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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. Guys,


    This actually only is of use to those from the UK, but if any of you are returning soon for a visit or holiday and needing any type of glasses, the huge retail chain ASDA now has a full optical department including qualified ophthalmologists and all the latest equipment in their larger stores. Check online for the nearest.


    I was very impressed. After paying nearly 20,000 (460 GBP) baht, a year ago, at Top Charoen in Thailand for a pair of varifocals/ progressive lenses, call them what you will; I was delighted with ASDA.


    Two pairs (one free) of prescription varifocals, anti-scratch, tinted, anti-glare, thinned lenses for 120 GBP (5200 thb) and ready in 10 days!!


    Outstanding value and good frames by the way with a wide selection on display. Great service and posted to your UK address or collect by yourself.

  2. 7 hours ago, thaifan01 said:

    Unfortunately it seems that you  are right. I was hoping, back in 2014, that they took the battle against corruption seriously, but now I really have my doubts.

    The corruption and the consequences of it is an rotten apple, which destroys Thailand and the people. 

    When you realize that your leaders and the elite don't care about the laws, you start thinking "why should I follow the law".



    And, whilst in full agreement with you, I say the same as I said in 2014.


    It's just pigs in different coloured blankets (Green instead of Brown) eating at the front of the trough now!

  3. I have looked online at limits for Suvarnabhumi customs and I understand we are now allowed to bring in 20,000 baht worth of goods for personal use.


    It is my intention to buy perfumes and soaps and fancy stuff like that in a few gift boxes for female bank staff etc as well as UK brands of makeups and things they have requested. 


    I have not seen anywhere that I cannot do this, although the EU has limits on quantities of perfumes etc. Should I be OK to head through the green channel if I keep receipts and don't go over 20,000 baht?


    I will not be bringing in cigarettes or alcohol. I will be bringing in favourites such as household stuff as in Cheeses, cup a soups, sauces etc I have been stopped, along with many others, on my last three returning trips although I was waved on twice by the second officer at the green channel.

  4. 23 minutes ago, nontabury said:

    As per my post No 18, Suvarnabhumi Immigration,did not have a copy of my court Letter or the one from the local Immigration office.

    Not unusual in Thailand for the right hand to not know, what the left hand is doing.



    Sorry, never saw your post but you are right and I had similar problems not leaving but returning! They were all over the place trying to find things and failing miserably. I think they are just not taught these things and the slightest things out of the norm, except for overstayers, throws them off.


    Probably why you get a court letter as well when they return your passport.

  5. 10 hours ago, DieSeL212 said:

    Yes there were legal proceedings against me. I have received an OK for me to leave but want to be sure that there isn't a ban at immigration. Don't want to pitch up there and get into more trouble. 



    OK, If you are the accused and involved in a court case it is usual for them to take and hold your passport, especially if it is in their view, serious. The court issues a notice to immigration to prevent you leaving the country in addition to this. Immigration record this in their database.Even if the court gives you permission to leave, in say an unfinished case and you are on bail, you apply to the court and they will give you a letter with the dates you are allowed to leave and when you are expected to return which you present to immigration in Bangkok airport.


    They will already have the copy of your letter on the computer, so when you present your letter it is a double check, so to speak. If they have returned your passport you are supposed to, on return, go back to the court and hand it back to them.

  6. 43 minutes ago, dddave said:

    Could their "directness" possibly have been them pointing out to clients that their expectations were perhaps beyond what could be delivered?

    Was pointing out obvious problems and incompetence among other staff a component of their bad attitudes?


    I know; snarky but...... 



    I agree with you.


    The Thais in their own country do not like other people correcting them, showing them a better way, not respecting the age-old ' I am older, so I  know more ' philosophy or ' their system '


    Those brought up or educated abroad won't be necessarily rude but may be direct, in comparison to what local Thais are used to, as they will just give an honest answer to a set of circumstances and not "dance around the houses"  like they do in Thailand.


    I actually know of an instance up here, where a foreign teacher has pointed out ways to improve a technique or save money or an efficient saving way of doing something; only to be branded a ' show off ' or not a team player and been ostracised and shortly after got rid of leaving the guy scratching his head as to where he went wrong.

  7. 59 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    From those posting their experiences of Thai acquaintances returning to Thailand, finding it too difficult or different and opting to go back overseas, these individuals obviously had the option and ability to resume overseas life. If their personal circumstances were such that their return to Thailand was a one-way deal, with personal or financial reasons that ruled out going back abroad, maybe the effort needed to try and adapt to the social and cultural changes in Thailand would have greater? When there's no option B, surely only option A applies?


