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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. On a separate note as I have little more to say regards the incident that took place.


    it looks now that the police have seen the video evidence and they will charge the old guy with attempted murder. He is, I believe, on 200,000 baht bail.


    Make no mistake, when they have evidence such as this at their fingertips, either the Aussie-Brit guy is going to pay massively, that includes cops and the gold shop owner and fast.....................or................This case will be passed to the prosecutor and things really will get expensive.He will then have police, prosecutors, the gold shop guy, the powers that be who make the decisions, his own lawyer, witnesses expenses, etc and the bill will run into the millions of baht.


    Unless he acts really fast, eats humble pie, and clears with this guy at the police station, this is not going away.


    It does not matter now whose side you are on in the dispute, this now comes down to M.O.N.E.Y. and plenty of it.


    We don't have an ' he said, he said scenario ' there is video evidence, which will be decided by a single judge in the provincial court and it is all about what he thinks. A single white guy waving a machete about and all the rest of it or a gold shop owner with his children in the car going about his business.


    I do not feel he will be sympathetic to the foreigner when he sees the machete escapade and a Thai national flying through the air after being hit with a car. He will almost certainly have sympathy with the Thai man for losing his cool and hitting the old guy.


    So he could be losing his lifestyle, his young child, his partner, his money, and jail accompanied by deportation. He needs to wise up and pay, you can't beat their system.



  2. Bdenner,

    I do this trip regularly to Siem reap. The cheapest way is to fly Air Asia from Don Muang airport to Siem reap. Do they have Air Asia from Udon to Don Muang , I am unsure? That would. be ideal for you provided flight times were compatible.

    Looking at money again, Cambodia Angkor air fly from Suvaranabhim airport so that may be an option cheaper than Bangkok airways. A Thai national needs no visa for CAMBODIA as their passport gives them 15 days at the airport. you can get your visa on arrival but you need to be quick off the plane or be stuck in a queue behind your fellow travellers! A visa online is available for an extra $7 USD and saves the messing around at airport and you don't get a full page in your passport wasted with a stick in full page visa. Online, you will be stamped in and out of the airport and the visa is kept with the passport with a staple.

    Angkor Wat prices have increased and they are slightly fussy these days about dress code. Smart casual. Wear good solid footwear or training shoes, ( not flip flops ) as there are lots of loose stones. Ladies need to cover shoulders and dress modestly. I think it's about $37 USD for day, three day passes are available nowadays to enter the temple sites, but unless you are really into it, one day is enough.

    The currency everywhere is USD. You. can change Rhai baht at a good rate at the Chinese exchanges in the market which have the rates displayed electronically, they are decent as a rule.


    Even the taxis to Siem reap can be white knuckle rides with poorly maintained cars and god knows if they have insurance.

    Great hotels in Siem reap if you choose wisely, Khmer Mansion at Sok San road or Royal Crown hotel and spa are both reasonably priced, clean, value for money and you can walk to pub street.

    You can book your Angkor Wat trip with tuk tuk guys on the street or PM me, I know loads. They charge about $25 for the whole day from dawn to dusk.A great idea is to visit, if you have time, the National museum where you can get a flavour and walk through with headsets in multi languages of what the temples are all about and what to look out for. It's a half day excursion but it will really enlighten you regards the Angkor period.

    Have a great time.

  3. I was one of the first to condemn the way over the top response by drunken Thais at Songkran in Hua Hin with regards the elderly family.

    This however is a totally different scenario. If the 72 year old Aussie had not behaved in the way he did, the follow up would not have occurred and that's the truth of it.

    If he wants to run around playing action man at his age, he cannot expect to be treated wirh respect as an elderly man.

    On another point, children and women as as a rule do not go around with machetes or running over people sending them flying into the air and luckily without very serious injury.

    I will leave it at that as I think some people will just continue to ignore the video evidence.

    I don't condone the Thai man attacking the old man.....I do understand the provocation that drove him to it.

    The Aussie is lucky he is not up on attempted murder charges.

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  4. Pouring oil on a fire at 72 years old is also not the smartest move in a foreign country where you know the language barrier and xenophobia will automatically make the low trained police side with the natives!

    I still say he was wrong and when he went to the rear of his car to retrieve the machete, this was a man enraged who knew exactly what he was doing.

    We have a three litre 4 door toyota pick up. Nice but not a racing car but the amount of times at traffic lights or nornal driving that drivers have tried to 'goad ' us into a race I cannot count. We ignore them.

    I recall me having a collision in the centre of Bangkok at rush hour. It was horrendous. In my view it was the Thai drivers fault. However, we were the only party insured. The police were not interested when they knew we had insurance and told us to sort it with the insurance. There was simply no point in either losing the temper in the mid day sun nor arguing with the police. Was I pissed? Sure I was but I didn't attack him or run him over.

