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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Ha, Good on the lad. Well done. A lot of them can speak English, they just pretend they can't. But I never asked for applause when I learnt Thai and Lao., and No, they are not the same. Contrary to popular belief on this board. Going on 30 years in, I would be ashamed of myself if I had not made the effort to speak the language, and it has many benefits, especially regarding their friendliness towards me. A common remark is,' you are one of us ', and you speak Thai clearly ' That's a heck of a compliment. But it took years to gain the trust.
  2. Calling firefighters bums? Don't think so
  3. Suit yourself, i rarely care about your opinion.
  4. I find that in poor taste. She was working in the UK instead of sat on her bum gambling or up to mischief, which is common amongst Thais when they don't have enough to occupy their minds. A firefighter is a ' bum}' in your view? I think not, I think he's a hero.
  5. I think with medical check-ups, we can only do our best to stay on top of it. If I continuously worried, I would end up a nutcase. Apart from losing some weight, more exercise, she said I was doing well for 62 years old. So, there, we go.
  6. Yes Sheryl, Ex smoker, I quit 20 years ago.
  7. They just said all my markers were good and no evidence of cancer. I stay on top of this as a previous cancer sufferer. I lost my voice box to cancer 19 years ago My PSA tests were good, only things they pointed out was fatty liver and to lose a couple of stones and do more exercise.
  8. I had a colonoscopy last year , I mentioned it on the board. They said I was fine after removing a polyp.
  9. Checked it and it was very low. But thank you for asking
  10. Yesterday, people, I went and had a full annual medical check up at the above hospital. Total cost was 13,900 baht. Health promotion package. That included EST tests, heart monitoring, eyes, audio, dental, X-rays, Ultrasound the whole nine yards I went and met about nine specialists. Outstanding service and very professional. Easy parking outside as well. I am pleased they told me no presence of cancer, no diabetes, I need to lose a couple of stones and that will cancel out the fatty liver. She said, you are in good shape for 62 years old. Lose some weight, a bit more exercise and increase upper body strength by doing some resistance training. I would certainly recommend that hospital for an annual check up.
  11. I might be getting mixed up, I've been a bit fuddled lately, I'll check again.
  12. I've lost five. Three before they reached sixty. I have managed to get to 62 years old. It's a worry as we age, there are a lot less miles to go than those travelled, but I want to hang around as long as possible.
  13. Question is, why would I want to move to an international provider offering far less cover for the same premium? Pacific Cross have assured me they are happy with all my answers to health questions and honesty in answering pre-conditions and have said if the need arises to use insurance, they will be there for me.
  14. Well, She heavily promotes international providers as opposed to local ones. I am saying the cover Cigna is offering for the same premium is way below Pacific Cross.
  15. Yes, I did because I didn't want to leave the door open for any kind of refusal.
  16. So you mean you don't know?
  17. OK, My point is simple. Why are Thai Billionaires and Millionaires, and not only them, it applies to the Saudis and other nationalities, allowed to own freehold property in London, which they seldom occupy and buy as investments, forcing Londoners out to distant provinces because they can't afford the prices any more to live anywhere near the city? Yet, when a suggestion is made that I could own 1 Rai of land in North East Thailand for my houses, they are jumping up and down screaming about a foreign invasion. How long have they been babbling about giving foreigners 1 Rai of land to build a house, and it always comes to nothing. We have 4 Rai, but all in her sole name, not in joint names, which makes us LTR nervous, if something happens you are out on your ear. Even though, it was all your money that built it. We are together 27 years, m y total time in Thailand is definitely in excess (backwards and forwards) of 35 years. There is no level playing field.
  18. My first one in 27 years. Anyway, it went smoothly when he saw the houses, the history, photos etc
  19. @DodgerRodger They are decent people to work with
  20. I had an immigration visit last week after renewing my extension to stay. He came to the house with a female officer. This apparently is still the fallout of the elephant park guy in Phuket and clampdown on foreigners. He said he needed to speak to my neighbours to see that I have been a nice guy. That was actually quite handy, as my MIL lives in the house next door and SIL on the other side. We have a compound. MIL started telling him about her ailments, she's 84, He tried to explain that he was here to check on the foreigner not her ailments. She was having none of it.😆 She wanted some attention. His parting words were, ' I'll see you in six months, or maybe not '
  21. Sheryl, I do very much value your opinion on health matters. I did check with Cigna and others and the health cover limits were far below Pacific Cross. Pacific Cross have assured me that I am valued as a customer and there are no additional conditions being placed on my cover. I am now 62. I just paid them for Maxima Plus 47,000 with a 40,000 excess. They have said verbally, and in email, that disputes arise when foreign nationals don't reveal the whole truth and then try to claim for pre-existing conditions. Anyway, I've booked in to Bangkok Khonkaen for an annual medical this week as well, as cancer destroyed my family. 3 left out of eight. I don't know all the answers, just prevention and early detection is better than cure.
  22. @jacob29 Who said that then? You did tell me to go live in England.
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