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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 7 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    What do using mean by using shares. That sounds like some kind of investment account that immigration may not accept. The money has to be in an account that allows the funds to be withdrawn without delay or penalty other that loss of interest.

    Immigration may allow the joint account since the funds are over 1.6 million baht (800k X 2).

    Will the money be in the account for 3 months on the date you apply for the extension?



    Yes, they are Krung Thai bank shares that we bought because there is no tax on the interest and it pays a better rate than the fixed deposit.Sorry, actually they called it a fund deal and the book says fund book. Only renewed them a couple of days ago for another three months, and I don't know why but I allowed them to be put in joint names as opposed to my single name.


    Well actually, it was just in case of some unforeseen mishap or accident. I wish I hadn't now. But to answer the question, there is well in excess of 1.6 million baht.

  2. My extension for 12 months is up for renewal on July 18th.


    Over the last few years and even up to the present day I have always had at least 8-10 Million in Thai accounts be it fixed, savings or shares. Recently, with the lousy rates in fixed deposits I have been using the shares for 3 or 6 months.( I also, added my partner of 20 plus years name to the book,) to the shares account, just in case the worst happened.


    All great so far. But, I have just requested last week my bank to do 3 months of shares again which will not expire until the end of July.


    The book will show two names with 8-9 million baht in a shares book. I have a separate book with 400K in it in my name for day to day.


    Will this satisfy them on July 18th with a back up letter from the Krung Thai bank? or have I now got a problem?


    I do enjoy a good relationship with my immigration office as a rule. Could I explain this away with back up letters and documents from the bank to a satisfactory conclusion? OR am I starting the whole extension of stay process again?


    I feel a fool and it's the first time I have allowed the lines to get blurred. I always keep the 800K separate but did this without thinking.

  3. Sorry,


    I regularly book online as do many others here but even records I have stored or saved in my computer or on an airline website are no good unless I put in the three digit pin code as well when I make the booking.Also, when they are on an airline website, it is usually a load of xxxx's and just the last four numbers.I don't think they have access to full card details.


    I cannot actually see her walking into an office and booking a flight using previous details at all. There are too many questions she would have to answer to satisfy the staff if she did not have the physical card,  in all likelihood, which she would be unable to do.


    You didn't give a second/ additional card to her, did you, and then cancel it? Sometimes they get through on smaller amounts.


    Below is from a blogger who loved Cambodia and has no axe to grind as I am accused of being unfair or creating hysteria. Please read.


    This is a fair analysis by an independent traveler from the USA both in 2010 and then more recently and she covers a number of tourist visited areas. I suppose it really is down to the person who is traveling themselves,but I totally relate to what she says.




  5. Oh dear because you don't want to understand you call it infantile.. you know how they call that when you can't win it with arguments and attack a poster... 
    They wanted him gone.. and by doing these crimes there was an opportunity by doing so without making it political. No need to make up anything no need to he did it to himself he handed himself on a silver platter by his crimes and abuse of power. Had he be honest and not being corrupt in it for himself and feeding the scraps to the poor he might have been a good PM.  However he was a corrupt crook who even bribed judges, and that did him in. Nothing political about it just good luck on the side of those who wanted him gone. 
    You just like calling it political.. but it was not.. no political setup at all..  Just a crook who lost his position because of his crimes. Unlike the likes of Anwar and others where fabricated charges were used or like the cooking show that removed Samak. That is political. But you will never admit the difference because it does not suit you..

    I think this post just about sums it up and knocks it right on the head!

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  6. 3 hours ago, ujayujay said:

    You lost the Path......read slowly once again the Topic :"What's better, what not, regrets".......compared to TH. I think, most readers are amazed at your aggressive, unsophisticated style.

    I think if you read slowly once again, you will find my 20 likes on my posts from readers to your zero!


    Amazed at my "  aggressive unsophisticated style "   Not in the slightest. We are direct where I come from and just call a spade, a shovel. Unsophisticated? Come on, this is Thai visa forum not a Global debate in the United Nations auditorium.


    There is no bad language in my posts, no ranting and raving. I point out what I believe are errors and back them with factual links to other sites to prove what I believe to be correct.


    So, I am sorry to have hurt your sensitivities. When other posters start calling a person a liar and then refuse to justify their comments, sure, it's irritating!


    Sheryl, the mod, sees it differently, that's OK. We see things different. I didn't call her a grumpy old liar, did I? like some have called me for no reason. I think 54 is middle aged....???


    I go to Siem Reap and Phnom Penn for solid business reasons. If I didn't have to, I wouldn't. That is my view of the place after 10 years.


    I prefer Thailand. I can afford to live in either or even Europe.Money is not the issue. I also love Vietnam.