    Accidents are a constant in Thailand and must be expected as ' one of those things! '

    The Aussie escalated the situation way beyond what was reasonable and as a result lead to the extreme response.

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  5. 1 hour ago, sweatalot said:

    his was not an act of self defence

    ... nor was the Thai man's punch


    I think if someone had just attacked my car and damaged it, scared me to death with a machete, then run me over tossing me in the air with the strong likelihood or possibility of severe injury then I too would have felt justified in ' smashing him in the face with a fist ' regardless of his age. I would have kicked his bloody car too!


    There was a car accident like occurs every day on roads and streets around the world. This was pure ' road rage ' It has nothing to do with Thailand, this can happen anywhere and is inexcusable bahaviour..


    What was the old man doing with a weapon such as that in his car boot? He was also quick to think and go get it, which makes me think this was not his first ' rodeo '.


    I am not a fan of these TVF law court armchair judges all recommending stupid 10 year bans ( as though they have any authority) and deportation, that is for the courts to decide and not bar stool barristers. However, his actions do warrant a court appearance and damages to the victim and compensation for his car.

  6. I am from the North of the UK and from a working class background. I have been a conservative supporter since I was old enough to vote.

    I attended Grammar school as a youth, served in the RN, went on to a decent business career. There are plenty like me in the conservative North so we are not quote: " the Brits you associate are working class from northern UK. They are all anti conservative "

    You make an unfounded generalisation. I am a fan of Thatcher and no fan of the current government who are struggling to get their act together. I feel however, they will.

    A life under Corbyn and Abbott would be a catastrophe that would send the UK backwards for decades.

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  7. 3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    I think that all voters know that whoever leads the country through Brexit will not be PM after next election - that's why i'd let that Labour Loony Corbyn and his lefty brigade do it. He'd make such a balls up of it , labour would be even more unelectable even to the gullible masses feeding on his false promises.  


    And the country would be in pieces and never recover in our grandchildren's lifetime. We can't leave our kids and their kids such a toxic legacy as " Comrade Corbyn and Can't count Abbott! "

  8. Hi,


    I have just bought a property last month in the UK although I am based in Thailand. I seem to be doing the reverse of many others who are selling and moving and buying in Thailand. I just feel safer, Brexit or not, with property in my name legally and within UK law as opposed to buying land here with companies and Thai nominees etc. Please don't misunderstand, I have no wish to live in the UK.


    Initially, the law firm refused to deal or act for me because funds were coming from Thai and Cambodian banks. However, I did show paperwork and documents proving the funds originated in the UK and were sent by bank transfer to Thailand and then some were transferred to Cambodia with a full paper trail. Problem solved.

  9. And the biggest mafias of all wearing green and brown uniforms stealing and cheating foreigners, corrupt lawyers, bent judges, or those licensed as taxi operators or jet ski operators not to mention the motorbike gangs and hordes or senseless violence dished out by Thai ' miscreants ' on a daily basis........nothing will be done!


    Well done Thailand.....keep it up showing the world how pathetic you are!

  10. 22 minutes ago, Putu94 said:

    thanks for all reply

    Girl is 18 boy is 17 

    and for sure they know to use condom or Pill


    Lawyer  will be a good idea

    If that is the case, her family cannot do anything at all. It was consensual and she was of age. We don't even need to go into whether or not the child is his. The only thing is in the village is that the offending family ' lose face ' unless its proved the child is not his.


    The boy doesn't need you to bail him out and if he is the usual upcountry run-of-the-mill Thai male, he will not give a damn and just walk away and get on with his life,.


    Why do you think the bars of Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket are full of women with 1,2 and 3 kids looking for a foreigner to marry them and ' take care of them '  saying the Thai man is ' no good! '

  11. 9 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    It's a Muslim region...are you saying they should change centuries of tradition to suit you?


    If they are so pious, why do they need to wail and scream all the time reminding what time to go to prayer?


    You would think their followers would know by now!


    Muslims are always peaceful and nice and friendly when they are very much in the minority, it changes as soon as they have enough of them in numbers.


    It is an evil, intolerant, backward, archaic, misogynistic, hypocritical nasty cult that needs wiping from the face of the earth. They hate and cannot get along with each other let alone the rest of the world.


    They do not allow Christian or Buddhist places of worship in their countries, people are murdered for their different beliefs or sexual orientation yet they broadcast as righteous acts of pedophilia. .......Yes.....that has been a Muslim tradition for centuries, do you agree with that one also?



