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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. What a malarkey over nothing. It's like the old saying, what's the difference between a good haircut and a bad one? About TWO WEEKS!
  2. Seems the Republican Trumpers are getting tetchy and also, are in denial, that Trump is losing in the polls, getting very nervous, making a lot of mistakes and lashing out.
  3. We did the TM30, and we made a contract in English and Thai for our Filipina tenant. As far as we are concerned, we are legal and clear. The Filipina lady is also legitimate, as she is an English teacher at our local biggest employer, the sugar factory.
  4. My eldest son, Type 1 diabetes since he was 4 years old, has a patch on his arm and this connects to his phone to monitor his levels. No more finger pricking to check his levels, although he does inject if the levels are dangerously out of kilter.
  5. No, I don't believe. When you are dead, that's it, that's all. Goodnight Vienna.
  6. Only thing he needs to check is if Thai airways fly to the destination, and the price, as their price includes a set amount of luggage before paying extra. Some of the national carriers are now offering better deals than budget airlines when you add back all the extras.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 105 seconds  
  8. I wouldn't buy a condo now, My age is a factor, and the market is saturated these days. I did buy some cheap condos in Pattaya in the nineties and rented them out and afterwards sold them at a profit. Not a huge profit, but profit all the same. However, I was around 36 years old then, now I am 62. I have a compound of houses, walled in, up in the sticks, that I designed and had built. Next door is the mother, but a wall and gate separates us from her. To the rear, we have one rented out to a Filipina teacher, and the other one is for when guests come and stay, such as my sons. It is bliss for my partner, near the mother and family, we have all mod cons, that I have in Europe. it was built many years ago now, but I have always stayed on top of maintenance. ROI ET airport is 50 minutes, and from there I can get to Don Muang and any resort in Thailand and most of SE Asia, which I do often.
  9. I am of the same view as you. It's as though they are trying to race back as though they are missing something, instead of enjoying the trip and seeing something different. Travel broadens the mind.
  10. Leave them to it, None of our opinions on this board will have any clout in this matter. It's just how Thailand is and how Thailand has always worked. The prisons have plenty of innocent people in there, that just don't have enough money for lawyers, so they admit and get half sentences. Meanwhile, those with money never see the inside of a courtroom. Might beats Right, ............................every time.
  11. 3 more years then , hardly a hardship for him.
  12. The problem is at PEA as we found, they just are not interested in helping. The onus is on you to sort it out. A good electrician will know if there's an issue when he turns off the breaker. Your wife CAN REQUEST the PEA to come out and check the meters and show them previous bills and this ridiculous one for 16,000 baht. That should get some action.
  13. He is saying the house has been unoccupied in the main for four years as they reside in another dwelling. He IS NOT saying he hasn't paid bills for four years, he has stated he is paying his bills on that property monthly. His wife occupies the house for one or two nights per month, but it isn't their main residence any more.
  14. It's simple to see if you have a problem, turn off the main breaker in the house, then go outside and see if the meter is still spinning. That happened to me recently, and they found a leak to earth AFTER the incoming feed to the box to the meter, (where the electric comes in), which meant it was on the outgoing feed after the meter, so unfortunately, I had to pay for an electrician and rewiring and the expensive bill. Of course there's a major problem, an unoccupied house doesn't go from 1,000 baht to 16,000 baht per month, something is very wrong. If mice or rats have chewed the cables, they will have caused a leak to earth, so it's checked out by doing what I said above plus get in a good electrician to check it all out, and rewire if necessary.
  15. The ones I put links too work as well and are far cheaper. I wouldn't accept buffering in the middle of a football match.
  16. https://comfyiptv.com/ 6 months, $34.50 12 months $64 Been using it a while now. And they'll give you a 12-hour free trial to check it out. This next one is even cheaper with a money-back guarantee. https://www.pictureinitv.shop/home-tvs-uss
  17. He would have been selling Embassy services on behalf of the British Embassy. I remember him being an outstanding Honorary British Consul for Brits with problems in Pattaya, and he always went that extra mile. That's probably why they gave him an MBE.
  18. If that's all they have to live for, Fish and chips on Fridays, roast beef on Sundays and talking about their conquests of whores that are way past their sell by dates, I am so glad not to be part of that cityscape. What a miserable existence.
  19. Decisions, eh? The doddering old general who can hardly walk unaided by his bodyguards, a man who attacks journalists and has a watch collection bigger than Breitling, or a convicted drug dealer, who insists he was smuggling flour. Completely bizarre.
  20. Give them a uniform and a title, and they all suffer from an overinflated ego and self-importance.
  21. Yeah, Notice the Police haven't given any results on the breathalyser test of the drink driver as yet.
  22. Also, Britain and France allowed it not to be colonised as they required a' buffer state ' to prevent accidental disputes between the British and French occupiers/ colonisers. Britain put on ridiculously unfair treaties regarding trade etc against the Siamese, all of which Siam agreed to, rather than being colonised. The Japanese just walked in, and they were going to either way, just that the Thais try to remember it different, claiming they were invited in as allies. In July 1944, the declaration of war against the US and UK was voided as unconstitutional, and the PM forced out. This could have had plenty to do with the Thais saw the tide of the war turning in the Allies favour. So, the Thai image of nobody ever taking over their country, attempting to give the false narrative that they stood shoulder to shoulder in bunkers defending their land, is a result of selective recollection and dreaming.
  23. Yes, Scan passport page with photo to your PC, crop and make sure it's perfect and it will work. Some of the smaller land borders do not accept e visas. You can Google and check the border. If you are going through the main border crossings, no problem. Your third paragraph, yes, they are going to ask you details of where you are staying and by what method you are arriving. It's all straightforward, really.
  24. A lot to be said about street food.😆
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