    Yes, the friend of mine now holds a  British passport, which he traveled to Thailand on with a visa so he obviously hedged his bets to start with, unless his Thai passport had expired, we never talked about it.


    His mother is still in the UK as are all his friends and contacts. So, he did have options and he is totally bilingual, it appears Thailand has changed a lot and maybe too much for him.

  8. 1 hour ago, Thai Ron said:


    How is it wrong to compare what was going on in the north of England with similarly depraved farang scum here?

    You think they're all lone wolves? You think there's no collusion?

    What does the fact that SE Asian countries did little to crackdown on paedophiles scum have to do with anything?

    Perhaps they brought it on themselves so the impact on the victims is less serious?



    Should I make light of the thousands of poorly-educated or mentally-disabled kids that have been groomed and abused by white paedophiles in the UK because enough wasn't being done to protect those poor souls?

    How many of these Muslim gangs have been caught in the north of England? How many instances? Not many

    Going back over the decade I've been here, I'd reckon at least 100 Western farang paedophiles have been identified, arrested and jaied/deported so I don't think "a few highly publicised paedophiles" quite cuts it.




    Not many been caught, the Muslim gangs in the UK?.................... HUNDREDS have been caught in the last year alone! and it is organized and all over the UK.


    Just goes to show how little you know!


    Then you purposely attempt to be flippant regards my comments on S.E. Asia.


    It is well known the biggest perpetrators obtaining sex of underage children in Asia are from their own people. Not only using them for sex but also supplying and trafficking them. This is not the case in the UK, where white children are being specifically targeted by Muslim gangs based on race and religion.


    Of course, it's not the children's fault, and you know full well that was not what I was implying, it is the fault of poor government and lax law enforcement of the rules unless it's high profile cases of foreigners, where there are as I previously said ' financial incentives ' to both the local Police and the NGOs to catch them.


    The offering of funds for NGOs and cash rewards for police is a dangerous precedent and has also led to wrongful arrests and innocent foreigners being caught up, but that is another topic.


    It is also well known that pedophiles in Pattaya were constantly having charges dropped or being found not guilty after cash was paid to families, victims, police etc Until the ' cash is king ' can be eradicated, this problem will not be going away soon.I do indeed think the majority of S.E.Asia paedos act alone, whatever, I do not believe they act the same as the Muslims are doing right now in the UK.







  9. 2 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

    In that case, would the Thais and other SE Asian countries be justified in Christian-bashing given all the scum they seem to be catching raping vulnerable under aged brown girls and boys?

    That's nonsense!


    Far more sexual predators come from S.E. Asian countries themselves than the few highly publicized pedophiles that get into Asia from other countries, and what their faith is, I have no idea nor interest in either case. I told you already that I am an Atheist.


    Very little was done by South East Asian countries for many years as they could not really understand what the fuss was about being created by the West regards this problem. Only now, and mostly through  ' financial incentives ' have they started to pay attention to something vilified in the West but little cared about in the East.


    To compare what is going on in the North of England with Asian Muslim grooming gangs working in groups of up to 20 deliberately targeting UK underage vulnerable white girls in care homes, poorly educated with both mental and physical disabilities and from deeply disturbed families, shows your ignorance of this serious matter.

  10. Notyetready,


    I have a pal who is Thai but has been brought up and raised in the UK. He is 100% Thai but went to the UK at an early age, about 10 years old, with his mother who married an English guy.He is 28.


    He returned to Thailand some eight months ago with much fanfare about how he was leaving the UK and returning home to his birth land and put a great deal of stuff on his Facebook pages. He, of course, speaks, reads and writes Thai. He is not as well educated as you but was gainfully employed in the UK in Leeds.


    He took a contract to a small condo place in Koh Samui for six months rental. He actually hails from Chiang Rai.He lasted SIX WEEKS and that included a side trip to Cambodia! He lost his deposit and upfront rents and went back to the UK, saying there was a family emergency.


    That was a ' face-saving ' statement because he could not handle Thailand. He has since messaged me and told me Thailand has changed beyond all recognition from his childhood memories, he couldn't handle it, and it was just a ' strange land ' to him. He actually said he had a better time and felt more relaxed on his four days in Cambodia.


    He is back living and working in England.



  11. 1 minute ago, Scouse123 said:



    When undergrounds are getting bombed by so-called Muslims,  when concerts are bombed deliberately targeting children by so-called Muslims, when trucks are hijacked and plow into innocents on London Bridge by Muslims, when off-duty unarmed soldiers are attacked and murdered on UK streets by Muslims, and when Muslim grooming gangs target vulnerable underage white girls, ply them with alcohol and drugs and then rape them.......yes I am a Muslim basher!