  12. Well, there we absolutely disagree. Bruce Forsyth could sing, dance, act, do cabaret, entertaining mass audience and keeping them captivated..

    What did Jerry Lewis do except boy eyed stupid antics with a screaming voice. By the way, Jerry Lewis is nowhere near the talent of Jim Carrey in my book.And I wasn't born in the fifties either!

    Different jokes for different folks I guess.

    Dean Martin was fantastic by the way, especially as a solo act!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  13. He never appealed to me and I found his humor just plain stupid and  boring repetitive childishness.


    Kudos for his charity work but he was an arrogant old bitter bastard in later years. I watched some of his interviews.


    I much preferred Dean Martin after they split. I liked his singing, his wit and all in all found him an appealing entertainer.


    Anyway, that said, He managed the ripe age of 91 and did many good deeds for others. RIP.

  14. 21 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    Ferangs are buying land around 800,000 baht/rai here in Bueng Kan.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Definitely not disputing what you say and it's quite possible.


    You will be well aware that it only takes one foreigner to pay what the Thais ask, and as soon as they see a white face the price is vastly inflated, and then that plot is held up by the locals, wrongly, as a true value of the land in that locality.


    Even trying to stay in the background and getting your wife./partner/girlfriend to negotiate on your behalf does not work as the Thais cannot hold their own piss, they are such nosy buggers and blabbermouths as they have nothing else to do in the sticks except gossip.


    Their lack of understanding does not seem to stretch and differentiate between what is usable and good land in a potentially great location to bottom of the pile farmland that has not even been raised to road level and will cost the same amount again as the purchase price to do so.


    The area where I live has gone very quickly from a sleepy quiet rural area to more or less a mini city overnight with a brand new Tesco Lotus, Big C, four/five banks, giant PTT stations and numerous resorts, bars and restaurants, all in the last three years. No doubt the Thais around here will be asking millions of baht in the near future for useless land.


    You can tell  the ' noveau rich ' as we now have a plentiful supply of empty Chinese shop houses for rent that nobody wants, and an endless row of shops all selling plastic tupperware, garden tables and stools and cheap tacky bedroom furniture like all the big cities in Isaarn.

  15. Trying to take a fair balanced view on this minor infraction but hopefully put some common sense into it.


    I honestly think if it's a national park and world famous tourist attraction then signs need to be more prominent, larger and in a visually expressive version that can easily be understood by most people, multiple cultures from different countries. After all, it is a world tourism site.


    The lady could easily have been embarrassed by her mistake and was very possibly trying to make the man understand she was from Thailand and didn't actually realize she had made an error. It is well known that Thais and Asian cultures will smile or laugh to shield embarrassment or ' loss of face ' . This sometimes and often gets misinterpreted by Western people as rude, arrogant or non caring when it's quite the opposite.


    The Thai man had no right to order the deletion of the clip by the man filming it. The man had every right to film what he pleases.


    Some Thais seem to forget where they are and who they are talking to when they are in a foreign country. They seem to desire and demand the same rules of law and etiquette in the USA, Australia and Europe which they  seek to deny to us, as westerners, in Thailand, with the tired old and worn cliche ' If you don't like it, go back to your country! '


    A lot of this self importance tends to stem from lack of proper education and omissions of true historical facts during their schooling.


    In addition, the constant brainwashing in schools and universities that you ' Be proud to be Thai ' and ' Thailand has never been colonized ' attempting to give the false impression that Thailand's mighty military stood on the borders scaring away all foreign powers during the 1800s and 1900s when the rest of us know this to be nonsense. They give the impression they invited the Japanese in as allies, when we all know, the Japanese would have walked in anyway.Had they also not agreed to ridiculous unfair British treaties in the 1800s, so would the British. A very sad but true state of affairs which represented colonialism at that point in time in history.


    All the above being said, we are talking about some people that inadvertently wandered into an unsafe area where they could easily have placed themselves in danger. Had this been explained to the tourists instead of the over reaction by both the Thai male and the guy making the video, it would have faded away like the ' storm in a teacup' that it was.

  16. Very common up here for land to change hands at 200,000 and 300,000 baht per rai.


    The Thais sit dreaming that every piece of land near a road will be bought by PTT or Tesco Lotus and they will then be rich.


    Unfortunately as those dreams fade, they fall foul to borrowing from the Thai Chinese moneylenders and lose rheir land for a fraction of its value due to the fact they have taken out loans, have no income and no means of paying it back.


    Add back drunken husbands frittering away land that was in their wives inheritance on white whisky, various gambling and cock fighting, sons with drug problems, daughters getting pregnant to young boys at 14 and 15; you can see why they end up with nothing.


    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app





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