    I do not see anything better in Cambodia that is not available in Thailand unless you are going to say things such as Angkor Wat or ease of visas and working. Anyway, I will leave it at that from me regards this thread.

  7. 45 minutes ago, phycokiller said:

    thailand is more westernized which seems to be what grumpy old men are looking for. cambodia is very rural, the people are generally more polite and  less violent then thais, its not a police state like thailand (in phnom penh anyway) because foriegn aid and the monarchy isnt under threat, you never see a policeman and can even play cards in public (while smoking a joint if thats your thing). its a lot quieter, phnom penh is really just a large county town. a lot of poverty because they are too polite to resist their overlords and dont care anyway. difficult to answer your question without knowing what you are looking for. I like it.



    So far from the opponents to my posts, NOT ONE  POSTER WHO DISAGREES has been able to point out that anything in my posts that were incorrect. All they have been able to do is resort to name calling.


    I think phycokiller has been smoking too many of these joints before he wrote this load of nonsense in the box above. Either that or sunbathing too much without a hat.


    Cambodia is not a ' police state like Thailand ' Where did you dig that gem up from?  Cambodia is a full on autocratic dictatorship with Hun Sen at the helm. Democratic opposition leaders fleeing the country or risk being thrown in jail on trumped up charges, extra judicial killings and murders of opposition members, because elections are looming in 2018, and he knows he will have to cheat the numbers like he did before to forcibly stay in power. The ' monarchy isn't under threat '  Another gem in your collection! The monarchy has no power at all and is only a symbol of Cambodia to hold and bring the people together in times of suffering and crisis.


    Hun Sen entered into a coalition with a member of the monarchy in the 90s, after losing the election and refusing to give up power, and then got rid of him afterwards and reneged on all his promises or didn't you know that?


    He has a habit of doing such things when he loses an election or ignoring the result or refusing to accept it.


    He has his own complete private bodyguard including a Mini-army that operates and answers to him only, in case things do not go his own way, did you know that?


    He uses the Army against the population. It is not that the people do not want change, they yearn change and freedom. It is repression and fear that stops them rising up, not because as you stated , ' they are too polite to resist their overlords and don't care anyway '


    Below is a link so that you can educate yourself on Cambodian recent history.



  8. It is an unfair comparison to rate Khorat top of the accident poll as if drivers in Khorat are far worse than elsewhere.


    In actual fact Khorat, which is huge anyway in comparison to most other provinces, is the main gateway leading to and from many destinations throughout the country.


    Therefore, it is reasonable to expect it will have much more traffic on the roads from private to commercial vehicles, and therefore more accidents.


    However, let's not truth or the facts get in the way of a good story.

  9. The guy and his junta belong in the movie business. He has more imagination than Walt Disney!


    A "  happiness poll  " has rated Thailand highly in terms of happiness. What kind of crap was that thought up by. 


    Will he publish a corruption poll, a road accident poll, an educational standards poll, a reliability study on court verdicts or justice poll, ???,


    Nope, I think not.No need, everybody is happy!!  .......:spam1:

  10. Just do not even consider this nonsense at all.


    It looks like they think you are ' green as apples ' and know nothing about business. 2,000 baht a day is plenty of money if you are upcountry, (I presume that is where you are to be offered the land to build on), and then the cheek to say you build the project and then walk away. Shop-houses, albeit single storey in good locations in our locality are 5,000/7,000 a month.


    We are in a small town upcountry that has developed fast and I know the new 7-11 has taken on a large piece of land opposite the hospital on a 10 year lease deal, and they are not paying anywhere near 2,000 baht a day. I think it was 20,000/ 25,000 a month for the duration, however, it was vacant land and a great location, and 7-11 build to certain specifications. It was also quite a big lump of land. I was told this by the shop keeper next door who was very interested to know the ins and outs of what 7-11 were doing, as he operates a mom and pop store adjacent.


    If you are chasing good clientele for a dentists, you need to be in business areas like Bangkok or tourist areas with affluent Thais and expats for your target clientele like Phuket, Chiang Mai etc


    In the big cities and resorts you will find plenty of opportunities to take on a suitable shop house with an upstairs where you can even live above, or rent it off, and downstairs kit out a dental clinic in a single or double shop house. A Western dentist will build up their custom by getting a good name, and not be reliant on prime location, so sure, you can get a good deal if you look around no matter where you go in Thailand for your kind of business.


    Thais will be happy to rent long term for decent businesses that are steady and reliable. Always, always, consult a bona fide lawyer before entering a deal and never accept that old line,  ' we are all friends and a handshake will do ! '

  11. 7 hours ago, abab said:



    This is the post of a grumpy old man who had problems living in Thailand and was thinking that Cambodia was heaven...


