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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I did say I went, and the local tax office were extremely relaxed and told me not to bother. So, they obviously are not getting the MEMO. I didn't understand your post in capitals, as I don't have permanent residency. I have a retirement extension based on a Non - O, I now also have a DTV. My intention, is not to renew my retirement extension or multi entry permit. On expiry, I will leave and re-enter on my DTV, which is now valid until January 2030.
  2. Definitely right. Thanks for that, cheered me up.
  3. That wasn't the point. The thread was about DTV and going to immigration to extend it at the immigration office, as opposed to leaving the country and the DTV days count starting afresh. Those guys could be stubborn and make a DTV extension in country difficult with requirements and documents. As usual these days, tax laws got mentioned. I pointed out already in my posts above. I am not repeating myself all over again. Some on this board are obsessed and turn every thread into a tax thread.
  4. I've said on the board all I will have to say about tax. I honestly have no idea about these new tax rules and what will, and will not, be implemented. Furthermore, I have done my job, I have all my paperwork, I have all my incoming funds to Thailand in a hard backed file. I went to the tax office, they seem to know nothing. If I get a knock on the door, I have all the necessary evidence. I actually owe them bugger all. My worst outcome is I get accused of not filing documents for tax purposes, and they said I should have filed. In that scenario, I immediately, backed up by my spouse, show the amount of times I have tried to understand what is going on and been told my by local tax office........ Don't call us, we'll call you! If they have made an error or cock up at their end, I am damn sure in this land of comprises, we will come to an agreement.
  5. Actually, in reality and being sensible, I think the term ' calendar year ' kicks in. So, a quick border hop for three days won't affect the fact you are in the country for the other 362 days
  6. For our sake, don't tell them and wise them up to this one. Land of copycats, they'd be straight on to it over here.
  7. It just isn't a big deal to do a border hop every six months, it's actually a pleasure for me.
  8. Sir, I have excellent Swiss friends, highly educated, pleasant, well-mannered as I like to consider myself to be to people. An idiot is an idiot, regardless of nationality.
  9. Usual unfunny sweeping generalisation, branding entire races of people with the same iron. CLOWN!
  10. Go jump in crocodile waters and leave me alone. You are a TROLL.
  11. Go get some vitamin D in the sunshine, instead, of trolling. You got nothing else to do?
  12. We are getting silly here now. It's not smart, and your poor attempt at sarcasm isn't wasted on me, I am quick on the uptake. Why do you insist on continuing down this path with me? We view it differently. THAT'S IT, STOP BEING A BLOODY TROLL. You won't change the way I see it.
  13. I am sorry, I have the flu. I will help you, but what is exactly your question? Let me try to guess, if you get a tourist visa for Cambodia, known as a 'T' Visa is 30 days available to extend once, for another 30 days and then you must leave or fines etc. If you get, and you can insist on, an Ordinary visa sometimes people call a business visa, you can change, ( better via an agent) it to a long stay visa in the form of 3. 6, or 12 months. You can obtain the visas in advance online. This official link will help you https://www.evisa.gov.kh/
  14. OK everybody, I am on retirement extension from a Non-O, and I went to Cambodia with specific intention of asking for a DTV. I know this is of interest to a few of you. It has taken about three weeks. Not only that, I applied online and showed my proof I was in Cambodia, I also have a Cambodian visa, but it's not necessary I had a lot of information, but you are limited as to what you can supply by the online application form. What I mean is you can provide singular, not multiple documents as uploads. I requested a soft power visa based on medical. I was granted 5 years today. Cambodia was fabulous. I went through the Chong Chom border etc. it's a gentle border and 2.5 hours to Siem Reap. So, I will allow my retirement extension to naturally expire and my multi entry permit, and then go to Cambodia and enter with my new visa in August. No more trips to immigration every year for me, well, at least for a few years.
  15. There would have been FAR MORE public information made available from the Thai government if drastic changes were afoot. Scaremongers on here can go and kiss my ass.
  16. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I RECEIVED NOTHING. As far as I am concerned, I have the information needed if any official comes to me. End of.
  17. Too many turkeys here wishing for Christmas. I've explained above already, I've done my research and covered my bases. How do I sleep? With the fan on full and my ass in the aircon.
  18. As opposed to listening to an unqualified non-official on a message board, wanting us to believe their view of things without verification?...😆
  19. Guys, If it's any consolation to some here having panic attacks, I got all my transfers from Barclays bank, I got similar bank statements from KTB that marry up to my transfers. KTB charged me 200 baht to print it all out. Furthermore, those of you who use WISE, they have just sent me a statement verifying my transfers using them for last year. I can't be the only one, many of you must have received this from WISE. I have copied, printed and put all the lot in a file labelled Thai Tax. All these allowances, I have done my research, so much so, I went to the disabilities' office in Kalasin, and found I could claim an additional 210,000 baht allowance, because I have a disability, and I am still only 62. I have a signed and stamped document from the disabilities' office, no, I didn't get the disability card, because they stated that those cards are linked to Thai people so they can get disability payments from the Thai government. The document was signed by multiple officers, it took all day. So, I have been proactive, if any bugger comes knocking on my door. I have a file full of documents. The local tax office, and I repeat, gave me a ' Don't call us, we'll call you ' answer. I honestly think they are in a better position than AN board members. I WILL NOT GET DRAGGED FURTHER INTO THIS DEBATE THAT IS NEVER ENDING ON IF'S, BUT'S AND WHAT IFS . Now that's the truth, the whole truth, do with it as you wish or totally ignore my post because I am past caring.
  20. And you can add me to the list. I am another. They said to me ' face to face ' they have had no instructions nor directives. They registered my pink card for tax purposes but said to me smiling and jokingly in a friendly way, 'Don't call us, we'll call you' I keep saying this on this message board, but so many seem to be hitting hysteria, I stopped commenting.
  21. A Thai tax officer said to me, it will take years to implement tax changes (he is mid-level in government tax department) They smile and laugh at us getting our knickers in a twist over this.
  22. So, some of your previous stuff I can go along with. However, to start making sweeping statements about visas and extensions are going to be linked to tax is just something you and others have got in your heads, there is NO SUBSTANCE to this. It's supposition.
  23. You mean the Swiss who kicked a Thai doctor who has now been cleared in court? Still here to my knowledge.
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