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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Stay alert, watch your phones, don't carry more than you need. Watch your environment. I walked all over Phnom Penn city.
  2. There are more documents and hoops and proof to provide for a business visa. Proof of registration of the business, photographs, addresses, employees etc The agent told me that two / three weeks ago when I got my retirement visa
  3. Even if you are in Phnom Penn it takes 10-12 days unless you pay the $70 for next day delivery, I've just done it.
  4. E visa at airport or online, don't get a T visa as you cannot get long term visa on a T visa
  5. Do not need to wait three weeks. I just got mine in 24 hours through an agent, immediately after arriving in the city, and they added on to the retirement visa, the unexpired time from my entry E visa.
  6. You would then have all the complications of visa on arrival where you pay in certain countries, such as Laos and Cambodia, versus visa free entry in Thailand. Also, one minute Thailand is moaning about over tourism, damage to the environment, and the next they are aiming for 80 million tourists by 2027/2028. The flip-flopping is ridiculous.
  7. OK, I'll bite, because Thailand won't put them up in hotels, give them money and houses.
  8. They should bin the entire police force and start again, but they won't.
  9. Absolutely agree with every word you have said. Some on here are greener than apples.
  10. Rubbish. They've nailed a load of his underlings in the online gambling, and they can't do what they do, without his consent.
  11. I think you have summed it up well, except some on this board view him as a knight in shining armour, and he isn't. They are all as bad as each other, and as you say, he's not following the rules. He got to a ridiculously high position in a very short space of time, that only comes with connections, money, and plenty of it. You can't join the corrupt and then cry foul when it doesn't go your way.
  12. Nobody knows anything until this government releases details. The rest of it is scaremongering BY ACCOUNTANCY FIRMS, and statements by people who know as much as the rest of us. Nothing. It's all speculation. If it comes to fruition, there will be a massive flight to the new visas being offered as no point holding an extension of stay based on a retirement Non- O
  13. And you know this how? Get off your keyboard, you are making yourself look a total fool.
  14. And how did you arrive at the conclusion , or was it just in your head? How can you speak like that when a man is in critical condition? You were not there, you know nothing.
  15. Because they are not paying attention and are not expecting you to speak Thai. I have had it plenty of times in the past.
  16. You have a valid point, but for me, it's a lot of hoops to jump through. Anyway, I've been with the other half for 27 years now, so I can't see us having difficulties. If it works for you, good stuff.
  17. If that's what you wanted, good luck to you Well done. I am happy myself as a British passport holder. I wouldn't ever want to jump through the hoops you have had to do for the sake of free entry to the Grand Palace and Thai rates for national parks.
  18. Is that correct? If it is, I will do it.
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