The majority of so-called English language teachers in Thailand cannot speak English. No small wonder this ranking is so low. Only the Thai nightlife workers prevent it from being even lower.
Not an American, not a MAGA supporter, but I have to say this comment is ridiculous. It is far too early to judge the current Presidency. Revert in a year or two from now.
Chilling video. Having said that I feel the media should refer to such vile activity as anti-Jewish. Anti-Semitic refers not only to Jews but also to Arabs, and others, who speak Semitic languages including Hebrew and Arabic.
Yes indeed. Totally unbelievable that Biden received 81million votes. Should have already been fully investigated but most likely nothing will be done. Swept under the carpet and conveniently forgotten.
Too many people occupying areas where elephants were once free to roam. In this particular case I am not convinced by the report that an elephant was responsible for the man's death .
In my case a small withdrawal. CW have been accepting my day before updates for several years now. I should add that my Thai wife, who always accompanies me, appears to be good at chatting up the immigration officers. Always gets a laugh, and creates a friendly atmosphere. I only mention this as a possible reason for their forbearance.
Britain. the country of my birth, is indeed descending into an Orwellian nightmare. Today's government personifies, to quote the great author, '..all people are equal , but some are more equal than others..'.
Recently CW have accepted an update of my SCB bank book a day before the day of my application for a retirement extension. This for info. only. No guarantee this will work for others.
Carden, a director of American International Tax Advisers, grubbing about for business. Why are local expat groups hosting this kind of meeting ? Find something else to do.
In my opinion the infrastructure in Thailand is not bad in terms of, for example, roads, power, food and communications, and rather better than some supposedly more advanced countries.