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Everything posted by GanDoonToonPet

  1. Bit of a stinker according to critics. Written by Harvey Weinstein's former secretary. Remember, it's not about good and evil, it's about POWER
  2. I would hazard a guess that the maximum stay allowed in a calendar year, including entry and extension, will be limited to 180 days. If true then the only way to stay a full year would be to do the extension in the new year. 🤔 However it's done, it still amounts to a 5 year multiple entry visa that allows you to stay (about) 6 months each year.
  3. The reduction is in non-immigrant type visas. Here we are discussing the change from 30 days to 60 days for the 'visa exemption' stamp and introduction of the DTV, a type of tourist visa 🙂
  4. I've met biologists that don't believe in evolution, chemists that don't know the difference between chemical and physical reactions; now waiting for a physicist that doesn't believe in matter
  5. Nope. They have 99% tolerance nowadays. I vape regularly while I'm out and about, even on Suk and Silom areas; no one cares now I flew to Phnom Penh last week and had vapes / pods in my carry on for all to see on the way out. In Cambodia (where they've banned it twice) I easily picked up a couple of disposables on the first day. Brought one back a few days later and was walking around BKK, puffing away (in the smoking area) Just got to be careful about the 100ml limit if transporting juices 🙂
  6. The future is eating oversized burgers with chopsticks and soup using a fork...it's tradition right? What could go wrong?
  7. Only a half-wit would judge the people from another country by a small, badly behaved minority of tourists. Not exactly a representative sample. Mainly young people letting their hair down and old people with no hair. What next? All muslims are terrorists? All black people are violent criminals? All white people are privileged? These clever apes will never change 😟
  8. Was seriously thinking of going to Mad Cow, as it's a short walk from my usual haunt (Scruffy Murphy's) where the food is excellent. Tried to find their website...they don't have one Tried their FB page in order to check their burger menu / prices...strangely they only have their pizza menu on there I'm sure their burgers are great but when are they going to pick up their end of the couch? I can't do all the work 😟
  9. Insanity. Like banning a newly discovered fruit because burgers are bad for you. Would the powers that be, who are concerned about the increase in youth vaping, prefer that kids start smoking instead?
  10. Regarding 'Pride Month', 'Black History Month' and the proposed 'Islamophobia Awareness Month' in the UK; seems like an arms race to me; grab those months when you can, there's not many left. I remember when we had a 'minute's silence' for important events. A few years ago, I think the anniversary of Princess Diana's death, it got extended to 2 minutes, the 3, then 4...then everyone came to their senses. Let's hope the same thing happens with everything else. Next will be (for example) 'Pride Season' then 'Pride Year' then 'Pride Life of the Universe'; an endless arms race where everyone is trying to outdo each other to jostle their position to be the most 'oppressed'
  11. Don't know if it's been said but the plane fell on the passengers head not the other way round...guess it depends on your frame of reference. I was at Phnom Penh airport, waiting to board my VietJet flight to BKK, when I first heard of it. Flight was only delayed by 1 hour which is pretty good considering what was happening at BKK. RIP to my fellow countryman 👋
  12. 5 days seems like a reasonable amount of time to celebrate 'your thing' but a month is too long IMO. Also the scale. Keep it reasonably low key. There's 'pride' and then there's wallpapering the universe with it; when everyone feels like they're in the Yellow Submarine music video or having an acid flashback 🤔
  13. In the UK, LGB have formed a splinter group & allied with the TERFs, leaving the 2S...TQQI+ out in the cold 🙂
  14. Here's the cigar...I referred to the Greeks, not ancient Greeks. In particular, Ptolemy described Britain as in my above post. As you didn't comment on the Romans, I assume you accept that part. Anyway, as to my original claim, that 'great' refers to physical size as opposed 'good, excellent, wonderful, terrific, awesome, fantastic, superb, exceptional, phenomenal, first-rate, sensational' or similar, still stands. 🙂
  15. The Greeks referred to the island of England, Scotland and Wales as 'Great Britain' and the island of Ireland as 'Little Britain'. Later, the Romans referred to both islands as 'Britannia Major' and the occupied part of France, known as Brittany, as 'Britannia Minor' Nothing to do with the British Empire I'm afraid 🙂
  16. Ethnicity of people proceeded against and victims of knife crime, London, UK (2008-2018) Someone else can adjust for population demographics... Source: FOI Request, London Metropolitan Police
  17. Although men are generally more likely to receive longer sentences and more likely to receive a custodial sentence, women are less likely to be sentenced but (slightly) more likely to be imprisoned for sexual offences against a child Source
  18. The Far Right / Alt Right = old, white, straight, heterosexual, cisgender men...and now Jews (again). This is the post-modern, post-structural narrative that now defines who is good and who is evil.
  19. I extended my 30 day stamp at IT Laksi a few weeks ago...British nationality, English ethnicity and dressed like a spiv 1. Only non-visa extensions at Laksi. I observed a few people with TR visas being re-directed to CW 2. I filed a TM30 online myself, a couple of days before, but it was not mentioned. Neither were the 20k cash or onward ticket 3. New to me were the 2 extra forms to fill in. They are declarations related to overstay, working etc. Next time I'll pre-print & complete to save my arthritic fingers from a beating
  20. I have had a sebacious cyst on my forehead for about 5 years now, which has slowly been growing in size. I just received this reply from Chao Phraya hospital in Bangkok... I'm not keen on a general anesthetic and the price does seem very high. In the UK this procedure can be performed by specialist clinics, under local anesthetic, for 25 000 THB or less.
  21. If you take Weinstein out of the equation this is a victory for due process. Allegations of crimes for which the defendant is not on trial for, and has not even been charged with, should never be allowed into evidence. Neither should the defendant be questioned about these allegations under cross-examination; this is tantamount to nothing more than a witch hunt. It seems to be the same with Trump in that people think someone is guilty not because of what they did but who they are.
  22. ...and St Patrick was English. He was a slave that brought Chrisianity to Ireland. The 'lefties' should ensure that they mention this to every Irish person they meet...especially ex-IRA members 😂
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