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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. If his orders have no effect I expect him to personally lead a team firefighters on a parachute jump into a key area and create fire breaks. Good to see from his wings that he has kept up his training and qualified to a high standard.
  2. Governors who fail to curb burning will be charged with what exactly?
  3. I must be different although British veterans from the '60s might understand. My current 'wont go away' earworm starts with the verse: "This old shirt of mine has seen some effin time, this shirt of mine has seen some stormy weather" 😀
  4. And induce multiple low-speed collisions by drivers who have no idea about the rules applying to traffic on roundabouts.🤭
  5. 'Rubber bullets' is a common term for non-lethal ammunition used by military and law enforcement for crowd control. Although not stated in this report, it is likely the police used non-lethal pistol rounds in 9mm calibre. These fire rubber or plastic bullets at low velocity. That said, few people would have the skill to hit the hand of an assailant at (say) 5 metres and it is more likely she was shot in the torso.
  6. Er.....no. That was the victim not the abbot.
  7. They would be hanged? I say old chap, that's a trifle strong what?🤭
  8. A meeting so secret it can be revealed, but only to AN members known to be tightlipped and no threat to national security. 😋
  9. What on earth is that object she is grasping with both hands?
  10. The key link in this saga is the district Land Office. Someone in there authorised amendment to the Chanotes granting new ownership in the certain knowledge that it was 'temple land.
  11. Without explaining why nothing effective was done on his watch.
  12. There was just one male and one female in the crate when it started its journey........😀
  13. Was Ms A responsible for the fully blown condition?
  14. For his member😀
  15. The manner in which the article is presented suggests a poor relationship with its rider. Domesticated elephants are usually given a name and not referred to as 'it' and a good sympathetic trainer can develop a deep personal relationship with his animal leading to a bond of trust. Seems to me this 'trainer' was treating the elephant as a rental.
  16. Scarborough, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. The celebration will be '.....in different corners of Thailand' so the forgotten citizens of Nakorn Phanom are in for a shock.😀
  17. Why did they not have the decency to pee through the same straw? 'Pattaya Beach, your Ganges away from home'
  18. I guess condoms are out of the question?
  19. I have seen full grown elephants transported in an open ten-wheel truck never in a totally enclosed cage.
  20. As they say in Star Wars...."Oh, that Wan-Keir Nobe"
  21. I hope Rachel from Accounts has done some self-defence training.......
  22. 'There's an icebox with sausages in it' 🤔
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