    Of course it is not as bad as lied on this post.




    I am not grumpy, I am not old unless you consider 54 old? Your assumptions are wrong and to call somebody a liar without justification is also very wrong.


    I have many years experience of Thailand and a number of years now with long visits to Vietnam and  I do business in Cambodia.


    If you wish to disagree, kindly point out on which points that you think I am wrong.

  12. The whole concept of sin sod has become corrupted and is a nonsense. It is not a hugely popular nor a wide practice between Thais, unless for those wanting ' in your face ' and ' bling ' weddings. It really has no place in a marriage ceremony apart from as I have said previously ' showing off ' 


    This gay wedding has been set up from the start to attract as much publicity as possible so it falls into the ' bling ' category.


    The guy might be clever and place all these ' wedding photos ' around his travel shop to attract the " pink pound " customers and those who think it is trendy and fashionable and ' Oh, so 2017 ' to have gay friends. It most certainly will be used as a marketing tool in his business for gay and straight customers alike.


    When my partner of now 22 years, (we never married), mother got hooked  to the father, I found out in a fun conversation that he paid ' 200 baht ' as his bride price because he was basically skint. Now , that would have been in excess of 60 years ago, so you must allow for inflation!v However, I am confident it is nowhere near the 1 million baht and 400,000 baht in Gold.


    If those monies are retained by the family and not returned, one thing is for sure, the money will be gone in no time with nothing to show for it.


    If it makes the giver happy, then so be it.If he thinks it will be put away for a rainy day, guess what?? It's cloudy outside and has all the signs of rain by this evening!



  13. 16 minutes ago, saakura said:

    Why then can they not go to the British Embassy on Wireless Road in Bangkok and get married?



    Because Thailand does not recognize gay marriage. The land of the ladyboy!! and katoeys in almost every walk of life.


    I know your argument that the British Embassy is not supposed to be considered as Thailand but that is the way it goes.


    It is interesting though, that it is legal in Vietnam.

  14. 9 minutes ago, khunpa said:

    Agree, the whole media show off dowry thing is just plain stupid. I would feel like an idiot, if I was the farang. 


    And yes, the amount is peanuts compared to what others have put into their marriages here. (also myself included). I however was never required to pay a dowry, when I got married. Had I been demanded that, I would have not have been married.



    From a personal standpoint, I am totally on your side on this. I wouldn't do it, and it has no appeal.


    I would, as you say, feel an idiot, especially the nonsense about kneeling down and being photographed grovelling, which I find OTT and slightly stomach turning.


    The only person I would show that kind of devotion to, would be my mother if she was ill or on her deathbed, who I believe after all these years of self sacrifice and love, deserves it. I also would not need nor require a photographer whilst doing it.


    As they say, it takes all sorts to make a world.

  15. A few comments about the 1 million baht dowry and the 400,000 baht gold.


    It may just be for public consumption and the money returned back after; due to this never ending ' face ' nonsense of the Thai culture.


    However, how many on here whilst pointing out the stupidity of the amount, have entered into relationships and spent considerably more than the above sum on their Thai partners, (gay or straight), in the form of houses, pick ups, motorbikes etc.??


    I know I have.


    What their sexual habits with each other are interests me about as much as watching paint dry!


    A lot of gays are well known to be extroverts and relish the pomp and ceremony and if it's not hurting anybody, why not?

  16. I stand by everything I said and I do not feel I need to examine my ways of behavior or interacting. I am a business person and act accordingly. I do not sit in bars all day drinking and smoking with a hooker hanging from each arm!!


    The ' open attitude ' to foreigners you mention, I believe, is usually from the people on the ground or the man / woman in the street, not those in  positions of power.


    What I am saying is behind the smile most are thoroughly miserable with the state of affairs in Cambodia but are helpless to do anything. It is now more than ever, a one party dictatorship.


    Time and time again, (with the exception of very few) that I have spoken with, they hate their conditions and feel as though they are existing as opposed to living. The people themselves cannot object or complain or even gather as they are ruthlessly put down by Hun Sen and his band of merry men.


    Very few in positions of authority are worth talking to as most are intoxicated by their own power and have no wish to listen, and like in parts of India, would sooner drive around in the blacked out windowed Mercedes Benz cars, where they can pretend not to notice the grinding poverty.


    The Cambodian government recently announced that Cambodia was at ' full employment ' . You can laugh at that one. Why are the young pouring over the borders to work in low skilled jobs in Thailand if this is the case??


