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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. The RTP continue to arrest sex workers. Hopefully, one day, they will focus on murder, theft and violence.
  2. During his tenure as PM Thaksin ordered the killing of over two thousand suspected drug dealers many of whom turned out to be innocent. It was a shameful and utter disgrace, which should have been punished under both Thai and international law.
  3. Very sad to see what is happening to Sweden, a fine country I got to know well in the 1970s. They should have kept a much tighter control over immigration.
  4. Not only in Thailand. These days pretty much like this everywhere.
  5. The cost of overheads incurred in running a bar, particularly rent in popular locations, has increased enormously over the past few years, hence the higher prices. In quieter areas you will be charged less, obviously.
  6. Ridiculous comment re cannabis which induces calm, unlike alcohol which incapacitates and induces aggression.
  7. Same reaction when I was last in broken Britain. Couldn't wait to get back to LOS which is still a great place to live. Good food, warm weather, friendly people.
  8. Waste of time trying to go the blue book route. Simply not possible under current regulations. Get a yellow book, and thereafter a pink card. Latter worth having. Can be useful at times.
  9. An awful lot of noise being made about this subject. Best to stay calm, and react only when the legislation is clarified.
  10. Try deep breathing. Inhale quickly, exhale slowly.
  11. Not a minor incident. How would you react if someone kicked your mother, or wife, or daughter ?
  12. The American way ? Personally I would avoid the American justice system like I would avoid the plague.
  13. A good diet and a daily exercise regime will help, although I appreciate there may be other issues.
  14. We understood both the context and the content of this racist speech. Because it happened long before the latest Scottish legislation it needs to be referred to the UK police referencing the UK hate crimes laws.
  15. It makes no sense to allow the drinking of alcohol, the smoking of cigarettes and the (limited) consumption of meth, but not to allow regulated cannabis availability.
  16. It makes no sense to allow the drinking of alcohol, the smoking of cigarettes and the (limited) consumption of meth, but not to allow regulated cannabis availability.
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