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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 16 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

    Not saying you are wrong as each province seems to adopt their own rules, but I don't understand the need to wait 3 years for a yellow book if you move into a new house with a brand new blue book?


    Where you have lived before should have nothing to do with your new permanent address. 



    Your last paragraph. What he was saying was he had to show that his passport had three consecutive 12 month extensions before they would give the yellow book.Nothing about previous address.


    I do take your point about a brand new house though but unsure what they would say about that.

  2. 1 hour ago, KhunBENQ said:

    The land department has nothing to do with yellow books.

    They are issued at the district office (amphoe).

    It does not state any relation to ownership of land or house.

    It just proofs that a foreigner stays at this house/address.


    There is no reason for you to hinder him getting one.


    Just that it might not happen if he is not staying on a one year extension.


    If he moves, the book is void and he has to apply for another one at the new place (district office).

    The book is bound to the house (registration) number which is on the first inside page.

    New house/address -> new book.

    There is some process of voiding the old book before issued a new one.

    I don't know the details.



    A slip, I meant the district office. The guys from there came to our place a few times.


    There is nobody attempting to hinder him at all. My other half already pointed out to his lady, it will be problematic without a 12 month extension.


    It's more of a case of two Thai women speaking together and arriving at their own conclusion as to what is the correct way to go about it. I haven't been asked anything directly. This has been relayed to me from my Mrs.


    I have said I don't really want to know anything as this is a customer as far as I am concerned and if for any reason the advice given in good faith turns out wrong, or not in their favor, they tend to blame  the person who advised.


    I just do not wish to go there and keep the arrangement simple like it is now.

  3. Guys,


    Quick question. We have a tenant who wants the yellow book for a house he rents from us.


    I already have one myself alongside my usufruct for my own address.


    My other half is unsure about doing this as she reckons there are too many questions, what's, ifs and buts, from the local authority in this regard, especially with the tenant only having a short term lease and no "extension of stay " as yet, as he commutes between Europe and Thailand and is not here full time.


    Also, does the yellow book, ( I am fully aware this book just states the details of the foreigner and that they are residing at the address) , move when they do and they just change address details in the book or do they make a fresh application for a new one?

  4. 1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

    And these 'decent Thai ladies' will be sorely disappointed when they find out that philandering and deceit isn't unique to the Thai male. Especially when they meet a former Soi 6 barstool habitue who, on getting past his sell by date and no longer the hansum man, decides to dip his... toe in the much heralded but still quite shallow 'decent Thai ladies' pool.


    Thus the myth of the 'good farang' and 'decent Thai lady' is perpetuated.

    Good point.

  5. I am getting a bit cheesed off, well I have been for a long time , with accidents occurring in Thailand by expatriates and the first order of the day, before the stitches are in the wound; is the obligatory ' Facebook photo on a hospital bed '  closely followed by the ' Go fund me for 10,000 GBP '.


    These are set up by the victims themselves with no insurance, or by their children, who I can picture are sat in front of their TV all day in the UK, claiming benefits and watching daytime TV, but thinking they have found a new way to collect funds from the generosity of the working public. These people have no conscience, it's a gravy train and not their money. All it is to them to set up a page is a few clicks on a keyboard.


    Firstly, it is the duty of every individual who is traveling to obtain insurance and read the small print and cover as well as exclusions to cover. If you can afford a flight half way around the world, you find the money to cover your insurance needs alongside the trip.


    Next are the scammers. Going on holiday and thinking the Thai police are so stupid that they won't catch them trying to claim from everything from a make believe canon camera to a i phone X which were all inadvertently left in the room, and when they returned the room had been ransacked, and when the police can find no video footage, the excuse is, the burglars must have escaped out of the sealed windows down 48 storeys!!


    These clowns are then charged by the police for making false claims, and lo and behold, they cannot afford the legal fees for a defense or pay to clear the case, so let's set up a Go fund me page! because, the excuse being, they are normally good people but this was a lapse in judgment. No, it wasn't. It was an effort to cheat the insurance company which results in the rest of us paying much higher premiums on our future trips to get insured because of scum like you.


    Lastly, these Crowdfunding and Go fund me pages are operated as businesses. The company behind them takes a percentage of every fund or appeal.They do not check whether or not the request for funds or appeal is genuine or not. Obviously, the organizers do not care about this nor handing over a percentage to the site owner, because ' it's not their money ' so any money is a bonus to them.


    These practices are getting this type of funding a very bad name and anybody and everybody needs to thoroughly check them out before accepting them on face value. On many occasions they are not genuine at all. The facts have not been checked as they were in days of old.