    It hasn't actually enjoyed double digit growth, it has been nearer 7% - 8%, which I agree is not bad, but you must bear in mind the small size of the economy. Cambodia is beginning to stagnate as Hun Sen, after repeated warnings, continues to disregard any advice from economic and professional organizations around the world responsible for aid, that the economy is too focused on the garment trade and tourism. It has not diversified adequately especially in areas outside the immediate tourist and business areas of Phnom Penn and Siem Reap.


    As recently as the last two weeks, the Hun Sen government has decided to choke off the micro finance loans by companies to the rural poor. These are the main source of small loans for people without security, and have an excellent repayment rate and very low defaults.  All experts agree that this will hurt the poor more than any other group and that most of these loans are used to expand and build their small businesses, not to purchase consumables and  unnecessary luxury items.


    Yes, those in schools speak better English and there is a much more open attitude to learning English. This I believe, is as a result of previous colonization, the willingness to accept foreign ideas and to believe there is much more in the world outside of Cambodia unlike the Thais, brainwashed from an early age that the world would cease to turn without them, which we all know to be nonsense.However, due to grinding poverty, the drop out rate in schools and educational establishments is very high.


    The Cambodian government also has criteria regards improvements in education and infrastructure  to continue receiving EU aid. They hate these checks on where the aid money is spent and are constantly trying to outmaneuver the EU regards transparency. They want ' Chinese aid ' who don't ask them to show and prove where funds are spent. But the rest of us know, the Chinese ' sting in the tail ' will come later down the line. Nothing is for free.


    Educational standards that you mention, in rural Thailand are pitiful.I know that and have seen it first hand, after being up here many years, when I retired due to ill health. Before I was in the bigger cities of Thailand for a long time.The Thai powers that be care little outside of  their power base of Bangkok what is going on in real Thailand. I have seen many changes in the last 25 years.


    The authorities in rural Thailand, although employing foreigners to teach English because they are unable and incapable themselves, spend their time sabotaging any useful forward thinking or ideas of foreigners, believing their own positions of rank and authority are threatened.

  17. If you look behind the Khmer smile, this is what you will see and it isn't pretty.


    Yes, they give out easy long stay visas and the beer, cigarettes and hookers looking for husbands are cheap,  ( in comparison to Thailand ) but at what cost? and what is the reason they give the easy access?


    If that is all people need, they can move to Isaarn. Believe me, Isaarn is better Most places are within a couple of hours of a decent private hospital. You do NOT want to get ill in Cambodia.


    I have spent extended amounts of time in Cambodia and had thoughts to moving there especially when the constant changing of rules and regulations and weekly announcements of changes Thailand started to get on my nerves.


    I am glad I did not.


    With the exception of visiting the temples on holiday, working there for a big company or foreigners ' forced to like it ' as they do not have enough money to reach the Thai budget or visa requirements, it is not worth going to.


    Garbage is everywhere and I mean everywhere, so are vermin.rats all over the place It is a dirty hell hole.


    The roads and infrastructure are terrible as soon as you leave the city limits, there is no decent hospital care as we know it. Food products are not of the quality of Thailand and many products are imported from Thailand so obviously making them more expensive.


    The police force is actually WORSE than their Thai counterparts, which in itself is an achievement. Law and order is virtually non existent with a lazy, arrogant, unhelpful police force who are not interested in solving crime nor protecting tourists. Opportunistic crime, thefts, burglaries, handbag and phone snatching are at epidemic levels in Phnom Penn and Siem reap.


    Sihanoukville on the coast is a backwater with  ' wild west '  feel, a police force that think they are far enough from the capital that rules don't apply, not that any apply in the capital!!


    A lot of lowlifes and people go there to hide out that are wanted in other parts of the world, Cambodian hoodlums and thugs are in abundance, Russian mafias have made it a small base of operations and it is a very poor example of Cambodia's only beach resort that has been completely underfunded by the government as a place to welcome tourists.


    Education standards are very poor with many kids dropping out of school or needed to help families survive on their small farms. A Cambodian degree is not worth the paper it is written on.


    It is NOT, as many say, Thailand 30 years ago. It is a god forsaken place where the greedy filth in authority are stealing any aid given by the EU, China and Japan. The poor as usual bear the brunt and are not in a strong enough position to do anything. Hun Sen was not elected as the best leader,he was placed there before the exodus by the Vietnamese as a ' puppet regime ' subservient to Vietnam and has spent  his time filling his pockets.


    As regards to government, it is fast becoming an autocratic state with Hun Sen at the helm. his immediate family and ex- Khmer rouge cronies are all in any positions that matter to keep the crooked clock ticking, A judicial system that does not function and an Army used  solely to repress the people and cripple any dissent.


    Give me Thailand or Vietnam any day for a holiday or retirement, regardless of a few moans and groans. Be happy and count your blessings.

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