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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. This guy saved my life twenty years ago and performed major surgery on me for cancer. Trained in the USA, Great English and extremely knowledgeable on all Head and neck matters. And if he doesn't know, he'll put you with the best. https://www.bumrungrad.com/en/doctors/vitchaphan-hemrungrojn
  2. The guy has issues we know, the Judge had options open to him as this guy never threw anything, didn't punch anybody, never spat at anybody and the Judge said he was right at the minor end of the scale of misbehaviour. In other words, apart from a few choice words, he was protesting, not rioting. He could have ordered counselling and treatment for his alcohol dependency outside of prison. He didn't need to be a Keir Starmer puppet. The courts are supposed to be independent. I also am ex forces and I have never attended a protest or riot nor been a member of any far right group, but like many, I am cheesed off where it becomes a badge of shame, to be White British and heterosexual, in my own country, whilst scroungers and boat people get the VIP treatment. In a country where our opinion is not valid, and we are branded racist if we open our mouths, it's disgusting. This lot arriving at our shores have never lifted a finger to help the UK, despise the UK, and are there purely for what they can scavenge, and they think it's funny. Could we do it in their countries? You know the answer.
  3. Quite easy to dismiss his service with a simple thank you when you have never served in HM forces and trivialise the sacrifices made nor have you been in harms way or a military conflict. I know, because those of us that have give far more empathy for our brothers and sisters that have served. Yet, you feel self-righteous to get on your high horse enough to judge here, people like you really pi$$ me off. An ex military member suffering PTSD would get far better and more targeted care outside prison, but pathetic lefties on this board and misguided clowns in the UK, as well as current government too busy looking after an invading culture that hates us.
  4. Plenty of ordinary members of the public that just want things the way they used to be. THEY ARE NOT RIGHT WING, THEY ARE NORMAL WORKING CLASS TAXPAYERS. Do these people get no rights? These people who are fed up with attacks by migrants, uncontrolled immigration, even worse under Starmer, boat people in hotels and given food allowance and phones, where working class taxpayers daren't put their heating on. Knuckle scrapers, you clown? Attempting to murder people in a hotel? What about constant attacks by migrants, many illegal, on people going about their day-to-day activities, children attacked and murdered by migrants, rape taxi gangs by Pakistani Muslims, bombings when people take their kids to see concerts, attacks by fanatics on Westminster Bridge, stabbings of off duty soldiers and policemen. Bombings on the London Underground, killing people just going about their day and travelling to or from work. And then we have the banner waving left with their Palestinian flags marching up and down clueless, saying welcome to illegal boat people, but when stopped during the march and asked would they be prepared to accommodate a migrant, they were quick with excuses from no room, flat too small, I only rent, and it isn't allowed etc Well where are we supposed to feed, clothe and house them? Removing winter fuel allowance for the needy whilst paying 8 million pounds a day to house people that hate us and our way of life and think we are just a ' soft touch '
  5. She's a filthy, disgusting, lowlife pig, not only for leaving a property in such a state, but for living in one like this. I would not be able to function if my house was like this. My surroundings have got to be spotless. As a kid there were eight of us growing up in a small house, so private space was at a premium, and you had to respect sibling spaces as well. We just didn't live like that, and we were poor. May mother had the mantra,' cleanliness is next to godliness ' the other one was ' Soap and water costs nothing ' Then as a young man I joined the Royal Navy, and they were sticklers for hygiene, tidiness and cleanliness. It was a great way from an early age to put me on the right path, my sons are similar these days and very tidy in their houses.
  6. I'll take your word for it, but agents say it can be between 10 days and 12 days, it was on his office wall. I am not hanging around Phnom Penn paying hotels for anything between 5 days, as you say and 12 working days, when I can pay $70 and next day delivery.
  7. And now the parents looking for someone to blame except themselves. A 14-year-old, and his friends, who are obviously of similar age, out clowning about without parental oversight at 4am in the morning, when they should be in bed. They had a gun which should be under lock and key away from them. It's as bad where I live, 7-year-olds out on 125 cc motorbikes, absolutely clueless and wobbling all over the road carrying passengers, not a safety helmet in sight, and then the parents scream when there is an avoidable accident that takes place. These people don't parent their kids, they pander to them, hence the amount of child-adult males in Thai society unable to keep their emotions in check in adulthood.
  8. Yes, I have seen that too, and some hotels are totally inflexible with their rack rates. I have known me go to a hotel, and they wouldn't budge on their rack rates, and I have booked through Agoda whilst standing in their lobby!
  9. Because I am not moving, but if I intend to stay there for three or four months, I've got the visa, and it can easily now be renewed, depending on the outcome of this tax regulation implication in Thailand. The maximum on a tourist visa is 1 month, which you can extend once. Then there's the additional full page visas in your passport etc. filling it up quickly. I am also a frequent visitor to Cambodia and I bank there, if I am a long term visa holder, interest is taxed at 7%, if on a tourist visa it is 15%. I don't want the faff of applying for a visa every time I take a trip there, so this way makes sense to me. Not only that, but I am far too happy with my life, my partner and our houses in Thailand.
