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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Disgusting behaviour whatever the facts of the case. Does none of us farangs any good. It will be interesting to learn more about the French men ie if they reside permanently in Thailand, and the nature of their business. Meantime, let's hope the Thai man recovers.
  2. Thailand/Siam has endeavoured to remain neutral throughout most of it's history. However, It did side with the Axis powers in WW2 (at the point of a gun), and took on the French at a time when they were annexing Thai territory. It is also facing an ongoing insurgency in the south. Apart from those instances Thailand has kept well away from international disputes, rightly so in my opinion.
  3. My grandfather at 96. Died at 98 having never had a car accident since starting driving at age 17. I'm 80, and so far no car accident either. Hope I'm not tempting fate by daying that !
  4. Thanks a lot. How old are you, and when do you intend to stop driving ?
  5. Other unpleasant liquids ? That's a bit coy. Human waste was what I read in another report. Even that was a bit too polite.
  6. Siam avoided being colonised by skillfully portraying itself as a neutral player between the French in Laos and Cambodia, and the British in India/Burma and Malaya. However it then miscalculated by accomodating Japan in WW2, and now Thailand/Prayut have further miscalculated in this case, given the appalling atrocities committed by the Russian military in Ukraine. It appears the diplomatic skills of Thailand's forefathers nl longer exist. Self-interest and greed now take precedence.
  7. Acting PM for a short time and 50 million baht disappears without any comment. Amazing.
  8. Ridiculous statement from someone who ought to know better. In reality he is seeking funds for what would likely be a pointless study of no practical value.
  9. The headline, with the reference to foreigners, is misleading. It appears that this is a simple case of embezzlement, if proven.
  10. ...well said, quite serious about money though..
  11. If Thailand ever gets another civilian govt a coup will follow sooner or later.
  12. The farang land, as you call it, the UK in my case, is a pale, sad shadow of what it once was. After visiting Thailand for the first time in 1960, and retiring to Thailand in 1993 having lived and worked in many countries on 4 continents, I still reckon it is a great place. Friendly people, good food and warm weather. I can easily afford to live anywhere, but this is the place for me.
  13. Oh poor thing ! Will you ever recover ?
  14. This is a non-story. The guy was asked a couple of questions and was then allowed in. End of...
  15. If people are cruel to animals, in his case killing cats and dogs indiscriminately for fun, it is a sign of worse things to come.
  16. If you can possibly manage it just deposit 800k plus a bit into a dedicated account, in your name only, and forget about it until extension time approaches. No stress, no worries.
  17. Sadly this kind of horror occurs in many countries from time to time. Almost impossible to predict.
  18. The father appears to be blaming his 2 year old daughter for her death. Despicable in my opinion. Accepting blame for their own mistakes is something that Thais are not very good at.
  19. I would say most likely. Either that, or an in-car romance which ended rather suddenly.
  20. Pathetic behaviour. Can't hold his drink, and creates another nail in the coffin of of the reputation of westerners in Thailand. I, and those around me, were hard drinkers when younger but I don't remember any of us ever becoming rat-arsed and incapable, even after partying for days on end. Can't laugh at the RTP's caution in this case. They were dealing with a moronic alien and had no idea what he might do next.
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