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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I think the first one would be closer to the mark, as the properties and cars, in both mine and my partner's name, are all bought and paid for. We just do living expenses. I am waiting to see what happens with the condo industry being in the doldrums, what they are going to do when foreigners stop buying them as they don't want taxing on transferring large amounts to buy such things, the same applies to cars and trucks.
  2. Oh well then, Let's see what can be done, we don't want retarius getting too hot under the collar, do we?
  3. That's my point, and I've been told to sit on the fence for now. And the person who told me that often has columns in the press regarding tax, he writes in newspapers, and his articles are published on many forums, including this one.
  4. It seems a ridiculous state of affairs that a man parks his car and forgets where, I did that even as a young guy. Only then to have the Police come and accuse him of insurance fraud, sounds like a total scam on behalf of the Police. Any decent lawyer should get this dismissed, if he had lousy representation in the first instance, it was probably an ' ambulance chaser ' trying to milk the situation and make money out of the poor guy's misfortune, only for the Police and others to jump on the gravy train.
  5. I've been told by somebody in the know, to do nothing at all for the time being and see how things pan out, and I certainly won't be listening to AN members for tax and legal matters. I think it is unenforceable and too complex for Thai bureaucracy to work out, with all the dual tax agreements and tax exemptions, all different, applying to the laws of a multitude of different rules, laws and dual agreements between countries, not just Thailand's rules. They are bound by international agreements as well.
  6. It seems a scam to me from the Police and crooked lawyers who want to keep the case ongoing. That's true as well.
  7. All the hard work had been done by Obama's team, only you could be daft enough to think Trump created that economy and those results. You are a dreamer, it was done by eight years of hard work by Obama and his team. Trump walked into a dream economy, but not created by him.
  8. I have on my remote key fob a red button which flashes the lights and sounds the horn if I forget where I have parked in a busy car park.
  9. Everyone gets these emails, It's the same as winning raffles that you haven't;'t entered or lucky draws at banks you have never heard of. Only the one from the Nigerian prince is genuine, I'd respond to that one if he contacts you.
  10. Why don't you just wait for a government announcement later this year instead of getting your knickers in a twist about ifs, buts and maybes? Nobody on this board can say for certain what is going to happen, and it's all guesswork.
  11. I've seen you make comment and ask advice on this previously in threads gone by, I remember your previous thread, and my answer is the same as it was last time. It's none of your business, and you are just occupying yourself being a busybody. Equally, their other businesses or trips to Europe are not your business either. You're the guy that can't sit at home and watch Netflix, you feel obliged to jump on your motorbike and go spying all the time. You have good tenants that pay on time. Nearly every single restaurant in Thailand has gas bottles around and in the open. The risks are minimal. Why don't you listen to your wife, instead of creating problems which aren't there? The way you carry on like an old woman, you don't deserve decent tenants.
  12. As far as I was aware, the civil war in Somalia, especially in Central and Southern Somalia, is still very much ongoing. I am sure a few pirates might be able to afford the costs of Bumrungrad, but I can see the other 99% being able to.
  13. Well, let's see now. What he said: 1. He kept on bleating from abroad about how he was ageing, and he desperately wanted to be with his grandchildren. 2. He said he wanted to remain outside politics, and he was too old to go back into politics. 3. He said he was in ill health and wanted to be with his family. What happened: 4. He returned to Thailand and was met like a VIP from his private jet. 5. He was whisked off to Klong Prem, where he made a flying visit to the Medical corrections' hospital, before it was deemed they were too ill-equipped to deal with him, and he was removed by helicopter to the Police hospital, where he took over a suite of rooms. 6. An appeal to the King was made, something that on average takes 3/4 years for a prisoner. He managed it in two weeks. 7. He had various visitors from government and family at any time of the day at the Police hospital. 8. He remained in the comfort of the Police hospital, (nobody knows if he was actually there as reporters and journalists and the public were not allowed to the floor where he was supposedly housed) until he was given permission to be at home under house arrest, whilst awaiting the King's amnesty on HM King's birthday. 9. He was photographed in a neck brace, in his swimming pool, and walking stick etc, all which magically disappeared after the Amnesty. 10. Various MPs and government ministers were seen entering and exiting his house. 11. He held a number of dinner get-togethers for high ranking officials. 12. Despite his claims of illness, he looked fine at Hun Sen's birthday party on August 5th, not a neck brace in sight. 13. He is now holding rallies and speeches, not bad for an ill man who wants to stay out of politics. 14. Conveniently, Srettha was found to have seriously breached the ethics code by appointing Thaksin's family lawyer to a cabinet position, and then somebody reported him, I wonder who? 15. His inexperienced daughter is now ensconced as the new PM And he is trying to make the public believe a deal wasn't pre-arranged and done with the military, the courts and others up the chain of command, who feared a group more than Thaksin, the Move Forward Party, who threatened to upset the status quo and drag Thailand into democracy and the 21st century. Pull the other one!
  14. The above post sounds like a better explanation than just blaming weed.
  15. If there is one thing that cheeses me off more than anything on this board is loudmouth people using the mantra ' blacklist and deport ' You do not know the full story, you have heard one side only, but you rush to judgement. Then you use generalisations and stereotypes to describe British tourists, which is wrong on every level. There are many decent, kind, hard-working, friendly and good British people in this country. Yet you wish to rubbish an entire race, based on circumstantial evidence and guesswork. Finally, get it through your skull, you have no power whatsoever to implement immigration policies regarding deportation and blacklisting. That is a matter for the relevant Thai authorities once they are in possession of all the facts. "Why can't we all just get along " your words. Well, it's a bit difficult and made even more so, with people like you rushing to judgement and spouting nonsense when not knowing the full facts.
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 129 seconds  
  17. Bring back the Apprentice reality show. Donald Mr Orange, liar Trump.............You're fired!
  18. Will the courts accept Tesla shares for Trump's legal fees?😆
  19. Trump is trying to make friends with anybody he thinks has a power base and wider influence. He and Musk hated each other until very recently. Watch this space, Kim Kardashian for Secretary of State. Trump clutching at straws.
  20. No, that is when he really impressed and rose above the rabble. YNWA
  21. Not so sure about that.
  22. Everyone will sleep safe in their beds tonight, knowing she isn't at large to produce any more cooking videos. What a waste of police resources, do they really have nothing better to do?
  23. Fortune favours the bald.
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