credit cards from the US to Thailand. They are wrapped in 3 pirces of paper, then placed in a sealed envelope marked "Confidential". This is declared as "Documents" on the customs slip. No problems yet, after 3 time.
  19. Agreed. The people who have issues (mostly) are those who are doing consecutive border runs over an extended period.
  20. I worked on Wall Street (as a lowly programmer) for many years. The traders also had a famous expression they repeated often: If it floats, flies, or f___s, rent it.
  21. I vaguely remember 10 years ago watching the sunrise at a tiny sidewalk bar on the corner of Sukhumvit Soi 7/1. Along with numerous other patrons, and, of course, the girls. Bangkok truly never slept. I would not even entertain the idea of such a feat today, but I am sure there is a wave of younger guys behind me who are perfectly willing to step into that void.
  22. Why is the boy afraid of first class?
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