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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. No. To quote the late Spike Milligan: 'There are holes in the sky where the rain comes in. The holes are small that's why rain is thin'
  2. Good news. My PEA man has checked all my trees and reports they are made from wood which is a good insulator. ????
  3. These convoys travel only in the outside lane with minimum separation between buses and at high cruising speeds and freedom of interference from Highway Police. No more, please!
  4. Shoot! I missed this. I sent all my notes to a helpful Nigerian Prince already and should get the new Charlie 3 replacements tomorrow.......
  5. Referring to the linked news article. In the third image is what appears to be a female figure, on her knees, doing something with the deceased under a sheet........? ????
  6. That might work for the clinically obese.....????
  7. Buddha knows, with the amount of cash which goes into that temple they could innoculate the entire population for free.
  8. The child porker on the far right appears to have been locked in a MacDonalds resupply truck for a week.
  9. Lilac shorts with matching face mask. Nice combo.
  10. Which part is the brain?
  11. She could always talk continuous rap or Utter C-Rap as its better known.
  12. The photograph shows the governor giving his karaoke rendering of 'It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring........' It is not known to which member of the government this refers.
  13. She's not a Governor and I doubt that an official in charge of a sub-district is a 'Mayor'
  14. Correct me if I am wrong, when cannabis was decriminalised was it not supposed to be used for medicinal purposes only, it appears to being used as a recereational drug currently ? Shock! Horror! Tell me this is not so.......????
  15. The barstewards had four mobile phones between the four of them! Whats's the World coming to?
  16. Hole-in-the-wall NGV conversion......
  17. In the top right handhand corner of Photo 1 in the OP is a motorcycle wedged up a power pole. Is that from this accident or one earler.......????
  18. Is there a dry dock there large enough to take his sidekick?
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