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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. While ostensibly acting as a friendly peacemaker and go-between Qatar continues to host Hamas leaders in luxury in Doha.
  2. Attempting to link this death to Trump is both ridiculous and pathetic.
  3. Weird comment. The move of the current US govt to stop men from competing in womens' sport, using women's restrooms etc is surely good. Unbelievable that anybody would not support the new legislation.
  4. This will drag on for ever. Too much time and money invested in keeping things just the way they are.
  5. Groups of British youths have been banned from some bars in Europe.
  6. I entirely agree. The problem is the activities of the DEA, and the 'war' against drugs generally, has become a business with lots of well paid jobs on offer. The chances of decriminalisation, regulation, control and tax are therefore very slim.
  7. Thai drains seem to be claiming a lot of victims these days.
  8. What you apparently fail to see is that it is the bargirls who have to pay the bill for whatever amount the customer refuses to accept. In this case I gather the customer was also very loud and very rude.
  9. Fair enough. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  10. Regarding your comment expressing surprise that 'locals' would voice an opinion on the matter the answer is, they do, quite openly with foreigners they know well and trust. They are, however, far more guarded in discussion with other locals. Regarding the recognition of a Palestinian state, that is indeed the objective of the (somewhat detached) international community. However, for those who actually live in the region it's a case of dream on. As I have said, a far more radical approach is needed if a lasting peace is to be achieved.
  11. Having lived and worked in the region for many years I can assure you very few, if any, Middle Eastern countries welcome Palestinian refugees. One thing is for sure, the re-strucuring of Gaza needs a radical approach if further conflicts are to be avoided.
  12. Not all the sex workers are in favour of being registered with the Thai Revenue Department.
  13. Don't worry. We've got your message, and your enthusiasm for battery driven cars is understood. Take it easy, and have a nice day.
  14. Appalling behaviour. Deport, and re-entry denial for a long time. This kind of incident only serves to sully the reputation of Israelis world-wide.
  15. Yes. I am interested in steam power. Charles Burnett achieved an average speed of nearly 140mph over 2 runs at Edwards air force base in California in 2009 in the British-built 'Inspiration'. However, the large size of the boilers required presents what has so far proven to be an insuperable problem in terms of producing a road-going passenger vehicle.
  16. Time will tell. Meanwhile, enjoy your EVs, and have a nice day
  17. Sarcastic. but well said anyway !
  18. One thing is for sure, just to re-build and change nothing will result in a continuation of the same issues which led to the current conflict.
  19. Like it or not the law is the law and this foreigner is breaking it.
  20. Research into a number of alternative power sources is underway including ethanol, hydrogen, propane, LPG, and methanol. One of the reasons this research is being carried out is a widespread concern that EVs' green credentials are far from proven.
  21. If he said on his application he had never taken drugs he was lying. If, on the other hand, he admitted to taking drugs on his application his visa should not have been granted. Hard to see a way out for him on this.
  22. I can only hope the cobra was indeed returned safely to its' natural habitat but I somehow doubt it. No idea why snakes cause so much panic here.
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