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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Sure let me dig up the name of the open air Thai restaurants and small shops we have had this occur at in Phuket, and here in Bangkok, Yeah not happening......believe what you will. Agree to disagree if you believe it does not occur. In fact do a search on this site for the subject, you will find it.
  2. You missed the point, The Menus are the same items, one in Thai language at Thai prices and the other in English with tourist prices.
  3. Could it be endemic, or should they call it pre-endemic, in between........
  4. Thailand has the propensity to do the same thing in the tourist areas with dual menus. I have had a few try it on, but after speaking to them in Thai and asking for the Thai menu they usually relent, if not I up and walk away. I am not a tourist I tell them in my best Thai.
  5. That's to qualify as a Highly Skilled Professional, not as a current retiree, or Wealthy Pensioner. Several different categories one can qualify under, https://www.huahintoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/LTR_page-0004.jpg
  6. Don't think he was running, he was stumping for another candidate he supported. He stepped down a few years ago because of medical issues. Terrible to see him struck down like this. One has to wonder if this was a crazy individual that shot him with a home made shotgun, or if it was a carefully concocted hit to destabilize the country.
  7. How does it sound like I am angry, you always have to go the extra step to turn whatever I write into a personal attack, nice try sir. However, the point is why are they looking to raise prices, and no it is not to make it a Top tourist destination, its to make money to fill up the coffers they have plundered, looted, or spent, you can call it what you like. Why does it matter where I live, are you trying to say that by living in Thailand I should have no complaints. My complaints are validated by many as this Government tries to kill a tourism reboot. I live between two residences and do travel frequently around the country. Never Angry, always happy my friend, maybe you should try it.
  8. As in this Governments leaders.....you want to include others be my guest but I am only speaking about this government trying to stay pertinent for their 20 year roadmap which still has another 12 years to go. 12 years to pillage the country for its wealth to fill their pockets.
  9. Nothing is guaranteed in life except Death........choose your poison, what does not kill you makes you stronger, well in theory.
  10. I think your looking at it wrong. If retired 80k USD a year is all you need, along with the insurance requirement. If your not retired and you are employed you need as you indicate.
  11. Not hanging onto panic Sir, hanging onto keeping the masses of protestors contained and trying to keep their regime pertinent.
  12. Yes sir, Prayut using a pogo stick cane and using two minders to walk him, with Prawit in a motorized all step climbing mobility scooter,
  13. I like your interpretation and hope what you indicate is what actually happens, however this is Thailand and to many fingers stir the pot sometimes. If it works as described then a Copy of my annual Retirement income verification letter from last year and this year plus my PCH certificate of insurance would be all that's needed.
  14. But the queen said off with your head you silly fool....
  15. You don't sound like it with your comments
  16. USD dropped back to 35.95 per $1 just at bank closing time, and of course it is a Friday. Lets see what Monday brings and then Tuesday.
  17. TAT (Tourist Assassination Tools). Maybe they can get the money from the coffers of the new Dual Pricing hotel scam. The coffers must be bone dry by now with all of the schemes and such they have put forward. What I wouldn't give to be able to open up the books and audit them.
  18. like a white noise background sound. It is how I managed to live in BKK so long. Unfortunately the White Noise has gotten to loud
  19. I have been in Thailand long enough to see that inaction before something happens is quite common. In fact most do not respond or react until after the event, no proactive effort put in at all, only reactionary, which is truly sad and despicable.
  20. Same goes for a marriage here as well..........life is short, how many will still be around at the end of a 30 year leasehold if they retire here at 60 or 65. Rent payments after 10 years will equal the payment one makes for the house and leasehold. The next 20 are free in essence.
  21. This could be true for a house built on a piece of property you like, but I really doubt large gated Moobans where the properties are all leaseholds would go through what you describe if the property developer is also the owner of the land as a limited company which is family owned and incorporated. Many developments like that are leasehold only and allow for the owner of the house to sell the house and a new owner to obtain a new 30 year lease. Of course there are rip offs everywhere in the world. I have a property in Mexico that has a 99 year lease on it which my kids and other family members use.
  22. Negative, please explain how. You made a snide comment about protecting yourself from somchai. A leasehold does exactly that.
  23. Protect yourself from Somchai really? So a registered lease at the Land office is not protecting yourself....hmmm https://www.siam-legal.com/realestate/Leases.php The lease term of a real properties in Thailand can either be fixed or periodic. A lease agreement will usually guarantee the initial 30-year lease term. A foreigner can safely acquire the right to use the land and register the right for a maximum of 30-year lease at the Land Department. Section 540 of the Civil and Commercial Code provides that the duration of a hire of immovable property cannot exceed thirty (30) years. If it is made for a longer period, such a period is to be reduced to thirty (30) years. However, the 30-year period may be renewed, but the renewal must be made prior to the expiration of the lease term.
  24. This may be pretty close to the truth, but then it may be pretty low in reality with many self isolating and not getting tested at the hospitals, which are seeing an increase in numbers again. For the non maskers I wonder how they will view the rising cases.
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