    These are then picked up and turned into trashy sensationalist headlines by UK red label newspaper or some obscure rag from the outer Hebrides with a circulation of  around probably 200, who later when caught out, refuse to answer calls or respond to e mails. The newspapers do not care about the damage done to the tourism of a country or the fact it was downright lies, which could have easily been checked by due diligence.


    I am going on mid fifties, this type of ' begging ' because that is what it is, is alien to the way I was brought up and my mother would have ' walked on the other side of the road ' to avoid me if she thought I was behaving like a parasite in this way to obtain funds from hard working people by means of deceit. We would have re-mortgaged the house, taken a loan against it, we would have sold the car, we would have pawned the family silver, anything before asking others to bail us out.


    It was something not done to ask others for money. We wouldn't even borrow a cup of sugar from the neighbours until Friday when we were skint.Have people no dignity nor shame these days?


    There needs to be legislation or controls brought in to stop these scams or at the very least checks before allowing funds to be collected in such ways online.


    They are ruining the chances of people giving to genuine causes and also at the same time diverting money from them.



  6. 14 minutes ago, Mansinthe said:

     Yeah some pay to bring your body back. Some even pay for meds that need to be brought into the country or familie members that need to stay with you. 


    But get a good one. Guys still dead though. But i wouldn't want to burden my familie with thousands of euros only to save a few hundred on a insurance.


    Sorry, but these stories bring out my cynical side.


    First. Extremely sorry and what terrible luck for the gentleman in question. RIP. I can't believe his terrible misfortune.


    Moving on, older people usually, a lot more than younger ones, tend to be sticklers for things such as insurance, is there insurance in place? If there is, it is the duty of the insurer to fight with the hotel for the money but in the meantime repatriate this guy depending on level of cover.


    What I DO NOT LIKE OR TRUST are Go fund me pages set up by grandchildren or children. These are the new scams in my book, it's got tough getting money from insurers for ' spurious whiplash claims ' or ' delayed flight claims '  so the new one is Go fund me, where the victim is the same, ANYBODY EXCEPT THEM!! generous enough to dig deep.


    Yes, the hotel is at fault and yes, in the UK you could take them to the cleaners but guys, look at this country! It's a country where they never admit fault or guilt, whereb the first thought after a road accident is to ' flee the scene ' where nearly half the road users, be it motorbikes or cars, are uninsured or under insured.


    It is one of the worst aspects of living in Thailand unfortunately.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

    Another point to ponder is when they plead not guilty as the case progresses, they have the opportunity of ' bail ' regardless that it is a capital crime. This is not allowed if they had pleaded guilty.If pleading guilty, you can appeal the sentence but remain in jail whilst it is heard by the appeal court.


    It is quite possible knowing these types who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions, knowing if they plead guilty they are looking at maybe 50 years sentence or life if pleading, they would not care very much.


    So pleading not guilty and if they can satisfy bail requirements, they will have possibly another 8 years of freedom dragging it through the appeal court and the supreme court. Then just when they are called for the supreme court verdict, they do a runner!


    Common practice among Thai criminals.


  8. Just another point regards Trip Advisor as they are basically using all of us as unpaid reps for their company and obtaining reviews this way which only benefits themselves as a company. We are supposed to benefit by checking other traveler reviews but if such a large amount are indeed fake, the reviews themselves become unreliable. As I said before, you must look and check if the reviewers are seasoned travellers or if they just joined and only have a couple of reviews. Those types of reviews can be used against the hotels in fake reviews to their detriment but also by them to court good publicity in equally fake reviews.


    Another cross check, is to look at BOTH Trip advisor and the variety of hotel booking engines such as, Bookings.com, Agoda, Hostelworld, where nearly all ensure that you have booked, checked out and paid before allowing you to post a review.


    Regards the hotels, if everyone was to put a five star review, it would only lead to the hotel in question to become extremely busy and as a result to increase prices, working in reverse for the end user who it is supposed to benefit, i.e. the reviewer.

  9. 6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    They sure have . They have dropped the "been attacked" angle from their story .

    Did they speak to someone from the Embassy , got interviewed by the Police , found to have not been telling the truth .

        Got informed about the computer crime and defamation laws in Thailand and were advised to remove the allegations ?





    This is now looking decidedly an odd state of affairs.

  10. My Thai credit card goes straight through in the UK without entering anything. It has surprised the merchant a few times as well as they always ask me to enter my PIN.


    The fact that it does work and goes straight through is a worry at times as I have a substantial card limit. I would be happier if it actually was a chip and pin as they are called for that second line of security.


    I never use my credit card for cash advances nor do I know the PIN which remains unused in my safe.

  11. 3 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

    Here at hotel, we always try to provide good service to out guest but within limit., it does not include giving away FREE additional extra's


    I think we have all gathered you don't like giving any FREE extras like a bar of soap or telling somebody how to open the safe without asking for 20 baht. I am laughing now because I am just dumbfounded how you can expect to charge for showing somebody how to open a safe or how a remote control works in the room without asking for a fee! Just mortified at the cheek!


