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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. So as usual Trump is the messiah and walks on water in your view....that's rich....he will be hung on the cross to die as a martyr then is what your saying.....
  2. Yes Sir, he is raging and sputtering not only in his speech but in his writing, while still trying to raise the spectre of him being demonized....what a whiny little baby the man is.
  3. So no where else in the world reports tourists staying in there hotels. Myanmar and others are just like Thailand.
  4. They did not cut the 45 day time, it was given for a 6 month period of time only and it ended yesterday the 31st of March, what is so hard to understand. It was for a limited time and the current caretaker government could not extend it, simple. Maybe after a new government is in they will up the duration of stay time to 45 days and make it permanent, but I doubt it very much. I remember in 2010 when I applied for my Non Imm O visa at the consulate in Loas Angeles it was free and no money was needed. This was also done to bring tourists in during the 2010 high season, and it was also canceled after 6 moths. Nothing is permanent unless it says so in the immigration law, and then it is only changed by a new decree which is posted in the royal gazette after the top man signs it into law.
  5. May this poor family RIP. Just to think that in another 10 days the masses will take to the road for Songkran Travel and the deaths will mount.
  6. True, most I know that come to visit come in with and exempt stamp and leave before the end date.
  7. So laws were not broken by Trump in your view, that's just hilarious. The man is a cheat, a liar, a swindler, and whats more he thinks he can do as he pleases. If he was a Hi-So here in Thailand he would be screaming "Dont you know who I am"
  8. Exactly. My daughters are coming to visit in a few weeks and their jobs only allow 2 weeks of paid vacation a year as they have been working now for under 5 years at their current jobs, next year they will get a third week added as they will be into the next tier. By the time they have 20 years with the company, provided they are still working for them they will have 6 weeks a year they can take. If they want to take time off other than what they are given then it is unpaid, and they can not afford that at this point in time.
  9. Yet, my grass is very green right now, wouldn't want to be ungrassed now, to hot.
  10. Tell me how a caretaker government, which has no true power can pass new laws or extend waivers without it costing the government money, simple answer they can't, but you folks believed they could....laughable.
  11. A caretaker government can not extend the Visa waiver nor make any new laws. What is so hard to understand.
  12. In court or under house arrest instead of on the campaign trail trying to instigate another Jefferson Davis style of secession..... https://www.rawstory.com/can-rebellion-be-too-big-to-fail-reflections-on-jefferson-davis-and-trump/ At first glance, Trump seems completely unique. No one else has dared to overthrow an election and seize ruling power. No one except Jefferson Davis, who tried to use violence to overturn the election of Abraham Lincoln. Davis was not just the nineteenth century version of a crank on the internet. He had far more political experience than virtually anyone of his time.
  13. Goodness me, I think the poster you responded to has lost it.....I wuld say that the majority who post are in Thailand and that other small percentage were here and have left for elsewhere, but will return here, and have friends or family here....I myself am replying via a space VPN from Mars.....
  14. Try Again https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-stormy-daniels-hush-money-indictment_n_640f5b35e4b0fef1523fa996 One of his lawyers at the time, Cohen, already pleaded guilty to a federal charge of violating campaign finance laws with the check to Stormy Daniels to buy her silence about the affair she says she had with Trump in 2006. Cohen served 13 months in prison and another year and a half under home confinement for that and various unrelated charges.
  15. A political problem? Your trying to say this is not a violation of using campaign finances and violating laws in order to bribe someone. Really? On what planet do you live sir. Ethics aside, which Trump has none to speak of, anyone else doing what he did would do time. Wait Cohen already did....and .....quite a few others.
  16. Jail time not so sure because of his status, yet it will probably be house arrest under the supervision of the secret service where he will not be allowed to leave the residence, much like wearing an ankle monitor...yet convicted yes.
  17. It is clean when you prosecute folks for crimes committed and thus hold all accountable, much like Trump said he would do, but didn't, and then he went and committed crimes himself.....double edged sword sir. One that Trump sharpened and will cut him to the quick as well.
  18. And Jared Kushner did not get Millions from the Saudis? Your out on a tiny limb that's going to break....
  19. Keep on believing what you will, and then when the inevitable happens come back here and tell us he was framed...
  20. They could prosecute Bidens son anytime they want, they just need evidence which is not truly there....True evidence is what they have on Trump. You Trump apologists and supporters just don't see it. To you there's nothing there.
  21. Hills on the backside of Rajabhakti Park south of HH are on fire, the air here is poor today, but at least the bre6 is blowing the smoke towards Myanmar.
  22. Best really do some research to understand this better sir. Article II of the U.S. Constitution vests executive powers in the President, makes him the commander in chief, and requires that the President “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” Laws can also give additional powers to the President. While an executive order can have the same effect as a federal law under certain circumstances, Congress can pass a new law to override an executive order, subject to a presidential veto. So has congress vetoed the executive orders Made by Trump or Biden?
  23. We are now seeing more and more arriving her in Hua Hin. Last night at the restaurant we went to there were many Russian families, never seen so many young Russians with prams and with so many kids before.
  24. Well for one he was still a sitting POTUS and could not be prosecuted while in office, so they waited until the had all the ducks in a row, got a grand jury indictment and here we are. Next up will be the federal charges of violating campaign finance laws, then the Georgia case as well as the big one where he created the Jan 6h insurrection, but you believe he walks on water and its all BS. Take a minute and think about it, if you did the same stuff he has done would you be prosecuted or not....and no it has nothing to do with politics as far as the Democrats gunning for him. Did he do illegal things, why yes he did. Is he being indicted and prosecuted for these illegal acts, why yes he is. Will a jury find him guilty, well thats up to how the case is prosecuted in court. Yet he will continue to say it is a witch hunt......somedays I wish I could do whatever I wanted, steal from others, bribe folks, pay off people to make them go away and not file charges, but then in the end it all comes around and bites you in the rear. Look at OJ, Karma is a biatch..... By the way this case was being investigated and people interviewed by the grand jury before Trump filed for the 2024 presidential run. He filed to try and get ahead of all of his legal troubles, yet as he is no longer POTUS anything and everything he has done is fair game now....not a political witch hunt by far.
  25. Ye maybe because he is a former POTUS and needs his Secret Service detail, even in prison he will do his time at the federal level.....just a thought
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