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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. He has only himself to blame. His arrest and his prior comments are enough in my book to see him removed from his office and positions on panels. I wonder if he will be the prison librarian....pun intended......
  2. Yes sir, as well as 2 different types of shoes, one for regular days, and then those for the day of physical education. Yesterday was the day we picked them up and paid the fees ourselves at the Wat school the stepdaughter attends. What's irritating is that you can only buy the uniforms and items from the school itself, as all of the uniforms have to have the school logo on it somewhere, and your Childs name embroidered onto it.
  3. Are they not trying to do that with the proposed 300 baht entry fee that has been kicked down the curb continually for almost a year now?
  4. Explain to us how Negotiating for anything more than Russia removing itself from the sovereign Ukrainian land it invaded would be a good thing for Ukraine. Sure the (Special Operation) really a war started by Russia for now would stop, but Russia sooner rather than later would want to continue its campaign to encroach upon more Ukrainian land, just like Taking Crimea in 2014, and 8 years later pushing onward. Do you support the bloodshed and criminal activity undertaken by the Putin Regime? Please do not say it was anyone's fault other than Russia's and try to deflect from the carnage he (Putin) has caused.
  5. His statements show he is a sexual predator or can you not see that.
  6. Re-read your statement and then remember this was a defamation case also where he hade very disparaging remarks and then failed to stand up in court to defend himself. Does a innocent man just blow of court? Why does he feel he is above the law, as well as you believe he is above the law. Can you remember where you were 30 years ago and what occurred on this date: Give you a hint It was a very famous Heavyweight boxing match.
  7. Yet they are still concerned enough to keep the programs up and running despite what you folks claim is over. Covid is not over, endemic yes, but over not in the eyes of many in the medical profession, which includes my daughter and her partner..
  8. So all of the #Metoo cases as well as others should just be dismissed and the perpetrators let go. You realize that this is not a conspiracy and is about justice being served years later after woman have now been able to speak out on sexual abuse, after being afraid to for decades.
  9. Why allow him to continue on doing things which may have to be undone afterwards. Suspensions and removals are always done in jobs and positions where someone is under suspicion of something and a trial is pending. https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/RL33229.pdf Internal party rules in the House, however, require an indicted chairman or ranking Member of a House committee, or a member of the House party leadership, to temporarily step aside from his or her leadership or chairmanship position https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/employee-relations/employee-rights-appeals/ Most Federal agencies are authorized under 5 U.S.C. chapter 75(external link)(PDF file) to suspend, demote, furlough, or remove employees for "such cause as will promote the efficiency of the service." Actions taken under 5 U.S.C. chapter 75(external link)(PDF file) are "adverse actions" and are based upon misconduct, unacceptable performance, or a combination of both.
  10. Defamation is a crime. As you said he should have kept his mouth closed, but alas tis the Donald we discuss........
  11. You are aware that civil trials are not criminal trials and so the main case was his defamation of Carroll. So many other cases to be heard still. His appeal will go nowhere as his deposition which the jury was made aware of basically sealed the verdict. No defense was needed for what they convicted him of.
  12. Talking with the 80 year old neighbors wife this morning, her husband is in the hospital with Covid as of yesterday, having breathing troubles. Last weekened over the holiday they were visited by the grandkids ages 6 and 7, and who the parents thought jyst had colds. Looks like they transmitted the virus to poor grandpa. All were tested yesterday, grandkids positive for covid as well as there parents, neighbors wife negative, but since the kids visited us she wanted us to know. Sigh.
  13. Couldn't happen to a nicer lying buffoon who is just following his personal mentors actions and lines.....oops I meant lies. He should be stripped of his positions pending this trial.
  14. Thank you @Pib I know many have been waiting to see what help these agents can give them with the needed paperwork and acting as a go between. Folks need to remember that these agents will be held to the letter of the policy which BOI has for issuing these Visas.
  15. Well as usual unless you can post a verifiable link which supports your view, "that they will be taking there masks down" if wearing them, then we shall agree to disagree and I will move on instead of reading the unverified non scientific information you are providing. In fact looking at a few news articles such as the one linked below it appears that Covid monitoring will be continued even in the US as well as other countries surrounding us here including Thailand. https://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/health-med-fit/cdc-monitoring-of-covid-19-will-remain-a-priority/article_e6d225ef-6cfd-5f9b-903b-93d243a048ce.html, "Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 and the effectiveness of prevention and control strategies continues to be a public health priority during the transition from the emergency phase of the COVID-19 response to routine public health practice," Silk and colleagues write.
  16. Just because it was not discussed today does not mean in another week as cases seem to be moving upwards that it wont become a possibility. At the school today almost all of the parents were wearing masks along with there children. Since they have been away from school now for almost 8 weeks and away from each other it made sense to me and why we were masked up. BTW so was the school staff.
  17. Picked up the daughters new school uniforms today at her school in preparation for class starting on next Tuesday. The School director and the nurse were present and it was explained to us that they would still be providing hand sanitizer and washing stations as well as doing thorough class room, bathroom and eating area cleanings daily. No mention of masks were made.
  18. Wow, may he RIP and my condolences to his family. The police should be able to trace the GPS signal from his phone if they have the information for it. Lets hope the girl is found and the case solved.
  19. Succinct and on-point. Thank you for the concise post.
  20. Unless I am going to a high end event my watches, which I got from a dead friend, stay in my safe, and I only wear my cheap digital watch which measures my steps. My phone costs the same as some of the higher end cheap watches.
  21. Guess he did not utilize a lock box, I wonder sometimes how folks can be so Naïve. My guess is she did not live in the condo but was a guest of someone else and he caught her on her way out originally and obtained her contact info. Just supposition on my part. Why travel with high end watches or even wear gold out and about. Prime targets. And a shower in the middle of the night? Did he mean when they got in from being out, or he just always gets up and showers in the middle of the night, I am a little confused with this part......
  22. I know we where hoping to see the new curriculum rolled out at the Wat School the stepdaughter goes to in BKK but as the article says it was not. The Government Education Ministry program has had plenty of time to find new books and move forward. My view is that they want to keep it as it is and not let the students truly learn what the world truly is about. Students need to learn about world geography and world history, not just learn about the old Thailand and everything within the countries borders. The internet has opened up the step-daughters eyes and she readily asked questions and watches stories about the different countries. Happy she will be starting class next week finally as she will keep her teachers on there toes with questions, or maybe they will try and close her eyes and ears and tell her what she has seen is all fake.
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