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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. China's claim that Taiwan is their territory is rubbish, but no doubt the Thais obtain more benefit from their relationship with Beijing than with Taipei so they will back the so-called One China policy.
  2. Shameful case, however the rich are generally treated better than the poor in most countries.
  3. Very well done for trying to help. I guess the most important question to ask her is whether not she has, or can obtain, her Thai birth certificate. Best of luck.
  4. Very sad. You never had a chance little one. Rest in peace.
  5. Been coming to Thailand since the 1960's, worked here in the 1980's, retired and lived here since 1993. Not that much has changed, although the behaviour of some tourists has become markedly worse since flights became cheaper. Also,Thai immigration officials are less easy-going these days, but that's pretty much the same all over the world. Personally I am still very happy here.
  6. This always happens with new legislation. All the various government institutions fighting to get as big a slice of the cake as possible.
  7. The issue has always been the control of the masses by keeping them ignorant and un-educated. It remains to be seen if this latest proposal will change anything.
  8. Criminalisation of weed has always been ridiculous, particularly in the context of the damage done by the consumption of alcohol and the smoking of cigarettes. Well done Anutin. Full credit to you on this.
  9. One wonders precisely what 'the BMA is watching in the Nana area'.....
  10. Very unusual taking cannabis only would result in a 'murderous rampage'. Peace and quiet more likely. However, as you suggest, it's easy to allege a violent offender was on cannabis even if they weren't.
  11. Yes indeed. Maybe we should all be buying submarines that aren't going anywhere.
  12. Drinking and dancing ? Sounds like fun so cannot be allowed. Welcome to modern Thailand. Enjoy your stay..
  13. What a puerile sequence of postings. Things could be a lot worse. Time to grow up.
  14. Weed has always been available here, illegally, to people of all ages and backgrounds. Might as well make it legal for adults, although the RTP won't be too happy, for obvious reasons.
  15. Seems a fair enough price to me. Not sure why you have a problem with it.
  16. You've missed the point. Never mind. Keep trying.
  17. Wrong. Solar activity is a permanent condition.
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