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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. The articles state that it was built in 1992 and opened in 2004. Was it cruising the Seven Seas in between. Here's a useful tip: A successful method of welding wood has not been found.๐Ÿ˜‹
  2. I hope this doesn't negate the number 9 on my lottery ticket.
  3. Why do these deviants always target ball players?
  4. Luckily, I am 'hansum man' already so no need clinic.
  5. The expression on the woman's face says it all.๐Ÿ˜
  6. Significant evidence. 1. Mobile phone 2. Motorcycle Thank goodness this rules out most of the indigenous population.
  7. He offered her 100 Baht. She said " That wont cover it!" He replied "No, neither will a dustbin lid' (Old joke.....I'll get my hat.......)
  8. "Sing, sing or show me your ring" ๐Ÿ˜€
  9. 11 millimetres calibre is better known as 0.45 inch. Plenty of Colt 1911 pattern pistols and copies in circulation.
  10. I would send in a company of Pattaya ladyboys with swinging handbags.
  11. Is this the man who owns the UK chain of sausage roll shops?
  12. As a frequent traveller on the route did she always dismount on the trackside instead of the platform side? If so, why?
  13. San Diego.....Diego Garcia..... Trump thinks they're one and the same.
  14. Just avoid Daging Lembu Goreng๐Ÿ˜€
  15. It looks to be young and healthy so why was it at the abbatoir?
  16. The police will dilligently trace the buyers using the ticket numbers and return the tickets to the rightful owners. ๐Ÿ˜‹
  17. As a long-term asthmatic myself I have always been prescibed a therapeutic powder inhaler to be used in combination with a (blue) salbutomol relief inhaler. The point here is not the active ingredients and effectiveness of inhalers it is an argument that the CFC propellent in the relief inhaler when released into the atmosphere becomes part of the ozone layer problem. The solution is to replace the propellent with an alternative deemed to be environmentally safe and non-toxic to humans.
  18. Better check the level in that brake fluid reservoir. Looks low to me.
  19. Especially as they only needed 3 bikes for 5 Chinese and 1 Thai.๐Ÿ˜‹
  20. Thanks Denim that's an interesting anecdote. Finding such miners in more modern times would be difficult. I agree with chickenslegs, the 'pits' are more likely adits dug by someone who is not claustrophobic!
  21. It's widely known that a Red Plate unlocks a speed governor on pickup trucks adding at least 40 kph to the top speed. It is incumbent on the vehicle owner to demonstrate the superiority of their new vehicle to other road users. I assume the injured male was the driver of the redplate Revo and responsible for the death of an innocent victim. A stark reminder that however carefully you drive you are always at risk from idiots like this.
  22. No lessons learned then? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-26847366#:~:text=At least seven people were,it%2C believing it was inactive.
  23. A square hole10 metres deep? Virtually impossible to dig by hand. Was one of the confiscated pieces of mining equipment a drilling/boring rig?
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