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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 16 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    Probably not.  Hell professionals say that e-cigarettes are less addictive.  Those who wish to quite smoking give them a try and then try to kick the habit altogether. 

    I think you missed his point!


    The poster was saying , Do you think the Tobacco monopoly has a ' vested interest ' in stopping people using e cigarettes meaning they are then forced by cravings to buy tobacco products instead when they visit Thailand

  2. Well it's very easily checked. If he entered Thailand and Laos on his Canadian passport, then he is probably lying about holding dual citizenship especially when he obtained legal entry into Cambodia through Vietnam on his Canadian passport. You don't just suddenly start juggling entry and exit stamps in SE Asia and switching passports for no reason.


    A couple of options here to hazard a guess, but it is quite a popular scam in Cambodia in places like Phnom Penn, Siem Reap and especially Sihanoukville.You only have to read the newsgroups. I am regularly down there and again this Saturday and see this type of behavior regularly. A lot of backpackers, arty-arty tree huggers, scam artists, students and those simply that are feckless.


    1. If he had a US passport he has probably used it to guarantee a hotel/motorbike/guesthouse bill and sneaked off without paying with the intention of reporting it lost or stolen when he arrived in Thailand. The fact that he won't have had a Thai entry stamp in his Canadian passport, he thinks he can find a believable excuse to worm out of it.


    2. It's a pack of lies and the Cambodians are chasing him for unpaid bills and services and he was frightened of being captured at the border if the hotel had a copy of his passport and thought he could just sneak in and blag his way out later.,


    Stupid is what stupid does. He doesn't come across as the sharpest tool in the box from the photo, and ' chancers ' like him seldom look a little bit farther in the future or for the implications  than the end of their nose

  3. Guys,


    We are up in the Roi Et/Kalasin area and are looking to put a pool in our garden. Nothing massive but we don't want a paddling pool either!


    We are looking at something low maintenance and easy to operate. I did have one at our old house in Pattaya. That was looked after by a pool company but up in the sticks I think we must do more ourselves and be more hands on.


    I have also seen some moulded ready made pools being advertised and wondered if any of you have experience of these please?


    Any recommendations as to companies and what I should expect to be budgeting will be greatly welcomed and appreciated.


    I don't want salt water or anything like that. I just want maybe a decent swim pool about  4 metres by 12 metres or something near that I think All comments and advice are welcome as I WANT TO GET THIS RIGHT.

  4. Hi everybody,

    Just reporting back as I managed to get there a day earlier to immigration at Sakon Nakhon. All went well and I found the Embassy letter a far easier option than bank books and bank letters.

    I did say I have had minor problems with a certain police captain in the past, who made me update a book to the very same day as my application. I had no such problems on this occasion with the Embassy letter.

    The Police Major in charge, who was a lady, has been transferred to Nongkhai so there is a new regime in place at these offices.

    Anyway, thanking all of you people on TV who offered great advice and assistance to me.

    Thank you guys.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  5. Hi,


    I don't know but its not my first extension. I have been many times, it's just the first time I have used this method as opposed to cash funds.


    The letter was done July 3rd and arrived today by EMS and my extension is on the 13th , so I hope they do not start nonsense saying it is out of date or time like I have had in the past with bank letters from Thai banks when immigration wishes to be awkward for no reason.

  6. Hi Members,


    Very quick one.


    Does the letter of funds/ pension/income signed and stamped by the UK Embassy need to be translated for retirement extension please?


    It specifically states that the funds in USD or GBP are not to be adjusted, translated or altered into Thai baht BUT says nothing about the need to translate the document into Thai.

  7. It's about peoples rights to live in peace and harmony throughout the World.

    Its about not being deemed entitled to all and everything by just saying 'I am a Muslim ' this is my ancestral lands. The guys on the lands in recent times used to be Bedoiun nomads with no fixed abode.

    It's the Israelis that have made a success of this once barren inhospitable place they call home. It is they who have put in the infrastructure to make a success of it

    We do not hear the Israelis saying they are committed to the extermination and obliteration of the Palestinians.

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  8. 1 hour ago, Elfin said:

    Of course the Israelis deny the right of the Palestinians to exist Harvey by seizing their lands, demolishing their homes, stealing or poisoning their water supplies, building a wall that devides their farms so they can not access their crops or shooting them at point blank range just to name few. This is happening every day Harvey.

