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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Presumably he apologised to his mother-in-law for killing her daughter. Amazing.
  2. Would never normally recommend the use of an agent, but in your complicated case you should perhaps contact one to arrange a retirement visa.
  3. I had three good friends here, an Aussie, an American, and a Thai, all now dead. Never wanted a 'social life'. These days my Thai family provide all the company I need.
  4. He's right though. Highly unlikely they worked there against their will.
  5. Thailand has never seriously challenged it's wild-life poachers, sadly.
  6. Reminds me of an incident I once witnessed in Soviet Russia, in Moscow, in 1975.
  7. Yet another chilling incident. Despite the constitutional changes made in 1932 Thailand has made little progress to date towards becoming a democracy.
  8. If it is possible to find somebody you can trust to take care of your wife I would recommend you apply personally, with all relevant documents. You should be in and out within an hour. If that's not possible you will need the assistance of an agent. Best of luck to you and to your wife.
  9. Just for starters, allies in WW1 and WW2, democracy and language.
  10. Ridiculous. Too many polls are adjusted to reflect the views of the pollster. Best ignored.
  11. No matter what all the dog/animal haters say the fact is that it is very unusual for a dog to attack a human unless provoked.
  12. By and large still a conservative country. The irony is, of course, that Thai women went topless well into the 19th century.
  13. Alcohol and meth tend to result in aggressive, hostile behaviour, while marijuana tends to result in passive, friendly behaviour.
  14. 40 million was a nightmare with overcrowding at all major tourist destinations, facilities airports and immigration offices. 80 million, if it were to actually happen, would obviously be twice as bad.
  15. For Chuvit's family's sake I hope he has life insurance.
  16. In some cases the police have prior info, usually the offender has been grassed by people they've upset, in others it's entirely random and on a whim.
  17. Soon there will be no wildlife of any kind in Thailand. At best Thai officials couldn't care less, at worst they take a share of the poaching profits.
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