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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Sorry to hear this. I think you are being treated in this way because of the assumption by local serving staff that your behaviour will be as rude as it is by other foreigners, some of whom behave very badly indeed.
  2. As I said, good for you. ATB.
  3. Sick b-----d. A long jail sentence would be good, but that is wishful thinking on my part. There is something deeply wrong with people who are cruel to animals.
  4. A sad story. He is obviously happier and more comfortable with his grandparents than with his parents. There will have been a good reason for him to try and undertake such a long and difficult journey. I hope this works out well for him.
  5. Thaksin backing a Chinese takeover of all things Thai. Sad to see. There was a time, during the 50s, 60s and 70s when Thailand carefully maintained a limited involvement with communist China.
  6. In that context Ukraine, with vast amounts of foreign money currently being spent on its' defence, has never been run by angels and saints.
  7. I am happily retired in Thailand, and have been so since 1993. I previously worked here from 1983-1987. and visited throughout the 60s and 70s. I have no idea why you say Thailand is a bad place. In all countries rules and regulations regarding foreigners tend to become more stringent over the years. This is hardly surprising given the increasing numbers of people travelling, not all of them as well behaved as they should be.
  8. Modern history would tell you that eastern Ukraine is largely Russian speaking, and has suffered many atrocities at the hands of the government in Kyev.
  9. Extraordinary posting. Ignoring your juvenile invective and concentrating on reality there is no way you can be so certain that this is going to end badly. The Russia/Ukraine war is bad already, with thousands of military and civilians dead and dying. Talks are essential if this is to be stopped. Re Taiwan, there is no way the current US government will stop giving support to the Taiwan cause. Having lived and worked in Taiwan for many years I can assure you that Taiwanese worry most when Dems hold power in Washington.
  10. Hundreds of white farmers have been murdered with no mention in the mainstream media.
  11. Love them or loathe them, voters have given them a huge majority. Starmer and co will be in power for 4 years plus.
  12. I would like to see jail time for the pickup driver.
  13. Good for you if you can have fun for that kind of money.
  14. Seriously ?
  15. Not a big issue unless you attend circuit sessions.
  16. You won't get many enjoyable female favours for 1k baht, nor would you have done going back quite quite a few years.
  17. Very upset when my local Villa (Ratchayothin, Bangkok) stopped selling cigars.
  18. My Thai wife has an older sister, a US citizen, living on Long Island NY, who is similarly addicted. She's lost 2 restaurants she once owned, spends all of her deceased ex-army husband's pension on slot machines. and is about to lose her house. She refuses any form of treatment. Family at wits' end. Sad to see.
  19. My wife runs a 1995 Volvo 850 GLE, 250,000 miles and counting. Runs like a dream and looks like new (the car that is, not my wife, although she's also in good shape).
  20. On the face of it no Buddhist precept broken. Must be more to this story.
  21. Of course. The source of all wisdom.
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