    I have no religious affiliations to any of these so-called religions. I am an Atheist. and for the last thousand years, I do not recall one attack or bomb in any country on Earth in the name of Atheism.


    However, this particular religion, which it isn't, it is a cult that is fuelled by ignorant men pretending to be educated is allowed to flourish unchecked by the pathetic PC brigade I have a problem with.A cult based on hatred and bigotry where gays are thrown off buildings, where women's testimony is valued at half that of a man, where apostates are beheaded, where misogyny rules, it has no place in the 21st century.


    Yes, We have all heard the ' I work with a Muslim and he/she is OK ' or the ' I have Muslim friends ' and they are lovely lines or ' What about the Christians ' and quoting incidents from 400 years ago to justify their hatred, imaginary God, it simply cuts no ice.Would they turn in to the authorities, a member of ISIS or a terrorist in the UK if they knew one was living next door? No, because they all are brainwashed by a corrupted version of Islam being preached in their mosques up and down the British Isles and everywhere there is a strong Muslim community.


    Islam is an unchecked abomination and needs wiping from the face of the Earth.


    Yes, they always have a story that they think justifies why the bomb innocents in the Muslim South of Thailand to the attacks in London, Paris, Brussels, New York etc.


     It is very simple and easy. Why don't they stay in their own Muslim countries of which there are plenty, 57 at the last count, and practice their ' Sharia Laws ' if it is the true religion and as good as they constantly boast and rant about, let them stay with their Muslim councils and leave the rest of the world alone?


    I don't see Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jews, racing to live in their Middle Eastern Muslim states, ( even if it was allowed which it is not) why do all these Muslims wish to come to ours and change our way of life?



  12. dinsdale,


    When undergrounds are getting bombed by so-called Muslims,  when concerts are bombed deliberately targeting children by so-called Muslims, when trucks are hijacked and plow into innocents on London Bridge by Muslims, when off-duty unarmed soldiers are attacked and murdered on UK streets by Muslims, and when Muslim grooming gangs target vulnerable underage white girls, ply them with alcohol and drugs and then rape them.......yes I am a Muslim basher!


    I have no religious affiliations to any of these so-called religions. I am an Atheist. and for the last thousand years, I do not recall one attack or bomb in any country on Earth in the name of Atheism.


    However, this particular religion, which it isn't, it is a cult that is fuelled by ignorant men pretending to be educated is allowed to flourish unchecked by the pathetic PC brigade I have a problem with.A cult based on hatred and bigotry where gays are thrown off buildings, where women's testimony is valued at half that of a man, where apostates are beheaded, where misogyny rules, it has no place in the 21st century.


    Yes, We have all heard the ' I work with a Muslim and he/she is OK ' or the ' I have Muslim friends ' and they are lovely lines or ' What about the Christians ' and quoting incidents from 400 years ago to justify their hatred, imaginary God, it simply cuts no ice.Would they turn in to the authorities, a member of ISIS or a terrorist in the UK if they knew one was living next door? No, because they all are brainwashed by a corrupted version of Islam being preached in their mosques up and down the British Isles and everywhere there is a strong Muslim community.


    Islam is an unchecked abomination and needs wiping from the face of the Earth.


    Yes, they always have a story that they think justifies why the bomb innocents in the Muslim South of Thailand to the attacks in London, Paris, Brussels, New York etc.


     It is very simple and easy. Why don't they stay in their own Muslim countries of which there are plenty, 57 at the last count, and practice their ' Sharia Laws ' with their Muslim councils and leave the rest of the world alone?


    I don't see Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jews, racing to live in their Middle Eastern Muslim states, why do all these Muslims wish to come to ours and change our way of life?

  13. 58 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    4 Mosques in Tokyo then no wonder we were fortunate enough to miss seeing them :smile:

    4 too many.


    57 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    Isis say they are Muslim and carry out the commands of the Quran to the letter, and follow the example of the prophet who said he was victorious by terror, so who is anyone to say they are not?


    Backward religion interpreted how they choose by backward terrorists


    1 hour ago, gamini said:

    The ISIS is not Muslim they are terrorists masquerading as Muslims.


    Well ISIS is certainly not Christian or Buddhist is it? How many offshoots are there in the religion of Islam? It isn't a religion, it's an intolerant cult based on hate. Sunni and Shi ite can hardly agree and keep killing each other, what chance has the rest of us ' infidels ' got?


    I have seen plenty of ' Muslims ' in Pattaya with a prostitute on one hand and a bottle of Singha in the other. Total hypocrites!


    All Muslims are not terrorists but it certainly appears that all terrorists say they are Muslims!