    Hamas should not soften its stance of resistance against the Israelis.



    A bit like the Muslims deny our right to live and exist at peace in the UK and continental Europe, eh?


    By squatting on our lands, vast numbers of economic migrants that are not fleeing conflict, breeding terrorism in their mosques, which are allowed by the West's policy of ' freedom of worship '  refusing to integrate,refusing to accept the laws of a country are above THEIR LAWS OF ISLAM, bombing our tube stations and railways, bombing our aircraft so much so we have to get to the airport 5 and 6 hours earlier to clear security just to exercise our right to travel. Bombing our airports. Raping  and torturing underage white girls and boys in their ' host country with all our laws of tolerance '  such as the UK and Sweden.So called ' moderate Muslims ' who refuse to condemn or disassociate themselves from these scum and indeed harbour them!


    Same as always, when the Muslims have the upper hand, they are out there banging the drum about their self entitlement! When they don't get their way through the barrel of a gun, a bomb, and lose in conflict they start, they run to the UN screaming persecution against them. They make me puke!


    Alright then, let's get on with stoning women for adultery, throwing gays off tall buildings, murdering Christians in Muslim lands for no other reason than they are Christian, honour killings, and all the rest of the garbage from the middle ages. Let's get back to cleaning our ass on a stone and washing it in a stream after using it as a toilet. Great idea!


    Those whinging about the backing of Israel by the US, UK, and Europe need to think about who backs the terrorists in Gaza etc, how about every Muslim country in the region and neighbourhood!!


    The Muslims cannot even find peace and harmony among themselves or decide which branch of Islam is the true one or accept any other God that isn't specifically theirs.It is a bigoted, despicable act to bring up your children on hatred and extremism such as this.


    Long live Israel.

  9. 8 hours ago, Jim walker said:

    low life scum keep him in prison in thailand for 10 years first before sending him to his 5 starr english open prison he is in thailand on a stolen passport worth 10 years 

    Much as I agree with your sentiments, he won't get an open prison in the UK for a long time. It's only prisoners in their last 12-18 months and occasionally 2 years that get open prison.


    He could be charged for overstaying his visa or stamp on arrival, then lso for using the fake or bought/ stolen  passport and various other crimes. It is a separate offense each and every time he uses that passport for goods and services and entering and exiting Thailand. Which, if he has had it a while can rack up quite a sentence in a Thai prison.


    The problem with that is then he is able to try and delay be appealing against deportation.


    The RTP may just want rid of him for good relations and a feather in the cap with their UK counterparts. Relations between these two police forces suffered after a few incidents the last couple of years.

  10. 6 hours ago, iancnx said:

    Been here nearly 11 years.  Travelled far and wide throughout the country.  I see the xenophobia getting progressively worse during that period to a point now of being simply unacceptable, and the level of mindless violence akin to British and European football hooligans of the early seventies now prevalent everywhere (if you care to look outside of the expat elite bubble).  The minimum wage hike of 50% (200 baht to 300 baht) is filtering through to the rural community whose jobs have been priced out of the market and now have no work.  A substantial amount of Bangkok workers are retuning to the provinces in droves also because of no more work in the city - jobs disappeared due to the ridiculous unsustainable minimum wage hike.  This past year has seen over half of my local Village area tree's felled for more land to grow crops just so that these folk can eat.  The wood turned to new wooden shacks for more accommodation for the returnees, next to the crops, and the waste wood converted to charcoal.  The smoke pollution this past year has had a significantly adverse effect on all our family health.  99% of the rural community depend on Govt handouts in one form or another.  I don't know one family whose household debt is seeming unsustainable; poor buggahs have it secured against Land Title Deeds.  When the Elite come calling to be paid things might get tricky!  The level of poverty is starting to look like south Asia/Africa in many rural areas.  I have substantive experience of both.


    My wife is a Thai Govt teacher in English of young adults; she see's the level of educational standard getting worse not better as promised by the ASEAN initiatives which, I believe, will leave Thailand bringing up the rear.


    The strong Baht will prove a disaster sooner rather than later IMO.  Once reality sets in they will try their hardest to turn the super-tanker on a sixpence, but years will be needed to correct a grossly over-valued currency.  I guess it all depends on whether you believe the unemployment figures, GDP, and the balance of payments.... I don't! 