    I wonder if this Aussie guy was trained by the European carrier Ryanair!

  12. A gun mugging in broad daylight in an extremely busy tourist spot, where by his wife's admission, she couldn't see for the crowds?? ........................... Strange even for Thailand.


    Who goes the first day of a holiday in a foreign country and waits in the street whilst the wife uses the toilet. I would have ordered a fruit juice and waited inside nearby the toilet for her, I think that is normal behaviour on my first day in a strange land and not wanting to lose ' the other half '


    You would expect face and hand or arm injuries in the event of a mugging not leg injuries.


      I think there must be something very odd if the insurance is disputing the claim and they have quickly resorted to Facebook fundraising but no doubt the truth will come out.

  13. 8 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:
    81 reviews
    • Excellent16%
    • Very good46%
    • Average11%
    • Poor8%
    • Terrible19%

        With these ratings, POOR 8 % and TERRIBLE 19 %, no wonder. And asking for 20 baht when people don't know how to switch on the light is purely insane. I know where I'd never live in. 


    And when you start to read the sign attached you'll understand some people's' frustration. At least, i do. 

    Screen shot weird.png

    The guy is a lunatic!


    I can honestly say I have never seen such stupidity and ' nickel and diming ' in over 35 years of travelling and being in the trade.Never.


    Also, it is a hotel / hostel. It is a public space. It is a dedicated area for sleeping, eating and drinking and MANY people do not like animals in the same space, be they family pets or not.


    Animals do not belong in hotels, hotel rooms, breakfast rooms or anywhere that the public uses.


    . OK, Some resorts allow them which have areas for them and designated, well advertised pet lover hostels and resorts in countryside places but not a hotel in the centre of a city.

  14. 1 minute ago, rosst said:

    I am a big reviwer on Trip Advisor and the problem is that you don't have to stay there to post reviews which can lead to fake malicious reviews, just saying. 



    Whereas with Agoda you cannot make a review unless you have stayed there which is a better system.


    But most of us who travel regularly know how to read between the lines on trip advisor. There are a number of ways when you encounter a bad review as you will know, and the first is to check the reviewer, how many reviews they have made and how many are bad.


    You then decide for yourself if the reviewer is reliable, fake or just a grump.


    However, I don't think I would go to all the effort for a 500 baht room. Also, in fairness, sometimes people expect too much for what they wish to pay.

  15. I think the Australian owner/manager needs to take a refresher course in customer relations.


    He sounds like Donald Trump with his screaming accusations of ' FAKE NEWS AND REVIEWS '  that is of course, unless they are complimentary! You are dealing with the most difficult animal in the world, the ' paying public ' and if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen! Ah, that's right, sorry, it wasn't open due to the cook being ill.


    I wonder what the AUSTRALIAN managers previous occupation was? I don't think it was the entertainment or leisure industry.


    I stress Australian after the fuss the Aussies on here all made about the old Brit in the fight who had lived in Australia demanding TV identify him as British.


    Thank God, we have cleared up he is an Aussie, even a Blackpool landlady has more style dealing with the public!......:welcomeani:


    Just a small point, all the negative reviews seem to have an opinion on the owners manner in dealing with them, using repetitive terms such as rude, bad language and  manners, aggressive,


    . Perhaps he needs to look in the mirror instead of just looking at CCTV cameras?


  16. Just now, mikebike said:

    And yet all addiction research indicates this is exactly the way it works. Yes, addiction can creep up on you "unawares". But to begin a cure the addict must "wake up one morning" and acknowledge their addiction and then work incredibly hard to overcome it.




    I myself had/ have exactly what you describe!


    I was no alcoholic by any stretch of the imagination but as you say it ' can ' creep up on you. I found it when I was putting things off till tomorrow so I could drink beer or letting people down for appointments because I didn't want them to know I had stayed in the pub instead of meeting them. I WAS NOT DRUNK, in any way. but it started to creep in. Missing appointments, not doing chores, putting things off.


    I also found myself getting irritable with people around me for small work errors they made, when I had been drinking because I have a bit of OCD thrown in to the mix.


    I have packed the booze in now for quite a while. I am no holy Joe, I wouldn't dream of making any criticism of anyone that likes a beer, I just found myself that I tended to be last out of the bar when I was drinking. I then started drinking two or three beers in the mornings before work, only beer not spirits, in Thailand because I could.


    I ' woke up one morning ' and thought I need to get a grip on this. Since quitting, I personally feel a better person, in my moods especially. I just need a bit of weight off now as I compensated booze for food but I am now getting out and doing a bit of exercise.

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