  10. It's a good border to go in and out of, TBH. Much better than Poipet.
  11. Because he probably doesn't have one and he stressed he is travelling on a US passport.
  12. Been there four times, it's the only place you feel like a pauper wearing a Rolex.
  13. I feel sorry for the man and hope they catch this guy swiftly, as he will continue on this path until he is caught. It's easy money for him. However, the same rules apply in every tourist destination, especially poorer countries, where opportunistic thieves will always take advantage of somebody elderly, drunk, disabled etc. Why do people feel the necessity to display wealth like this when out and about in tourist areas? The most expensive thing I carry is my phone, and it isn't a particularly high-end phone, however, it allows me to pay using QR codes leaving me to carry minimal amounts of cash. I never wear jewellery or ornaments or fancy watches.
  14. The guy does it every time, defending scumbags, he's a troll.
  15. And here we go again with the constant defender of Thai scum drivers, taxis, motorbike riders, jet ski scammers that dish out gratuitous violence on tourists, and you are incapable of accepting it. Instead, you blame the victim because he's foreign. The guy has stolen a 120,000 baht chain, that is robbery with violence. Police are searching for him. Or in your world is that allowed and justified in Thailand?
  16. There is now a faster online chat link which passes everything to HMRC and is quite efficient
  17. How does that work? I am currently on 800K method. Any links?
  18. I have been in both Phnom Penh and Siem Reap in July and August for different reasons, and here are my findings. Phnom Penh. I went there to obtain a long term visa and I flew into the main airport. A lot of things have changed and there was no onboard form filling, it's all done with QR codes and computers at the airport on arrival. A kind senior officer guided me through this new process and I obtained the E visa, so I could extend to a long term retirement visa. A T visa cannot be used to change to a long term visa, although you can extend as a tourist once. I booked into the Sun and Moon urban hotel and was extremely pleased with the standard and location of the property. The place around the hotel has many lady bars and was busy to say the least. The bars had a lot of young pretty women and plenty of them, unlike Nana plaza or Soi Cowboy where it is becoming ' Grab a Granny' in many bars. There was also a large Gay pride event whilst I was there, which I didn't bother with as not my scene. I didn't really bother much with the lady bars either, as my purpose was to get a visa. I found an agent on the riverfront as soon as I arrived and paid the going rate via an agent for the visa, plus I paid the additional $70 for the rapid service. Furthermore, I handed my passport and the following morning it was given to me completed at 10.00 am. Phnom Penh, contrary to some observations here, was busy. Likewise, some have suggested you cannot get VOA at Phnom Penh airport, well, you can. It was a good trip, and I am happy to have done it, just in case I dislike any future Thai government tax issues, when an announcement is made regarding foreigners. This will enable me, if I don't like the regulations, to keep my stay in Thailand to six months. Siem Reap. We went by car to the Chong Chom border, after first staying overnight in Surin at the Hotel Silve. It's about 4.5 hours from our place in Kalasin. I find this more convenient, faster and cheaper than two planes, Roi to Bangkok then Bangkok to Siem Reap and now, an hour's journey to get into town from the new airport. That border has got a great deal busier than it was previously, with a lot of cargo and increased number of people. Of course, there are the casino visitors as well. Similar story, I parked in the military car park and went in a private car at $60 for the two of us to Siem Reap. Siem Reap was busy. We stayed on the edge of pub street at Apsara Centrepole hotel, a modest hotel, but great location for pub street. My term deposit was due for renewal at Canadia bank, where I get 4.75% paid monthly interest, compared with Thailand offering 2%. If you have a long term visa, they tax your given interest at 7%, if you have only tourist visa it is 15%. Yes, you can open a bank account with a tourist visa and obtain a debit card. The return journey, I picked up a 1 litre of Jameson's Irish whisky for $19, and a 1 litre Cabernet Sauvignon, (Chilean), for $12 at the border point. Crossing back into Thailand, it is necessary to fill out a landing card, which caught me unaware, but the officer explained it was still policy at land borders. Both cities were busy on my visits.
  19. Apart from the fact most booking sites such as Agoda, Bookings .com, etc are sub companies under the same umbrella company, I noticed a few things in my latest round of booking hotels whilst travelling around Thailand and the region. I am a Platinum and a Gold member of Agoda. I have found regularly by clearing my cache, logging out of both my accounts and going to either Google Maps and entering the name of the hotel or trip advisor and doing the same, whilst logged out, I can get offered cheaper rates as a non-member, that outweigh anything they offer me logged in as a Gold or Platinum member, in my view rendering these loyalty memberships useless. Likewise, I have done this lately, booked as a non-member, then when it comes to the payment, logged into my account to get any future benefits they may offer, (Agoda cash etc) and the rate remains cheap. When I book in through my member account, I get quoted more expensive flat booking fees. This has happened about 80% of the time of late.
  20. And 8 pages of speculation because the Thai government has remained silent and offered no clarifications. That in itself leads to suspicion. All the rest has been accountant speculation and forecasts. Nothing has been confirmed. This will create massive paperwork, a nightmare to police it and check it out. Then there is dealing with all the various agreements and different nationalities There will be an exodus of foreigners. People will stop transferring to buy condos, cars. You really think this government can implement this successfully or wants to risk this? Countries with far more robust taxation laws have not been able to. The Thai government is scratting around, trying anything to find money.
  21. Guys, I just got a retirement visa from this guy on the riverfront in Phnom Penn. LM8 Travel and tour agency. Mr Keo Song 231 Eo street Sisowath Quay, Phsar Kandal 1 Khan Duan Penh.
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