    The value of the £ against the baht is killing all Brits I would suggest.


    How do I see it.  A dire situation to be honest which I believe will come to a head sooner or later and the outcome politically cannot possibly be seen as rosey.  I am returning to UK at the end of this month with my family as a result and leaving behind a Baht 3m property I built myself, on my wife's land, as I have no chance of selling it.  It is my son's inheritance so no axe to grind there.  He will have a million more opportunities in life with a British education, even if UK are having to deal with there own set of problems.  My wife agrees with me..... clearly.


    Good luck to all long-termers and I wish you well.


    I have found a surprising amount in your post to be the case and I live in Isaarn. Your post nearly sums up our situation. and what is happening here.


    When I built our houses way back when, there was nothing but empty fields adjacent and opposite our house. We live on the fringe of the village in a reasonable area. We have the banks, 7-11s, A Big C etc so not right in the sticks anymore. However, this last two years, adjacent and opposite us, is exactly as you have described above has occurred!


    Men are returning from Bangkok and planting farms and living in shacks on the land. It is not even THEIR LAND , it belongs to the government but they are occupying it like free tenancies and bringing the cattle with them. They are all returnees from the cities. All the farms they are building are ramshackle isaarn style affairs. It is a lot more untidy with cattle dung all over the roads now and more tak taks up and down.


    I don't mind as all our land and houses are either walled or fenced in and I have little contact with the locals apart from a smile and hello when I am off to exercise. I have noticed a big increase and a lot more calling at our gate with various deals and opportunities to put forward to my other half in attempts to borrow money. I feel that pressure is also part of the reason she wants to be away from Thailand.


    We are looking to relocate after 20 plus years in Thailand (in business and semi retirement) back to the UK for the next 10-15 years.


    I think the UK is as it always has been, if you are in a good area, it's fine, if you can cope with the lousy weather. We are looking at York, which is fairly affluent, and my other half is pushing me strongly now to go.


    We are looking at a home and business near the city which is good for us. I am happy as well as I have an elderly mother I need to see more of who is  in declining health and two children who are grown up but need a bit of help and direction.


    I am not going to start Thai bashing although I can think of quite a few issues here but what is the point, the government will not address them, they never do. Somebody earlier mentioned ASEAN. Well, isn't that just a meeting of the biggest collection of despots, tyrants, juntas, Mafia leaders, in the region??? Who do we have? Thailand's junta! Hun Sen, Duterte in the Philippines and the rest of them. What a bonnie bunch!


    ASEAN will achieve nothing as an organization as they are toothless in power and shallow in commitment. All countries in SE Asia are too afraid of giving any ground to their neighbours or terrified of losing out on anything.


    .We have substantial houses and land here but we will lock the main house and family live in the other two so it is not a problem. We are the same as other posters, we could never sell and get the money back.


    We will holiday back here twice a year and maybe review the situation in 10 years or so. Well, that is the plan.......!!!! I hope we can.

  11. OK Guys,


    Immigration at Sakon Nakhon confirmed they cannot accept a fund book in any shape or form. A fixed deposit or savings book is all that they want to see.


    This means I leave June 12th and return on June 23rd. My 12 month extension expires July 18th.


    The first chance I have to get my funds is end of July. They pay me back on July 28th and a couple of days messing around after that to get it into savings account. So, I will have total funds back in say, July 31st at the latest.


    I am 55 years old, unmarried to my Thai partner.


    I do have other income monthly in excess of 65,000 baht coming in but it is not a pension,it is bank interest on other accounts which I can show to the Embassy. I will look online at what the British Embassy require to give me a letter for the 65,000 a month.


    The whole idea I believe of the 800K or 65K a month, is that you can show funds and money to sustain you for 12 months at a time. The daft thing is I have the 400K and within two weeks of my extension finishing the 9 million would be back in a savings account in Thailand. So, it's obvious to a blind man I support myself.


    How long will the money need to be in the bank for a new 12 month extension please, 60 or 90 days?

    Other than that, I am sunk and I must apply for a new visa and start from square 1. It is a good few years since I have done this route. I have not got the time to go running around in the UK to get a visa and am unsure as which visa I now need.


    Do I come back under my 12 months extension which expires on July 18th or a 30 day stamp at entry and then seek a visa at Sakon Nakhon or Savarnakhet to sort this mess out???


    Thanks in advance.

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