  14. 6 hours ago, ignis said:

    many years ago back in the 70's &

    80's used to live in the South of France, every morning tractors with big racks would go along the beaches behind them would be tractors with like a big wire mesh collecting the little bits, at the end of the beaches a dumper would load trailers with all the rubbish. 


    The beaches would look great every single day...... Moved further south, was the same on beaches in Portugal but much smaller scale [ lived in the Algarve 13 years]


    How often are the beaches cleaned here ?



    Great point!


    Because those countries understood that they were taking in massive amounts of revenue from the tourists and sometimes ' because it's human nature ' they don't discard their rubbish thoughtfully.  So the authorities in their wisdom plowed back some of the revenue into tractors and keeping the beaches pristine like any sane nation would.


    Thais only understand the TAKE part of the equation.

  15. 4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    These full moon parties seem to be an excuse to legalize drugs for a night.

    Money number one but I actually think they should be stopped or at least limited.


    They won't stop something that nets them mountains of cash, nor will they limit them apart from the usual ' hollow words ' following a death or tragedy. Same people uttering the words of sympathy or get tough on drugs are those reaping the benefits.


    A bit more tolerance and compassion on here would not go amiss by some. Not all people are strong-willed and well balanced, if they were, we would all be living the high life like Bill Gates or Jack Ma. People make errors in judgment in life, especially the young.


    I can say with fair certainty if it was the sons or daughters of many on here that were lured into a ' one off, ' holiday mistake '  taking drugs at a full moon party when their guard is down, and then entrapped by police, taken ill or worse; the parents wouldn't be on here  with the ' holier than thou  attitude ' 


    No doubt they would be then screaming the evils of Thailand and the corruption that exists to anyone that will listen or be setting up a ' Go fund me page! '

  16. I did used to drink a great deal here made worse by the fact it didn't affect me as quickly as it affected others, so I could drink a lot more, which is not a good thing.


    I even found myself drinking early mornings.....because I could........ I live in the sticks so nobody cares because they all do up here as well, especially the Lao Khao.


    I have quit three times in the last year for varying times, six months being the best.In fact, I have been off the booze, more than on it. I do get more done without booze. I am not drinking alcohol at the moment due to not wanting to and trying to get the weight down a bit by brisk walking and jogging.I find I am far more patient and tolerant without drink and it is noticeable by others.


    I may or may not drink though when I get back to the UK but if I do, I will try to keep a lid on it.


    I just love the draught Strongbow cider in England and red wine at dinner.( at sensible prices for a reasonable bottle)

  17. Hi.

    We are heading to Bali beginning of March 2018 from Thailand for a 9-day trip. My first visit.


    I am easily pleased, active, mid-fifties and my other half is forty but young at heart and typical Thai loves sightseeing. We are looking mid-range budget hotel.


    We are active however I don't do beaches regards watersports due to an accident and she will not go in the sun as she doesn't like brown skin. Walking is no problem for either of us nor is sitting in beach areas with shade.( preferably a bar! )


    I like beaches and beach restaurants and nightlife. We intend to rent a driver and car to really look around the place.


    Advice requested is, based on the above what is the best location for us?


    I can see Ubud, Seminyak, Kuta etc. We hopefully will visit all of them, I just wonder where is the best to stay without commercialization rammed down your throat at every shop. Any advice on hotels or places to stay appreciated.


    Are we safe with car and driver regards road safety? Are food and drink in and around similar to Thailand? I see there are a couple of airports but we will be flying from DMK.


    Any help is gratefully appreciated.



  18. 13 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

    I hate to say this, but who gives a shit.

    Certainly not TAT as they have another Xmillion tourists coming, spending XX Billion Baht.

    Certainly not the bus company.

    Certainly not the insurance company.

    Certainly not the RTP..

    Certainly not the media, who insist on calling these incidents "accidents", not "crashes".


    There are those who do give a shit and I am one of them


    These individuals, who will only become a statistical blip on Thailands records, deserve more than a passing RIP.





    Totally in agreement.


    In the meantime, the travel agent, the bus company and insurance company run for cover and are more concerned about who is going to pay up than the fact four families have been destroyed.


    RTP no interest if insured as they get nothing. Thailand then views it as just another day and nothing gets done about it except a bit of hot air from the government.


    Just make sure you don't throw a cigarette butt on the beach! Pathetic!

  19. Nonsense really trying to comment on whose fault this was with such limited information.


    The Brit could have launched an unprovoked attack, the Algerian could have made comments to him in passing whilst showing off with a big group, it's all be done before.


    Who knows??? we can all guess, but it doesn't make it true.


    Also, nothing new about drunken Brits or drunken Muslims in Walking Street, Pattaya fighting at 4.30am in the morning.

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